Chapter 135 Untitled!

"let's go!"

Although Qin Ke's move did scare them.

But they don't feel that the team fights and they will lose!
After Xie Yue opened her mouth, it wasn't him, the attacking soul king, who made the first move, but Hu Liena at the side.

Hu Liena took a step forward, which was obviously only a small step, but her whole body came directly to a place about three meters away from where Qin Ke and the others were.

The release of the fox spirit made Hu Liena look even more beautiful.

Seeing that Qin Ke and the others were unmoved by Hu Liena's offensive, everyone in the Wuhun team couldn't help but sneer.

Hu Liena's charm technique, even soul masters of the same level would be caught under strict precautions.

Not to mention being unprepared!
In fact, before the start of the competition, Qin Ke told these people to be careful of Hu Liena's charm technique.

So, Qin Ke didn't remind him at this time.

However, the spirit power of the remaining six team members was highly concentrated, so as not to be confused by Hu Liena.

It's a pity that even so, they couldn't help being tricked.

Because the technique of charm is really impossible to defend against, they don't know how to defend at all.

At this time, the five-layer spirit ring on Hu Liena's body flickered according to a certain pattern.

After Hu Liena finished this, Xie Yue behind her also made a move.

Xie Yue's Shuangyueblade Wuhun was held tightly by her hands, and after she relaxed, she slammed into her sister's back.

It was not an accidental injury.

This is the martial soul combination skill between their brothers and sisters!

At the moment when the bodies of the two brothers and sisters collided together.

The red light emitted by the two people merged together to form a huge ball of light.

Cover half of the arena.

The seven members of the Royal Fighting Team that Qin Ke belonged to were also shrouded in it.

The remaining five members of the Wuhun team took a few steps back, so that they were not enveloped by the light ball fused by Xie Yue and Hu Liena.

Immediately afterwards, something happened that opened Qin Ke's eyes.

The two brothers and sisters actually combined. (retrofit and)
This person was covered by the power of the fire element, and his hair and weapons were all fiery red.

This is the combined soul skill of the two of them - Seductive.

In this seductive space, everyone's perception of the outside world, their soul power and movements will be weakened by half!
Basically, it is weakened in all aspects!

It can be said that under normal circumstances, Xie Yue and Hu Liena can defeat all teams except some monster teams.

The Huangdou team in the original book was also directly wiped out by these two people!
In this seductive domain, the visibility is very low.

Not only within the Seductive Domain, but also outside, soul masters with low soul power basically cannot see what is going on inside.

I have to say that this trick is really strong.

The Huangdou team in the original book directly lost five members under this move.

The rest of Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan were also easily cleaned up.

Under normal circumstances, Xie Yue and Hu Liena dealt with the weaker opponents first, and then dealt with the stronger ones.

But Qin Ke is so pretentious today, Xie Yue plans to teach Qin Ke a lesson!
You're hot, aren't you?So when you are the first to be thrown out of the competition ring, can you still get up?
New Xie Yue waved the moon blade, ready to clean up Qin Ke in the red mist.

These fogs can paralyze the vision of others, but cannot affect them.

In addition, before casting seductiveness, Hu Liena cast a spell of charm on them, making them fall for it.

Now the two of them can easily harvest these opponents!

But when Xie Yue waved the double blades at Qin Ke, Qin Ke suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed the two moon blades in his hands.

"court death!"

Moon Blade is Xie Yue's martial soul, how can its sharpness be comparable to ordinary weapons?
The moment Qin Ke did this, Xie Yue believed that Qin Ke's hands were useless.

But what happened next, Xie Yue was stunned.

There was nothing wrong with Qin Ke's arm.

"Soul bone! It's still two arm soul bones!"

The well-informed Hu Liena said in surprise.

At this moment, Qin Ke kicked up with his right foot.

However, in the eyes of the two of them, this move was too slow!

Sure enough, although Qin Ke said that his cultivation has reached level 51, he still has to be affected by their seductive domain!Speed ​​reduced by 50.00%!
But the next sore spot made Xie Yue and Hu Liena stunned.

What's the situation!Why is it such a slow blow that they can't dodge?

This is not difficult to explain, because Qin Ke knows the way of Tai Chi.

Overcoming rigidity with softness is only part of the content, and the other part is naturally braking with static, and overcoming fast with slowness.

Qin Ke's attack seems to be very slow, but it is enough to make you unavoidable!

Qin Ke's kick kicked firmly.

With a scream of "Ah...", Xie Yue and Hu Liena immediately disintegrated.

This scream was indistinguishable from male to female.

Many people who were watching the battle outside, such as Dugu Boxin, were all in suspense.

Could this scream belong to his granddaughter?

Xie Yue covered the place where Qin Ke kicked her just now, and looked at Qin Ke angrily.

As soon as Xie Yue and Hu Liena disintegrated, the Seductive Domain ceased to exist, and the red mist quickly dissipated.

The outside world can naturally see the situation on the competition stage.

There is nothing wrong with the Huangdou team, but Xie Yue, it seems that something is wrong, why are you covering yourself?What happened?
As for the five members of the Wuhun team, they were stunned.

What's wrong, is this a miss?It shouldn't be!
"This is your combined soul skill? Does it feel normal?"

Like Yan Longxia, Qin Ke shook his palm and said calmly.

Well, this combination of martial soul skills won't work in front of him.

"Aren't you too cruel!"

After hearing this, Hu Liena became even more angry.

Originally, Qin Ke did that, but in her opinion, it was already extremely obscene.

Although she said that she didn't have the thing her brother had, she couldn't help but feel a little pain, and began to feel pity for her brother, and she didn't know if the egg was broken...

Qin Ke was not ashamed but proud of this shameless method, which made her even more angry.

"I'm cruel? The red objects you send out make us unable to see anything. If it weren't for my strong sixth sense, I'm afraid my arms would have been chopped off by you, right?"

Qin Ke looked at the palms of his hands and said calmly.

At this time, the "keel hand" naturally couldn't hide it.

Those who watched the battle also knew that Qin Ke had two soul bones!
Qin Ke's words made it difficult for Hu Liena to refute.

It seems to be like this, Xie Yue really wanted to abolish Qin Ke at that time...

"Don't talk nonsense, what methods are there, use them to me!"

Qin Ke didn't want to say anything more, just keep fighting!

Qin Ke's arrogant tone made the Wuhundian team really unbearable.

Among them, Yan, who reached level 52, exploded his own flame lord martial soul.

This appearance reminded Qin Ke of a move called Vulcan's Fury in a TV series.

Behind this Yan, there is a flame giant.

Lord Yanhuo's aura made Dugu Yan and the others tremble.

Dugu Yan's extremely confident poison, under the flame lord, probably won't be able to play much role!

Seeing Yan showing such a trick, Qin Ke didn't talk nonsense.

A "magic dragon" exuding purple-black flames gathered behind Qin Ke.

The next moment, the magic dragon directly merged into Qin Ke's "Fire Dragon Claw".

Qin Ke, on the other hand, carried the power of the dragon and burst out.

The flame lord behind Yan also released his power, and swung his huge fist away.

With one blow, Yan, the level 52 soul king of the attacking system, was knocked out of the competition ring by Qin Ke's palm.

The flame lord was directly defeated by this "magic dragon".

Yan's whole body flew out, and at the same time, there was a cloud of blood floating around.

Alas, at this moment, Qin Ke felt a little guilty, as if he was bullying a child.

However, after thinking about it, although he said he was cheating, he was definitely not as old as Yan, and even with the fast passing time in other worlds, he was only about eighteen.

And Yan is already in his early twenties, and he is not bullying the small by the big.

Why should you feel guilty?

Today's fifth update, please recommend a ticket, it would be better to have a monthly ticket to reward something.

 Thanks to the recent book friends who have no regrets and heartache. A book friend with weird symbols and words rewards 200 book coins, 200 sucrose, 588 lost life, 100 x 3 for Li Kaiwen, 200 x 2 for the end of life, 100 x 2 for gathering time, and Qingfeng 200, xl Tianxiao 200+588, Xu Qi 1888, Smiling Fat Cat 100×3, Li Yuanfu 100×2, Clear Sleeves Touching the South Wind 100×3, and many other book friends for their rewards, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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