Douluo: My martial soul connects all worlds

Chapter 132 Robbing and Killing Tang 3's Team

Chapter 132 Robbing and Killing Tang San's Team

At the speed of riding a carriage, it would be impossible to get to Wuhun City within half a month.

Naturally, it was impossible for Qin Ke to sit in the car idly every day, but he flapped his little wings and walked alone.

When I have nothing to do, I wander around on a horse.

This time, the Heaven Dou Empire sent [-] royal knights to follow them as guards.

Since there are knights, horses are naturally indispensable.

As the captain of the Qin Kehuangdou team, it is no problem to ride a fine horse.

There is nothing in this world that money cannot solve.

If so, I will add money!

Qin Ke wanted to go to Wuhun City alone so that he could use the half a month to do other things, but was rejected by the prince "Xue Qinghe" who came with him.

Among this team, the crown prince "Xue Qinghe" is naturally the most powerful, and everyone else has to listen to Xue Qinghe.

It also makes sense for Qian Renxue not to let Qin Ke go alone.

Because she has got the news.

Saras, the head of the branch of the Spirit Hall of the Heaven Dou Empire, has already conveyed Tang San's news to the headquarters of the Spirit Hall.

That woman has already sent someone to do it, and the goal is this team.

Qian Renxue was worried that if Qin Ke went alone, he would encounter the killer sent by that woman again.

It would be sad to be silenced by him at that time.

She also roughly knew how many people Bibi Dong had sent here.

There are two Title Douluo, those two were originally Qian Renxue's father's most loyal lackeys, now after Chihiro died, they directly transferred to that hateful woman's command, and became the most loyal runners of that woman.

Those two titled Douluo were definitely not something Qin Ke could handle.

Therefore, Qian Renxue wanted to keep Qin Ke in the team.

Qin Ke didn't expect this. He felt that it was because Qian Renxue had a strong desire to control and wanted to hold himself firmly in his hands, so he said that he would not let him go.

This is not a good thing!
In Qian Renxue's carriage, there were only three people, besides Qian Renxue, there were Ning Fengzhi and Jian Chenxin.

"Grandpa Jian, I feel that your complexion has improved a lot."

In the carriage, Qian Renxue looked at Jian Chenxin with closed eyes, and asked curiously.

Her angel spirit is quite sensitive to these feelings.

She felt that Jian Chenxin's current state was much better than before.

She didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Oh, Qinghe, it's like this, Uncle Jian's old disease is almost healed, so there are some changes."

Jian Chenxin didn't open his mouth, Ning Fengzhi explained for Xue Qinghe.

He is still very fond of Xue Qinghe, and will be one of the most wise emperors of the Tiandou Empire in the future.

"Oh, that master did it?"

Qian Renxue was a little curious.

There are not many people in this world who can heal a level 97 Title Douluo.

If there is, she would like to see who it is and if she can find it, so she can treat her grandfather's leg.

Well, her grandfather is also disabled, with a pair of old cold legs.

"It's not some kind of medical treatment, it's a secret method, which was brought out by Rongrong's sweetheart."

After Ning Fengzhi thought about it, he spoke lightly.

Qian Renxue stopped talking.

"This guy…"

Well, I didn't say anything, but I started to complain in my heart.

He really became a qualified and excellent son-in-law.

At this moment, Qian Renxue was thinking instead.

Now Qin Ke is indeed capable of mastering Qibao Liuli.

But Qin Ke who has mastered the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, will he still be mastered by himself?
This possibility is unlikely...

Let's just say that Qin Ke's own strength may be comparable to Title Douluo in a short time.

Let's just talk about the headquarters of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, this Jian Chenxin seems to be... the rhythm of accumulating and breaking through.

If Jian Daochen breaks through, the strength of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School may become the first among the three schools.

Although Wuhundian said, he can still ignore it.

But with the power she possessed, it was difficult to deal with it.

Qian Renxue needs to think carefully now.

However, Qian Renxue also wanted to understand the secret method to heal Jian Chen's heart.

During the rush, it was extremely boring.

It's time to stop and rest, and have some fun.

All the faculties come together to, well, play a little stimulating activity with each other.

The most surprising ones are Blazing Academy and Kamikaze Academy.

The teams of these two colleges can be considered as one.

Blazing Academy gave up its qualification to participate in the finals, and joined the team of Shenfeng Academy with the strongest soul sects in its team.

With the strong alliance with the Divine Wind Academy, now, all the teams in the Divine Wind Academy are all soul sects.

I have to say that this strong combination is indeed very good.

Shenfeng Academy also has great confidence now.

The first should be that there is no hope, the second and third may not be possible.

Because the Huangdou team is also all soul sects, not to mention, their soul power level is also much higher than theirs.

Presumably the first team of Star Luo Empire is the same.

The top three are nothing to play, but the top five can earn a lot of money.

While the other academies were resting, the people from the Kamikaze Academy began to cooperate.

I plan to improve the fit between teammates during this period of time.

For some reason, thinking of Huo Wu, Qin Ke couldn't help but think of a well-known short comic he had read.

Mai Shiranui and three little boys~~
Hmm, it feels like a bit of a fit.

Of course, it was just a joke, Qin Ke didn't mean anything else.

After walking today, I came to a canyon.

Not long after entering the canyon, some gravel fell on the hill.

Obviously, it was for this team.

Qin Ke did not express panic.

The imperial imperial knights who came to escort, as well as the teachers of the soul emperor and soul sage level, naturally made their move at this time.

Although these gravels have brought some minor troubles to the team, they are just minor troubles.

However, after these gravels, the real fun begins.

On the hills on both sides, there were rows of men in black.

These men in black are naturally the soul masters of the Wuhun Temple, sent to kill people!

At this time, Qin Ke also remembered why Qian Renxue didn't let him leave alone.

There may be reasons for this.

Were these people sent by Qian Renxue?

The possibility is unlikely, because Qin Ke, who knows the plot, knows that the two Titled Douluo who came this time, Juhuaguan and Ghost Douluo, are Pope Bibidong's most loyal henchmen, even Qian Renxue can't order those two people .

After the man in black appeared, he sprinted over at an astonishing speed.

The royal knights naturally charged forward.

And the teachers of each college are tightly protecting the students of their own colleges.

I thought this battle wasn't that difficult, after all, they had five hundred royal knights and about two hundred teachers and students on their side.

The difference in quantity is not big, but the quality is even more crushing.

But these men in black are also coordinated and orderly, so they are difficult to deal with!

Every academy struggled to deal with their own opponents.

The most frightening thing was not these men in black. Seeing that these dudes were unable to defeat their opponents, some more appeared.

These men in black are different.

One Soul Douluo, two Soul Saints.

The person they want to deal with is naturally Tang San!

Although Tang San said he was a little nervous, he was not afraid.

He has Hades Sticker in his hand, and other hidden weapons.

It is not impossible to kill these three strong men.

But Tang San was not in a hurry to use it, because he was worried that someone stronger would appear later.

If the hole card is used at this time, what will happen later?
Although these three people are said to be strong, there must be someone in their own team who can deal with them.

Flender and Liu Erlong were both entangled by a soul saint, and without one of them, it was very difficult for the two of them who couldn't use combo skills to defeat a soul saint of the same level.

As for the remaining Contra, they went straight to Tang San with the two soul kings.

Qin Ke looked at it, wondering if he should make a move.

At this time, Meng Yiran didn't seem to be Tang San's little fan girl.

Since they are no longer Tang San's little fans, it is naturally impossible for Duke Long and Snake to take action.

So, who will help Tang San this time?
(End of this chapter)

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