Douluo: My martial soul connects all worlds

Chapter 121 Let go of that girl

Chapter 121 Let go of that girl (Part [-])
Qin Ke remembered that the content of the original book was that Xiao Yan's grandfather, Xiao Lin, seemed to be a strong fighter.

Because of the Dou Wang, the Xiao family is considered a famous family in the Jia Ma Empire. Xiao Yan also made a marriage contract with Nalan Yanran of the Nalan family.

So, it shouldn't be difficult to find the Xiao family at this time, just find out that the Xiao family has Dou Wang in charge.

When Qin Ke walked out of the desert area, he found out that the Xiao family now lives in Luocheng, a big city near the imperial capital of the Jia Ma Empire.

Qin Ke took the flying passenger ship again and came to Los Angeles.

But after inquiring in Los Angeles, they found out that the Xiao family had been destroyed by a mysterious strong man half a month ago!

Patriarch Xiao Lin, the real Dou Wang also fell.

The rest of the Xiao family have escaped from Los Angeles and are nowhere to be found!
This made Qin Ke a little confused.

In desperation, he had no choice but to leave Los Angeles, planning to visit the Warcraft Mountains again and go to a city—Uktan City.

The Xiao family finally settled down in Uktan City.

So, he decided to go to Uktan City to sit on the sidelines.

Going to the Warcraft Mountains this time is a bit dangerous, after all, there is the big enemy, the Amethyst Winged Lion King, in the Warcraft Mountains!

So this time, Qin Ke walked along the periphery of the Warcraft Mountains.

There is no way, although Qin Ke is not afraid of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, but he is worried that he will have to run away after being discovered by the Amethyst Winged Lion King, so Qin Ke decided to coax him.

In the future, when the cultivation base is strong, come and clean up the Amethyst Winged Lion King.

At this time, in the path opened up by humans in the Warcraft Mountains.

A fat man around 30 years old, holding a child, followed by a woman behind him.

At this time, they were fleeing for their lives, and panic was inevitable on their faces.

"Xiao Zhan! You can't run away! My lord said, as long as you follow us back obediently, we will spare your Xiao family!"

Not long after, more than a dozen people on horseback chased after him.

While chasing and shouting.

Xiao Zhan also had a horse at the beginning, but after being hunted down for several days, the horse was also disabled, and now he can only walk.

But obviously, if they continue like this, they will definitely be overtaken by the pursuers!
"Brother Zhan! You take Yan'er and go first, I'll lure them away!"

At this moment, the woman in red who was following Xiao Zhan suddenly made up her mind, and after looking at her third son who had just been born, she spoke resolutely.

"Okay, sister Wan, please!"

After Xiao Zhan heard this, he immediately made a decision.

His cultivation is not bad, if Xiao Wan can lure half of his pursuers away, he is sure to deal with the rest!
Seeing Xiao Zhan's reply in seconds, the woman in red felt a little confused.

But he turned around and ran in another direction.

"You despicable and shameless guys! Come and catch me if you have the ability!"

The woman in red, that is, Xiao Zhan's wife, Xiao Wan, taunted the pursuers behind her, and then resolutely ran to the outskirts of the Warcraft Mountains.

"This bitch, boss, let me deal with her!"

Among those chasing soldiers, there was a guy with an extremely wretched face, after seeing Xiao Wan mocking them like this, his face was full of anger, and he spoke righteously.

"Fart! Boss, that Xiao Wan also has the cultivation base of a nine-star fighter, boss, let me go!"

Just after this wretched guy finished speaking, a fat man stood up and retorted.

Xiao Wan is a well-known beauty in Los Angeles, even though she gave birth to a child, it still can't affect Xiao Wan's beauty.

It even added a lot of charm to Xiao Wan.

The most important thing is that Xiao Wan just gave birth to a child, so she is extremely "predictable"!I don't know how cool it will be to play!

That big brother who takes the lead has a six-star Doushi cultivation base, so why doesn't he know what these guys are up to?
He also wanted to catch Xiao Wan in his heart, but the task given to them by their superiors was to catch Xiao Zhan!
So, he can't go!
After he left, no one would clean up Xiao Zhan.

"Old five, old six, old seven, old nine, you four go and catch that bitch for me, remember, I want to live."

Immediately, the leading brother made a decision.

Let a few other people catch Xiao Wan.

He didn't let the two who volunteered to recommend themselves just now go.

Although Xiao Wan is not a chick, he still wants to take the first place in this aspect.

Not because of anything else, just because he is the boss!

And the four people he just pointed out were not extremely lustful in the army.

"Yes! Boss!"

The four people who were stopped by the leading brother were overjoyed, but the expressions on their faces were extremely serious.

Immediately turned around to chase after Xiao Wan.

The two guys who just opened their mouths were reluctant, but they still didn't say anything after all.

Xiao Zhan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there were several fewer pursuers behind him.

Immediately after thinking about what would happen to his wife, a trace of grief also flashed in his heart.

He is really heartbroken!But for the sake of his newborn child, he had to give up.

As for what to use as bait to attract the enemy?This is impossible!
He died, what should the Xiao family do?He is the determined heir to the head of the Xiao family!

After he died, could it be that he asked his woman to find another man to enjoy his Xiao family's property?
Fuck you, it's impossible!
So, that's all there is to it.

Qin Ke was leisurely walking around the Warcraft Mountains by himself, when he suddenly heard some voices that often appeared in TV dramas.

"Hahaha, run, keep running? Let's see where you can go!"

"Just obey us obediently! If you take care of us comfortably, we might be able to show mercy and let you go!"

"From what? It's more flavorful to resist!"


After a while of foul language, there was a burst of triumphant laughter.

Qin Ke swept away the power of his soul, and he knew what happened in front of him.

Four men are slowly chasing after a woman.

Like a cat catching a mouse.

Because the woman in red is now covered with bruises, her feet seem to be sprained, and she can't run fast.

"These beasts!"

Qin Ke also never imagined that such a dirty thing would happen in broad daylight!
"anyone there……"

Xiao Wan also had a look of despair, and whispered in despair.

She thought that if she was running around in the Warcraft Mountains, she might encounter a cliff or a big river, so she jumped directly.

Although it is said that he will die, it is better than now!
She might be given by these beasts...

Thinking of this, Xiao Wan felt that this was really terrible.

At this time, how she wished that some monsters would rush out and tear herself apart.

Of course, it would be best if someone from Prince Charming came out to save him.

"You shout, even if your throat is broken, no one will come to save you!"

Seeing Xiao Wan struggling, the hearts of these four people flashed with incomparable satisfaction.

They like this, the more desperate you are, the happier they are!

"Let go of that girl!"

As soon as the man who spoke had finished speaking, Qin Ke walked over in a swaggering manner.

"Is there really someone out there? It's a pity, she is a beauty, but you are not a hero!"

Seeing someone stand up, although he said he didn't know if he could save himself.

But after all, it is a little gratifying...

At this time, Xiao Wan couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground.

Her body has long been exhausted, and it is entirely supported by willpower.

Now that her willpower has slackened a little bit, she can't hold on anymore.

Seeing that Xiao Wan had fainted, Qin Ke was a little confused.

He hasn't started to pretend, is it over?

Although Qin Ke didn't expect that the girl he rescued could promise anything with her body.

But how do you say you have to show your most handsome side?

However, if you are in a coma, you should be in a coma, and you can solve these little troubles by yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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