Douluo: My martial soul connects all worlds

Chapter 127 Integrating the Team

Chapter 127 Integrating the Team
Well, as long as he returns to Huangdou Academy, Liu Erlong can't do anything to him.

Huangdou Academy is not a place where Liu Erlong can act recklessly.

"This one……"

Qin Ke also didn't expect that he would "get into trouble" when watching a play.

It seems that you really can't join in the fun casually, there will really be problems.

Qin Ke looked at Flender to see what was going on with Flender.

Sure enough, Flender signaled Qin Ke not to go back now.

"This classmate, do you want to go to our Lanba Academy? Sister, I will entertain you well."

Liu Erlong smiled at Qin Ke.

Although she didn't know Qin Ke well, she still gave him a good face because of Yu Xiaogang.

"Master, don't you still have something to buy? I'll buy it for you first, and you can talk slowly here."

After thinking for a while, Qin Ke still dragged Ning Rongrong out of here.

As for what will happen later, it has nothing to do with him.

"What's the matter with them?"

Ning Rongrong asked curiously.

The powerful master who usually dared not even confront Flender in the academy felt a little bit off today.

"It's nothing, they are acquaintances and have nothing to do with us, let's go!"

Qin Ke didn't intend to explain, there was nothing to explain.

Liu Erlong's cultivation is not bad, but Qin Ke is not afraid at all, okay?

After walking around for half a circle and enjoying this feeling, I was almost done and went back to Huangdou Academy.

Tonight, Yu Xiaogang came back with a blank expression on his face.

It may be because of some things that happened today, which caused Yu Xiaogang to feel a little...

Therefore, after Yu Xiaogang came back, he made up his mind that he will also conduct some training in the next period of time.

Of course, this is only for the Shrek team.

The Huangdou team is still organized by other teachers of the Huangdou Academy.

Qin Ke joined the Huangdou team, so naturally he didn't have to suffer with the members of the Shrek team.

However, Qin Ke, as the captain of the Huangdou team, naturally had to think about his teammates.

This team, no matter what Qin Ke said, he had to build it stronger than the Shrek team so as not to humiliate Qin Ke's identity.

In the current Huangdou team, there are two and a half people belonging to him.

Ah Zhu A Shui counts as two, Dugu Yan counts as half.

It is naturally difficult to subdue these members of the Royal Fighting Team.

The first person Qin Ke planned to clean up was naturally Dugu Yan.

In order to convince Duguyan, Qin Ke summoned Duguyan alone.

"In other words, there is no deep hatred between us. Why do you hate me so much?"

Qin Ke spoke to Dugu Yan somewhat incomprehensibly.

He gave Dugu Yan a second martial soul, but Dugu Yan didn't seem to be "grateful" at all.

It was because Dugu Yan fused with the second martial spirit that Qin Ke said that she was half of him.

"Don't you know it yourself?"

Dugu Yan spoke coldly.

Qin Ke was in her home and treated his grandfather so badly. It's strange that she didn't have a problem with Qin Ke.

"I gave you the second martial spirit. Think about it, after your first martial spirit, Jade Phosphorus Snake, has eight or nine soul rings inlaid, then you can inlay the second martial spirit with a soul ring. If you use a soul beast over ten thousand years old as a soul ring, how will your fighting power be? Is there anyone in the same level who can defeat you?"

Qin Ke said seductively.

This is the strength of the second martial soul.

"Think of me as a fool! My grandpa told me! If the second spirit ring is pressed, it will conflict with the first spirit! At that time, it will explode and die!"

Dugu Yan spoke very speechlessly.

Do you really think she is stupid and doesn't know anything?

After learning this, she couldn't be happier.

"This is not a problem, I can easily solve this problem."

Qin Ke signaled Dugu Yan not to worry.

"Think about it, if I can't solve it, why did I master this method? Think about it! If you follow me with peace of mind in the future, your achievements will definitely surpass all the strong people in your Dugu family!"

In order to convince Dugu Yan, Qin Ke added something to Dugu Yan.

These words really made Dugu Yan hesitate.

Qin Ke has the means to create a second martial spirit. Perhaps, it can really solve the problem of two martial spirits colliding?
This made Dugu Yan somewhat at a loss as to what to choose.

It has to be said that Dugu Yan really didn't know how to refuse Qin Ke's temptation.

"Think about it yourself, go back first, and I'll talk to other people."

In fact, Qin Ke's strength no longer needs any teammates, and it's no problem to fight seven.

But if this is the case, it is really unfair to those people, and it is a bit suspected of bullying the small, so Qin Ke still plans to train his teammates, and use his soul power to fight against them in future games.

Dugu Yan left in a daze, and then Qin Ke received the two Shimo Shimo brothers.

The two brothers are a bit of a stickler.

It was very simple for Qin Ke to subdue them. After giving them some desired goals, the two brothers chose to submit.

As for Ye Lingling, Qin Ke did not look for her.

To deal with this kind of girl, we still have to use the method we used to deal with Ning Rongrong before, keeping her cold for a while, and waiting for her to come to him on my own initiative.

Qin Ke couldn't believe that Ye Lingling's temper was even more stubborn than Ning Rongrong's.

Think about how arrogant Ning Rongrong was at the beginning.

But now?Didn't you take the initiative to find him to sleep in a love hotel outside and ask for sex?
Ye Lingling, from now on, will obediently submit to her own "majesty".

Seeing his teammates all went into the small black room to talk to Qin Ke.

And after the conversation, a lot of changes have taken place in his teammates.

The graphite stone mill can understand that these two big bosses are easy to win over.

But what happened to Dugu Yan?There is a "deep hatred" between Dugu Yan and Qin Ke.

Why is Qin Ke also attracted now, and started to get close to Qin Ke?

This damn guy is so attractive!
What's more, this guy even talks to Dugu Yan secretly, why doesn't he look for him?

Although I said I was not happy with Qin Ke, but it didn't seem to be as serious as Dugu Yan, right?
The more Ye Lingling thought about it, the angrier she became.

There are seven people in a team, and all five stand towards Qin Ke.

Just isolate her?What does this mean?Could it be that he intends to replace himself?
Thinking of this, Ye Lingling felt it was possible. After all, there was no secret between Qin Ke and Ning Rongrong. Could it be that Qin Ke planned to let Ning Rongrong replace him and go to the Shrek team by himself?
Thinking about this time, Ye Lingling couldn't hold her own anymore, so she took the initiative to find Qin Ke.

It's better for her to go to the Shrek team alone, she will be even more isolated, and no one will recognize her.

His hands lined up directly on Qin Ke's "desk".

"What do you mean? Are you going to replace me?"

Ye Lingling sneered, now she misses the original Huangdou team very much.

Although she was relatively independent at that time, she had never been wronged!
"How is it possible! You are the "Dinghaishenzhen" in our team, how could it be possible to replace you?"

Qin Ke said in surprise, "I don't know" why Ye Lingling said that.

No matter how you say it, it is impossible to replace the assistant!

"Then why did you talk to them and not me? Isn't it just to exclude me from this team?"

Ye Lingling questioned incredulously.

Next, Qin Ke naturally gave a good explanation.

The explanation given to Ye Lingling was that she asked them to chat privately, nothing more than letting them work hard with her after graduation.

And why didn't you look for Ye Lingling? The answer was obvious, because Ye Lingling had rejected his invitation before, so Qin Ke didn't look for her either.

This answer made Ye Lingling look at Qin Ke suspiciously.

She suspected that Qin Ke was cheating on her.

Qin Ke also felt a little funny, this Ye Lingling was still a little girl after all, what kind of scheming could she have?I can easily tidy her up and subdue her.

(End of this chapter)

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