Douluo: My martial soul connects all worlds

Chapter 117 Butterfly's Recovery

Chapter 117 Butterfly's Recovery (12 more please subscribe)
Just when the Amethyst Winged Lion King was about to release his next move, a "stalwart" figure was blocked in front of Qin Ke.

The attack of the Amethyst Winged Lion King was easily neutralized by it.

"Snake-human powerhouse! Why do you help this human being! I and your snake-human race are not in conflict with each other!"

Seeing that the aura of this woman in front of him is no less than his own, the Amethyst Winged Lion King can also be sure that the woman in front of him is also a genuine fighting emperor!

Although the Warcraft Mountains and the land where the Snake People are located are not directly bordered, they are also connected to that desert.

Both sides are basically keeping the peace!
Why did the snake man in front of him come to help this despicable human being?

"I do things, I don't need you to take care of them!"

At this time, the butterfly actually had a cold breath.

This made Qin Ke feel that the person in front of him seemed to be the glamorous Queen Medusa from before.

The change is really too big, it shouldn't be!
"Then you die here! Give it to me!"

If it is a snake-human clan, the Amethyst Winged Lion King is naturally extremely afraid.

But since there is only one, even if it is the Emperor Dou, the Amethyst Winged Lion King has nothing to fear!

His own strength is not weaker than the snake-human Dou Huang, and he still has a few Dou Wang helpers!
Why should he be afraid?

With the order of the Lion King, the three major fifth-order monsters in the air shot instantly.

"Get out of here!"

Facing the three monsters comparable to the King of Fighters, Die completely dismissed them.

Dou Huang's aura was vividly displayed by her.

Although Die is not the queen of the snake-human race, it does not mean that she has no potential in any aspect.

Medusa is extremely proud, and her temperament and majesty are completely beyond what these fifth-order monsters can possess.

Not even the Amethyst Winged Lion King can compare in this aspect.

Although he is also a king, he is not deeply rooted in the hearts of beasts.

For a moment, the three beast kings didn't dare to move!This is the power of the powerful aura!
"You have all fought hard from the first-order monsters to the present? What? How brave are you!"

The Amethyst Winged Lion King saw that the three beast kings were actually stopped by the sound of Die, and immediately spoke ironically.

The Amethyst Winged Lion King's scolding sounded like a blow to the three beast kings.

Yes, they have fought from humble beginnings to become the fifth-rank beast kings, and they all have a fearless heart all the way forward.

When have you been afraid before?

The three of them immediately woke up, driving their huge bodies forward.

What about the Douhuang powerhouse?They are still not afraid!That's it!

Die didn't speak, and took out his weapon.

The three beast kings, although it is impossible to be Die's opponent.

But if Die wants to solve the three of them, it will take a lot of work.

The Amethyst Winged Lion King looked on coldly.

Her child was still lying on her body, so she didn't dare to confront the Douhuang powerhouse casually, lest her child be hurt.

Not daring to confront easily, but this does not mean that the Amethyst Winged Lion King will not make a move!
At this time, the Amethyst Winged Lion King is waiting for the opportunity to give Die a final fatal blow!
Die didn't have much choice to take care of Qin Ke at this time, but fortunately, Qin Ke was dealing with a group of third-order flying monsters, and Qin Ke could handle it.

Butterfly is also a little anxious, planning to make a quick decision.

But the more anxious you are, the more tired you become.

"Amethyst Seal!"

After performing a cup of tea, the Amethyst Winged Lion King suddenly rose up and shot out a beam of light towards Die.

The amethyst seal, Qin Ke is naturally aware of this trick.

With this move, the Amethyst Winged Lion King sealed the Douhuang Yunyun in the original work, and the Douhuang's cultivation base is ten to one, and his combat power directly becomes a fighter with a combat power of five.

If the butterfly is hit, maybe it will directly become a dish?

At that time, the butterfly is really miserable.

Qin Ke could leave, but Die couldn't, and the only result would be to die in the hands of the Amethyst Winged Lion King.

At this time, there was really no other way, so Qin Ke had no choice but to stand up and stand in front of Die with a knife.

In an instant, Qin Ke felt heart-piercing pain, and bursts of purple inflammation were ravaging Qin Ke's body.

But fortunately, Qin Ke himself is a fire cultivator, coupled with the endless power of the five elements in his body, Ziyan of the Amethyst Winged Lion King was quickly suppressed.

Qin Ke's armor also resisted most of the trauma caused by the amethyst seal.

Otherwise, Qin Ke, a mere fighter, could be instantly killed by this move.

Being hit firmly on the body by this move, Qin Ke's hard-working fighting spirit was directly sealed mercilessly by the Amethyst Winged Lion King.

Qin Ke couldn't use the method of fighting qi anymore, and Ziyunyi was passively withdrawn.

"Go straight!"

Qin Ke grabbed Die's arm to prevent himself from falling, and said eagerly.

At this time, there is only running.

As long as the butterfly is safe, Qin Ke will not have any problems.

Butterfly didn't say anything, grabbed Qin Ke and ran away.

If you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of running out of firewood. Although the Amethyst Winged Lion King is strong, but the snake-human tribe wants to kill her, there are plenty of opportunities!
"Follow me!"

Naturally, the Amethyst Winged Lion King was unwilling to just let the Dou Huang go.

The snake people are powerful, and she will feel a headache if she takes revenge.

So, at this time, if it is possible to kill the Snake Human Race, a Dou Huang powerhouse, and break the Snake Human Race's arm, the Amethyst Winged Lion King will naturally be happy to do it.

However, several kings of the Warcraft Mountains chased after them, and after the butterfly ran to the desert area, they retreated into the mountains.

The desert is already the territory of the snake people, and it will be troublesome when the strong snake people come.

"Are you OK?"

After the Amethyst Winged Lion King and the others retreated, Die found a place to put Qin Ke down, and asked with concern.

The move of the Amethyst Winged Lion King just now was extremely powerful, even Die found it very difficult.

Although Qin Ke's strength is said to be strong, he may not be able to bear it.

"It's okay, my armor protector has offset most of the power, and I can handle the rest, but... I have been hit by the Amethyst seal of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, and it will be a bit troublesome to break it... "

Qin Ke smiled and signaled Die not to be nervous.

The troublesome thing is the amethyst seal, even Dou Huang may not be able to break it, it needs to refine a specific medicine to break the seal.

And it seems that it needs the help of medicinal materials from the entrance of the Amethyst Winged Lion King's cave. It seems to be like this. Qin Ke only remembers that it was like this in the comics.

Die looked at the seal in Qin Ke's body, and wanted to try to crack it, but he was helpless.

"My sister is stronger than me and knows a lot more than me. Maybe she has a way."

Butterfly finally spoke.

Medusa also knew some sealing techniques, and Hai Bodong was sealed by Medusa later on.

Dou Huang fell into Dou Ling.

She might have a way to solve this amethyst seal.

"This... Forget it... You also know my strength, fighting spirit is only a small part, I will try it slowly by myself! Don't bother your sister, but you, your memory has recovered, or Go back and help your sister! You two sisters work together to rectify the snake-human race, and don't let those rotten rules continue to harm the descendants of the snake-human race."

Qin Ke shook his head and rejected Die's proposal.

The ghost knows if this Medusa will take the opportunity to click her.

Although the queen is said to be coquettish in the later stage, when she has not been conquered in the early stage, she is cold-blooded and ruthless!

And Die...Qin Ke could bully her well before, but now that her cultivation has recovered, how dare Qin Ke keep her ancestor here...

At that time, the one being bullied may be himself.

Before you have no strength, you should keep some distance from her.

He quickly found a reason to send her back.

After hearing Qin Ke's words, Die fell silent.

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(End of this chapter)

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