Chapter 119 Domineering Queen (14 more)
Die also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Qin Ke's words.

She was really worried that after Qin Ke encountered the strange fire, he would be happy to refine the strange fire.

Qin Ke carefully took out a few lotus seeds.

This lotus seed is also a good thing for Qin Ke, and its medicinal effect is no worse than that of Amethyst Winged Lion King's companion Amethyst Source.

"Let's go!"

After taking all the lotus seeds, Qin Ke decided to go out after taking one last look at Qinglian Dixinhuo.

After leaving the underground world, Qin Ke submerged the sand hole he dug to prevent others from discovering it.

"Go to our snake-human headquarters as a guest~~ Let's go to the snake-human tribe together. Your cultivation is not bad, maybe I still need your help."

After returning to the surface world, Die saw that Qin Ke had been wanting to say something, but was too embarrassed to say it.

She had a bad feeling, so she took the initiative to speak.

She felt that Qin Ke was about to leave.

Qin Ke looked at Die, and finally nodded.

He has been here for a while, and there is not much time left.

However, Die said so, and Qin Ke couldn't refuse, after all, although he said he took care of her in the early stage.

But in the battle at the Warcraft Mountains, she still helped herself a lot.

It's okay to go to her house to play, and you can play for a few days.

You Die led the way, and on the way to the main rudder of the snake-human race, all the guards he encountered respected Qin Ke very much and did not dare to stop him in the slightest.

After feeling the breath of her sister, Queen Medusa also appeared.

At this time, Die naturally hugged her happily. After all, her memory has awakened at this time, and she recognizes her sister.

The relationship between the two sisters is very good.

Medusa was extremely happy when her sister's memory was restored.

For a while, the look in Qin Ke's eyes was no longer so cold and hostile.

"Queen! Since the traitor has come to your door, what should you do? You don't need the old man to remind you, do you?"

Just when the two sisters were about to go down to talk about the past, the stubborn elder of the Snake People clan spoke again.

This changed the expressions on the faces of Medusa and Die.

"From now on, this rule will be abolished!"

Medusa looked at the elder, and spoke very seriously.

What a broken rule, she doesn't need this rule to exist.

How good the relationship between the two sisters is, Medusa is naturally clear, she doesn't believe that her sister will fall out with her.

If that day really comes, she is also willing to delegate power to her younger sister.

The cooperation between the two sisters will bring a better tomorrow to the snake people!
Hearing Medusa's words, the ordinary soldiers of the snake-human race were taken aback.

Their queen today is...

"Presumptuous! Are you trying to rebel?"

Seeing that Medusa, who had always been obedient to him, actually disobeyed his opinion, the elder was extremely angry and spoke arrogantly.

At this time, he was really drifting away, and he even forgot what his status was.

"Presumptuous? Rebellious? I think you are presumptuous, you want to rebel, snake people, who is the queen?!"

Hearing the elder's words, Medusa let go of Die's arm, turned around, looked at the elder coldly, and asked.


Medusa's words left the elder at a loss as to how to answer.

Although he is said to be a very senior elder of the snake-human race, his status is definitely not as high as that of the queen.

He can only give advice to the queen to a certain extent, and it is impossible to have the power to order the queen.

Seeing the eyes of the snake-human guards looking at him, a trace of bitterness and resentment flashed in the elder's heart.

"Not only do I want to abolish this rule, I will also abolish all the unequal rules within the snake-human race. I want to use my own way to lead the snake-human race to glory."

Seeing that the elder chose to remain silent, Medusa did not continue to oppress him.

Instead, he pulled his sister back and announced his ambition in front of many snake-human warriors.

This is the goal she set in mind when she became the queen of the snake people.

Now that her younger sister has also returned, she can make an official announcement and express her determination and ambition to her clansmen.

"Long live the Queen!"

"Long live the Queen!"


Medusa's words reached the hearts of many soldiers.

There are indeed great hidden dangers in the internal rules of the snake people.

But forced to be left by the ancestors, how can ordinary members of the snake people have the right to object?

But now that the queen has said it, the snake-human race must have a different tomorrow!

Medusa went down with her sister to whisper.

As for Qin Ke, Medusa asked Yue Mei to receive him.

Treat Qin Ke with an extremely distinguished hospitality.

The relationship between Yue Mei and Qin Ke is good, so they should be able to entertain Qin Ke well.

Yue Mei personally took Qin Ke to live in a luxurious guest room.

"You're too polite. I won't stay here for a few days before I leave here. If you have anything to do, you can go down and do things by yourself, don't worry about me."

The enthusiasm of the snake people made Qin Ke a little embarrassed.

Because Qin Ke has a thin skin...

"What can be the matter? Although I said that I have become one of the new eight leaders of the snake people, but you are my distinguished guest, I will definitely entertain you well. By the way, do you need someone to accompany you at night? If you need If so, I can arrange a few beautiful clansmen to accompany you."

Yue Mei pretended not to be troublesome at all.

Instead, he spoke with enthusiasm and thoughtfulness.

Qin Ke was stunned when he heard this.

Arrange a few beautiful snake girls to sleep with me?
Fuck, is it so heavy mouthed?

"No, no, no, no."

This Qin Ke really can't do anything, he is really not one of those fierce people, he will eat anything when he is hungry.

He's very picky about it.

"Then do you want me to catch some beautiful humans?"

Seeing that Qin Ke disagreed, a trace of sadness flashed across Yue Mei's face.

But then there was another smile on his face, and he said.

If you don't like snake people, then, real humans won't dislike them, right?

"Forget it, I'm not that kind of person, I still have to practice at night, forget it."

Nima, Qin Ke really doesn't have the courage to play with women on Medusa's territory.

He directly refused.


Seeing that Qin Ke refused everything, Yue Mei didn't have a smile on her face this time.

Qin Ke didn't let her do anything, so she didn't know how to repay Qin Ke's kindness.

Just now she used her own people to test.If possible, actually Yue Mei would not mind personally...

It's a pity that Qin Ke directly rejected it.

"Well, you help me find some animals, I have some uses."

Seeing that Yue Mei seemed to be really idle, Qin Ke also felt that he should find something for her to do, so he said.

"Okay! What are you looking for?"

Hearing that Qin Ke asked her for help, Yue Mei quickly agreed without saying a word.

If you need help, that's fine!

Qin Ke smiled slightly, and told Yue Mei about some animals and plants such as cattle, sheep, horses, etc. that he needed.

Although Yue Mei said that she didn't understand why Qin Ke asked herself to find these things, she didn't ask any further questions, and hurriedly left.

She is now one of the eight chiefs, and there are countless people under her command who can be driven.

But she still wanted to search for these things herself.

At night, under the surprised eyes of the people, Yue Mei brought all the things Qin Ke needed to the other courtyard where Qin Ke was.

"Okay, thank you, Yue Mei, it's getting late, you should go back and rest early!"

Seeing these things, Qin Ke also nodded.

After he left, Yihuo must be guarded, and became targeted by other people.

Although the original book told him that this was impossible, before the pig's feet, no one except Medusa would touch the strange fire.

But Qin Ke also needs to be on the safe side. After all, whether Qin Ke can pretend to be aggressive in this world, and his rapid rise in this world depends on Qinglian's heart.

Although Die can help watch, but you can't let Yi Dou Huang watch all the time, right?
Therefore, Qin Ke prepared to do it himself.

That's why Qin Ke asked Yue Mei to help collect these animals and plants, and use them as carriers for supernatural beasts.

Yue Mei looked at Qin Ke resentfully.

But after seeing that Qin Ke didn't show any other needs, he had to go back obediently.

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(End of this chapter)

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