Douluo: My martial soul connects all worlds

Chapter 114 Improving Your Cultivation Level

Chapter 114 Improving Your Cultivation (Ninth Update)
As soon as the old guy came in, he saw Die.

Could not help but shine.

No matter how you say this butterfly, even a Douhuang like Hai Bodong can't bear it, let alone a third-rank pharmacist.

Soon, the third-rank pharmacist announced the rules for becoming a pharmacist.

When Qin Ke was about to take the exam, he was grabbed by this old guy.

"Boy, are you willing to be my apprentice? Old Fu Lin Yu, a third-rank pharmacist!"

The old man came to Qin Ke's side and spoke proudly to Qin Ke.

A third-rank pharmacist has a high status in the entire Jia Ma Empire!

This made Qin Ke startled.

Could it be that he also has the legendary aura of dominance in his body, so that these old guys rush to recruit disciples?
However, after seeing that the old guy's eyes were not on his body, but on the butterfly behind him, Qin Ke probably understood.

"It's my honor for the master to accept me as an apprentice! Naturally, I am willing to learn from the master!"

This old guy's cultivation should be at the level of a seven or eight-star fighter, so Qin Ke didn't care about it at all.

Since this guy came to his door on his own initiative, Qin Ke is not polite.

He nodded.

Seeing that Qin Ke agreed, Die panicked.

Because she feels that this old guy is not a good thing...

But Die also remembered that Qin Ke's strength was definitely above this old guy, so she didn't say much.

"Okay, you don't need to take the test, come with me!"

Lin Yu was overjoyed to see Qin Ke being so knowledgeable.

Use the privilege directly, so that Qin Ke doesn't have to take the exam.

After all, as a third-rank pharmacist, he is qualified to accept apprentices alone.

Qin Ke followed Lin Yu to Lin Yu's home.

"Hey, little guy, it's not impossible to follow me to learn alchemy, but you have to give this snake girl to me!"

After arriving at home, Lin Yu finally showed his fangs and smiled at Qin Ke.

This is his territory, he is an eight-star fighter, it's easy to take care of a fighter, right?
"Hey! If that's the case, then I can't help it!"

Qin Ke shook his head.

He sincerely wants to learn art from a teacher!

However, these guys just want to "conspire against themselves"!

If this is the case, Qin Ke has nothing to do.

The third-grade pharmacist was suppressed directly by flipping his hands.

Trapped him in a house with iron chains and imprisoned him, and explained to himself the knowledge of refining medicine.

This guy doesn't cooperate?
Qin Ke has plenty of ways to get him to cooperate!
Qin Ke confiscated this guy's ring, and chose a first-grade elixir formula called Ningxue San as a practice object.

In four days, Qin Ke spent dozens of medicinal materials, and finally the elixir became a elixir.

At this time, Qin Ke had half-stepped into the realm of a first-grade pharmacist.

After achieving his goal, Qin Ke directly confiscated all the old guy's family property, leaving only one gold coin to buy him a few steamed buns.

After looting this Lin Yu, Qin Ke returned to the Warcraft Mountains and entered the retreat mode.

After Lin Yu was ransacked by Qin Ke, he quickly reported the matter.

No matter what he said, he was also an elder of the Alchemists Guild.

The alchemist was looted, which was an intolerable time for the alchemist guild.

Immediately, a photo of Qin Ke being wanted was posted in every major city of the Jia Ma Empire.

But Qin Ke is not active in human cities, so naturally there is no need to panic.

The medicinal materials in Qin Ke's hands are enough for Qin Ke to refine for a long time.

The ingredients needed for a first-class elixir are very common.

After staying in the Warcraft Mountains for half a month, Qin Ke already had more than 300 first-grade healing pills in his hands.

Qin Ke's cultivation has also reached the level of a nine-star fighter.

In addition to Qin Ke's powerful body, and the assistance of pills, Qin Ke is not slow to practice.

The elixir was not refined by Qin Ke, but obtained by Qin Ke from the three fighting kings and the two third-rank pharmacists, Gute Jialinyu, who he looted.

These elixirs were all of the second and third ranks, and there were a few of the fourth ranks, all of which were swallowed by Qin Ke.

Qin Ke's body could fully bear the power of the medicine.

These elixirs are all kinds of strange things, but they are not poisonous. Regardless of whether they help his cultivation or not, Qin Ke treats him like a jelly bean.

Oh, Die also ate some. Qin Ke would play some games with Die during the period, and Die would give it to her if he met his requirements.

Well, Qin Ke can be regarded as raising a beautiful snake.

Although Qin Ke's current cultivation speed is said to be very fast, the speed in the future will be much slower, because Qin Ke's original soul power is only in the thirties.

Quickly let the body reach the Nine Star Fighter, and the soul can also bear it.

The latter will not work.

Qin Ke didn't care so much anymore, and now he was going to try to refine other elixirs.

Thinking of this, Qin Ke grabbed the Guyuan powder next to him and threw it into the pool under the waterfall.

After the butterfly in the pool saw it, she moved her body immediately and ate the Guyuan powder perfectly in her mouth at this moment.


After receiving the pill thrown out by Qin Ke, Diexi smiled.

Well, at this moment, she is like a fish, no longer a beautiful snake, but a mermaid.

And Qin Ke is a tourist watching fish, Die waits for Qin Ke to feed.

This kind of game made Qin Ke relax a lot.

When Qin Ke got bored with alchemy, he would come to play such games with Die.

After Die finished playing, give her high-level pills.

Conscience of heaven and earth, this game was asked by Die himself to play, Qin Ke just passively accepted it!

However, if Medusa sees her darling sister being played by Qin Ke like a pet.

There is absolutely no second word, Qin Ke will be torn directly.

Unfortunately, Medusa cannot see this situation.

After playing for a while and relaxing, Qin Ke was about to leave the cave and go to a nearby town.

He couldn't go to Black Rock City. Although Qin Ke said he wasn't afraid, he didn't want to solve those troubles either.

Therefore, the final goal is to place a small town in the Warcraft Mountains, called Qingshan Town.

Qin Ke wanted to go out, so naturally Die, his follower, would also go.

It was inevitable that he would encounter some monsters with no eyesight on the road, but Qin Ke didn't refuse, and directly killed them to grab the magic core.

On the way to Qingshan Town, Qin Ke passed a small village.

It has to be said that in the Warcraft Mountains, these small villages are very dangerous.

Maybe that day the village would be massacred by monsters.

But there is no way to do it, there are only so many towns, and the number of people they can accommodate is limited, so some people are bound to be unable to enter.

And they are not too strong in the mountains, and migrating in groups is destined to become the ration of monsters.

In desperation, they can only survive in this monster mountain range with the help of some natural barriers.

Qin Ke originally planned to cross this small village directly.

However, as soon as he arrived at the side of the village, he felt an extremely mysterious power in the village.

"Could it be a baby?"

Qin Ke suddenly had this conjecture in his heart, and entered the village without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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