Chapter 105 Allocation
When Qin Ke returned to Huangdou Academy, Ning Rongrong had already run back.

However, Ning Rongrong's expression was a little apprehensive at this time.

"what's the situation?"

Qin Ke looked at Ning Rongrong, and opened his mouth a little puzzled.

What the hell is this little girl planning to do?

Ning Rongrong lowered her head when she heard Qin Ke's words, and said after a while, "Brother Qin, my father, and my grandfather Jian, want me to take you to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School..."

Today when Ning Rongrong returned to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Fengzhi asked Ning Rongrong to take him back to check on him carefully. After all, he only had one daughter, and in the future it would also be related to the succession of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. [-]% focus on this matter.

Lest Ning Rongrong go astray and be deceived by others, causing his entire Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect property to be confiscated...

"Oh, what's the matter, it's okay, see if you have time tomorrow!"

After hearing Ning Rongrong's words, Qin Ke agreed after pondering for a while.

No matter how you say it today, I also connected with Qian Renxue.

If you go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School tomorrow, you might meet Qian Renxue.

With Qian Renxue at the side making up the knife, there shouldn't be any problems.

Qian Renxue's status at this time still has a certain say in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"Well, by the way, Mr. Flender said that there is something to talk about when we gather at nine o'clock tonight."

Qin Ke's words reassured Ning Rongrong.

It seems that Qin Ke is really serious about this matter, not just for fun.

This naturally made Ning Rongrong very happy.

Of course, Ning Rongrong didn't forget about today's business, Flender and the others had a rare big gathering today.

Qin Ke nodded, estimated the time, and came to the agreed big garden.

At this time, the original staff of Shrek Academy were all there.

It turns out that the students of the Royal Fighting Team are also here.

Of course, there is also Dugu Yan among them.

When Dugu Yan saw Qin Ke coming, he glanced away and turned his head away.

She will never forget what Qin Ke did to her!

"Okay, everyone is here. What we have to solve today is how to allocate the personnel of our two teams. After all, the captain of the Emperor Fighting Team has dropped out of school, and the captain is indispensable."

After seeing Qin Ke and Ning Rongrong coming, Yu Xiaogang stood up and spoke to a dozen students.

"Yu Tianheng is gone, let Sister Yanyan be the captain! After all, Sister Yanyan is the vice-captain."

Ye Lingling stood up and answered.

Yu Tianheng left as soon as he slipped away. Anyway, their Huangdou team had two new members before, so they squeezed out two as substitutes.

Now you can turn one of them into a full-time member at will. Isn't the seven of them alike?

"Not everyone can take the role of captain. Although Xiaoyan said that he is strong, he is not very good at commanding the battle, and your team is not the best match. For example, there are two defensive soul masters, and there are three control system soul masters." Well, you lack a strong attacking team member, but obviously, Yufeng and Oslo are not enough to take on important responsibilities. They can't replace Tianheng's role. If you force them to be transferred, it will have a greater impact on your team. .”

Yu Xiaogang explained lightly.

He is a theoretical school, whoever dares to reason with him, he will make the other party unable to reason.

Yu Xiaogang's words also made Ye Lingling calm down.

It was the same thing, although Yu Tianheng lost to Azhu Ashui, but Azhu Ashui really couldn't replace Yu Tianheng's role.

"So, I decided to transfer Xiao Qin to your team. Xiao Qin is strong enough to replace Yu Tianheng. He is calm and calm. He can be the captain of the team. Our team only has two auxiliary souls. Teacher, it is tentatively determined to be like this."

Yu Xiaogang finalized his distribution plan.

In fact, Yu Xiaogang planned to assign Ye Lengleng and Ning Rongrong in a team.

In this way, one increases attack speed and defense, and the other increases vitality. The combination is seamless, and it is an invincible team!
His initial plan was to either transfer Graphite Stone Mill to the Shrek team, and then transfer Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong to them.

Zhu Zhuqing is a sensitive soul master, Shrek Academy already has a Xiao Wu, so it's not a big problem to transfer her there.

Assigning Ning Rongrong to the past is naturally a cooperation with Ye Leng Leng.

This combination is also very good, but the Shrek team will lose out, and their combat effectiveness will drop a lot.

Another solution is to transfer Ye Lengleng over, Zhu Zhuqing and Oscar.

But in that case, the Huangdou team will be abolished, and the Huangdou Academy cannot agree.

Therefore, the result of the two plans is that the strong team will be stronger, and the weak team will be weaker. The people behind the two teams will not agree, so naturally they can only cancel it and choose a compromise.

And if the allocation is too large, it will affect the cooperation between teammates.

In the past few months, I don't know if it will be too late to re-run.

After all, these students had been together for a long time before this, and they already had feelings for each other. It was very difficult to regroup with new teammates.

Therefore, Yu Xiaogang still decided to transfer one of his teams to the Huangdou team.

This is just right, because there is one more person in their team, and the Huangdou team just happens to have one less.

And this extra function is needed by the team with few players, so this kind of match is more perfect.

Of course, another reason is that Yu Xiaogang also has to think about Oscar.

Oscar is a good student, and he is also an old student of Shrek Academy.

However, because of the limited number of people, it was difficult for Oscar to play in the Shrek team.

Yu Xiaogang also didn't want Oscar not to be able to participate in the Continental Soul Master Academy Competition, leaving a lifetime of regrets.


Facing the sudden addition of a "new partner", Ajuashui was naturally very appreciative.

But Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling couldn't accept it.

Dugu Yan didn't say anything, but he was still cursing Qin Ke in his heart, it was really abominable.

And Ye Lingling always felt that Qin Ke was not a good person. Before that, she wanted to stay away from Qin Ke, but she never thought that the distance between them was getting closer.

This made her a little nervous.

However, seeing that her teacher Qin Ming not only had no objection to Yu Xiaogang's decision, but also nodded in agreement, she also sighed and accepted the fact.

On the other side, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing did not want to agree to this proposal.

But seeing that Qin Ke didn't make a sound, they couldn't say anything.

However, they couldn't help making a fuss in their hearts even though they were unhappy.

It was nothing more than cursing the two little goblins, Azhua Shui.

From their point of view, the reason why Qin Ke didn't refuse was because of these two goblins.

Ning Rongrong was so angry!This guy just agreed to go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and that's how it turned out.

I really want to give him two big ears, but I lack a little courage...

However, they really misunderstood Qin Ke.

The reason why Qin Ke defaulted to this deployment plan.

The answer is simple, where he is, it is definitely the first team of Huangdou Academy.

Because this is Huangdou Academy, we must focus on the team we formed.

Otherwise, won't Huangdou Academy lose face if they let their foreign aid become the first team of Huangdou Academy?
And the first team of Huangdou Academy doesn't need to go through selection or anything, and can directly advance to the finals.

Qin Ke hated trouble, so he agreed.

It's a pity that he, who has always been aboveboard, was still misunderstood.

After the team deployment was over, Qin Ke returned to his dormitory.

Considering that he was going to meet Ning Rongrong's parents tomorrow, this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Although Qin Ke said that he thought he was an outstanding group, he was still an ordinary commoner after all, with a big gap in status.

So, he decided that he should prepare well.

Therefore, tonight, Qin Ke didn't plan to sleep.

After closing the doors and windows, he disappeared into his room.

Soon, after regaining consciousness, Qin Ke came to a desert.

Before Qin Ke had time to react, he suddenly felt something soft hit Qin Ke's body directly.

Qin Ke's whole body was smashed into the desert sand...

The next volume, Fights Break the Sky, this is the part of the plot inserted in the desert.

(End of this chapter)

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