Chapter 139 Disappeared Again
Bibi Dong's words made Ning Fengzhi's expression serious.

It seems that Bibi Dong also found out.

This is not surprising, since Jian Chenxin can find something wrong, it is impossible for Bibi Dong not to find it.

Bibi Dong's words made Xiao Wu's body tremble slightly.

It seemed that she had really been discovered.

Her mother was right, the titled Douluo powerhouse of human beings can see through her essence.

Let alone Bibi Dong's level.

Even if Bibi Dong couldn't see it, the Wuhun induction couldn't be faked.

The sixth soul ring of Bibi Dong's second martial soul is her mother~~
"Pope, what do you mean?"

For some reason, Yu Xiaogang suddenly had an ominous premonition, and said to Bibi Dong.

Could it be that Bibi Dong intends to renege on taking action against their Shrek team?
"This matter has nothing to do with you, you can leave Wuhun City now, but that little girl must be left to me!"

Bibi Dong pointed to Xiao Wu behind Tang San.

"Little Rabbit, I let you run away, but now you will come to your door on your own initiative!"

Bibi Dong sneered, with a trace of anger on her face, even... resentment.

That's right, if Xiao Wu hadn't run away back then, then Bibi Dong would have four 10 year spirit rings now.

Although a 10-year soul ring is nothing to a god, a first-level god can casually create N 10-year soul rings.

But for human beings, one extra 10-year soul ring means more combat power!
Tang San also knew what Bibi Dong said.

Because actually Tang San already knew that Xiao Wu was just a rabbit.

But at this time, how could Tang San let Xiao Wu stay here.

Tang San knew what would happen if he stayed here.

No matter what today, Tang San will protect Xiao Wu!
"Ghost Douluo, Chrysanthemum Douluo, do you need me to remind you of what to do?"

Bibi Dong squinted at Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo, and said coldly.

These two Douluo were also members who hunted down Xiao Wu's mother and daughter back then.

After receiving Bibi Dong's order, Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo strode towards Xiao Wu.

Yu Xiaogang was about to say something just now, but in the next second Ning Fengzhi took a step to the left, and said, "Your Majesty the Pope, let's ask clearly before we talk about it!"

After Ning Fengzhi stood up, Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo slowed down their pace.

"Sect Master Ning, are you planning to fight us in Wuhun City?"

After Bibi Dong glanced at Ning Fengzhi, she spoke with some disdain.

Even if Ning Fengzhi had Jian Chen Xin by his side, Bibi Dong still didn't take it to heart.

Bibi Dong's words made Ning Fengzhi sigh in his heart, and returned to his original place.

Not to mention fighting in Wuhun City and Wuhun Palace, even in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Fengzhi would not dare to mess around.

"I am also the elder of Wuhundian, what do you guys want? I have the right to know!"

Yu Xiaogang questioned Bibi Dong.

Originally, Bibi Dong was going to let them go this time, so his feelings towards Bibi Dong naturally changed.

But now that Bibi Dong wants to win Xiao Wu, this makes Yu Xiaogang feel that Bibi Dong is going back on his word, and is completely deceiving.

This made him very angry.

"Why, you might as well ask your student yourself! If she is really a soul master, I would naturally not arrest her, but she is the incarnation of a soul beast. Do you think I have any reason to arrest her? It is said that 10-year-old soul beasts are old and mature, and this is the first time I have seen such a stupid soul beast. Are you extremely confident in your ability to transform? Or do you think we are all blind?"

When other people questioned her like this, Bibi Dong not only wouldn't answer.

On the contrary, it will be the same as just paying back to Ning Fengzhi.

If it wasn't for the worry that Ning Fengzhi would not be able to catch the rabbit, Bibi Dong would have slapped it long ago.

But the person who asked was Yu Xiaogang, so Bibi Dong explained it well.

Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo continued to move forward.

In just a few steps, you can come to Xiao Wu's body.

At this moment, Xiao Wu really didn't have much strength to resist.

Because although she is said to be a 10-year soul beast, she has the power to fight against Title Douluo.

But now, after transforming into a human being, she is nothing more than a four-ring soul sect, how could she beat the nine-ring titled Douluo.

"how can that be!"

Yu Xiaogang turned to look at Xiao Wu in disbelief.

Not only him, other people who did not leave and watched the battle, except for Qin Ke and Tang San, other people whose cultivation level was below Title Douluo were stunned, thinking it was really incredible.

Especially the people of Shrek Academy, Flender and many other students were extremely shocked.

How long have they lived with the 10-year soul beast?
Is it so exciting!

Bibi Dong stared at Xiao Wu, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Although it may not be the most suitable, the 10-year soul beast came in time, just in time to prepare for that girl

Xiao Wu looked at this woman very resentfully.

At this moment, Bibi Dong's thoughts also wandered.

Just like Qian Renxue, even though Bibi Dong loathes this daughter terribly on the surface, in the deepest part of her heart, there is a ray of light that belongs to her mother shining.

And the next moment, she was beaten back by Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo with a startled sound.

"Where did this... go?"

Ghost Douluo rubbed his eyes, and found that the little guy who was originally behind Tang San had disappeared!
Chrysanthemum Douluo also looked confused, what's going on?
They couldn't help but look at Bibi Dong, hoping that Bibi Dong could see something.

But Bibi Dong was "wandering" just now!Where did you notice it!
"How is this going?"

Bibi Dong questioned Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo.

A soul sect disappeared from under the noses of two Titled Douluo?What are these two Title Douluo doing for food?
Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo have innocent faces, didn't you see that too!
But Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo dare not say such words, they can only honestly become the blamers.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Jian Chenxin, wanting to ask what happened just now.

He didn't see anything just now.

Jian Chen shook his head heartily.

If he keeps watching, maybe he can really find out what's going on.

But just now he lamented the good luck of the Wuhun Palace, the 10-year-old soul beast came to the door by itself.

Could it be said that keeping the tree can really wait for the rabbit?

The other side is naturally not easy to look at directly, so I didn't see it either.

Tang San had been vigilant against these two Title Douluo just now, always ready to use hidden weapons in his hands.

He didn't feel anything when Xiao Wu disappeared, he only found out when Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo were astonished.

Tang San was also extremely worried at the first moment.

But at the next moment, he couldn't help thinking that it must be a good thing that Xiao Wu didn't fall into the hands of Wuhundian.

But how did she disappear?
The whole scene fell silent.

Where did this little girl with a 10-year-old soul beast go?
(End of this chapter)

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