False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 415 Star Ninja Village Disturbance

Chapter 415 Star Ninja Village Disturbance (3)

"Actually, we really don't have much confidence." In the end, Lei Yan just said with a slightly bitter smile.

"Really?" Hearing Lei Yan's words, the eyes of Xia Rixing and others dimmed immediately. Even they said that they were not sure. Had Pluto's strength already reached that level?

"Okay, let's not talk about this topic." Shaking his head slightly in his heart, Xia Rixing saw that everyone in the village had half-desperate eyes, and after talking in his heart, he changed the subject and said, "Both It’s the first time you come to our Star Ninja Village, let’s eat first, I ordered the following to bring some delicious dishes.”

"Then thank you, Aunt Xia Ri Xing." Hearing Xia Ri Xing's words, Lei Yan and Ibrahimovic both nodded and said without hesitation, but at this moment, their stomachs rang at the same time, and then their faces blushed , It's too embarrassing, isn't it just a few hours without eating, why did it start barking.

"Haha." Seeing the embarrassment of Lei Yan and Ibrahimovic, everyone in Xingren Village laughed, and the atmosphere became more harmonious.

"What? You Xingren Village seem to be very happy today." But at this moment, a discordant voice sounded, and then the door of the conference room was pushed open, and several middle-aged men walked in. Looking at the foreheads on their heads, they should be ninjas from Ninja Village.

"It's you?" Seeing these people, Xia Rixing couldn't help but whispered, "Riyao, what are you doing in Xingren Village now?"

"What are you doing?" Hearing Xia Rixing's words, one of the few ninjas smiled arrogantly and said, "It's nothing, just to see how you are doing, Master Xia Rixing. Our Master Rimang misses you very much." It's tight." Speaking of this, Ri Yao smiled obscenely, making people want to slap him a few times.

"Whether I live well or not has nothing to do with your Ninin Village," Xia Rixing's voice shouted and said: "If there is nothing else, please go back, otherwise, I will treat you as if you are not an intruder" .

"Really?" After hearing Xia Rixing's words, Riyao's face suddenly became stern and said: "Is this your Xingren Village? Master Rimang who insulted our Riren Village even came to beg us Is justice rejected? Is it because your Star Ninja Village has always treated outsiders like this? Or is your Star Ninja Village not paying attention to our Rinnin Village!" At the end, Ri Yao's eyes changed. It got chilly, and the accompanying few ninja also showed unkind expressions on their faces.

"You. You", after hearing his words, Xia Rixing suddenly didn't know how to answer, buckling off a hat that treats guests like this, plus a hat that looks down on Ninin Village, it's not something I can afford to wear .

"What? Let's go and apologize to Mr. Rimang according to our Lord Rimang's wishes." Seeing that Xia Rixing had nothing to say, Riyao said with a smug smile on his face.

"It's okay to apologize, but." It's okay to just apologize, but obviously there are other twists and turns in it, which makes Xia Rixing very embarrassed and doesn't know what to do.

"What? Don't you Xingren Village bully others and look down on our Ninja Village? You insulted our Lord Rimang, and you don't even want to apologize?" Seeing Xia Rixing's embarrassing look, the faces of Riyao and others The smile became even more arrogant, and he laughed and said: "If you still don't decide, Mr. Xia Rixing, in order to maintain the dignity of our ninja village, we can only do it forcibly."

"You guys", seeing their expressions and hearing their words, the star ninjas next to them couldn't bear it any longer, and saw a young star ninja upper-level suddenly complained: "Don't go too far, you ninin village Now, do it? Then you try it, I will let you go in vertically and go out horizontally today."

"That's good!!" Facing the angry faces of the star ninjas, these ninjas did not show the slightest expression of fear. They saw Riyao standing there with a big thorn, and said: "Today we are standing here Don’t move, I’ll let you fight, and it’s estimated that the ninja world will spread the heroic deeds of your star ninja village.”

Speaking of Riyao, he smiled triumphantly, and said: "At that time, your Xingren Village will be beautiful. It is not enough to insult our Lord Rimang, but even the people sent by our Riren Village to seek justice I called back, and I will see how the arrogance of your star ninja village will react when it spreads all over the ninja world."

"You", after hearing Riyao's words, these star ninjas were immediately unable to do anything. If I really acted quickly and attacked them, then the reputation of future star ninja village would be ruined by myself , the star ninjas who can't do it can only slap the net with angry eyes. These ninjas have been scratched over and over again. If the eyes can kill, these ninjas have long been given by the eyes of the star ninjas. It's too late.

But, it's a pity that the eyes can't kill, so, looking at those angry eyes, the ninjas became even more arrogant.

"How is it? Master Xia Rixing", looking at these star ninjas arrogantly, Riyao said proudly: "It's getting late, shouldn't it be time to start?"

"You." Hearing Riyao's words, Xia Rixing stood there hesitantly. Of course, he didn't intend to go at all, but if he didn't go, wouldn't the crime of insulting Riren Village be fulfilled?Insulting Ninin Village and refusing to apologize, this hat will be big if you buckle it.

"What's the matter? Are you doing this kind of business in Japan's ninja village? If people don't want to go, are you going to force them to visit your place?" Lei Yan finally spoke out.

Although I don't know what it is until now, but I know it just by looking at the realization of the two parties. No matter how Xia Rixing was sorry for them at Riren Village at the time, it is too unreasonable for them to be so arrogant and want to take people away now. People are taken seriously, and their expressions make people feel uncomfortable, and the organization for burying themselves is considered to be indebted to Star Ninja Village. At this time, seeing them being forcibly beaten away by others, it is impossible to justify it.

"Huh?" Seeing that Xia Rixing was about to leave with him, Ri Yao couldn't help but frowned slightly when a voice came out suddenly. He swept towards the source of the voice, and then the expression on his face suddenly changed. Disdainful: "Where is the fat brat? You don't have a place to talk here. Get out of here, otherwise, I will kill you." At the end of the talk, Ri Yao had a fierce expression on his face.

And after hearing the conversation between Lei Yan and Riyao, the star ninjas who were originally angry looked at Riyao no longer full of anger, but a look of sympathy. This fat man is not an ordinary kid. Well, he is a member of the funeral organization.

"You guys", seeing the sympathetic eyes of the star ninjas looking at him, Riyao was furious in his heart, why did they look at him with such eyes?Ri Yao, who couldn't figure it out, said angrily: "What kind of eyes do you have? I hate your eyes like that, so don't look at me like that again."

"Tut tsk tsk." Lei Yan shook his head slowly, and looked at Riyao with his mouth full of tsk tsk, and said sarcastically: "It's really a big air, to be in someone else's village, to be so aggressive, and even the other people Are you not allowed to look at you?"

Speaking of this, Lei Yan paused slightly, and then said: "Your behavior like this, can I take it as that you look down on people from Xingren Village?"

Hearing Lei Yan's words, the eyes of those star ninjas lit up immediately, then they stared at Riyao with a hostile expression, and said, "Yes, can you explain why you yelled in the conference room of our star ninja village?" Called? And we are not allowed to see you? Can we take this as an insult to our village?"

(End of this chapter)

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