Chapter 157 Little Black Ball

Qin Ke stayed in the Star Dou Great Forest for almost half a month before he returned to Tiandou City.

The honeymoon time was almost over, he sent Ning Rongrong back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Helping Ning Rongrong obtain the fifth spirit ring, Ning Fengzhi had nothing to say.

Xiao Wu and the others naturally also stayed at the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Although Xiao Wu is a 10-year soul beast.

However, with Ning Rongrong's relationship, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will not attack Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu has unlimited potential in the future, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is also happy to make friends with her.

As for Qin Ke, recently he has gotten closer to Qian Renxue, also known as Xue Qinghe.

Ning Fengzhi was actually somewhat displeased to see Qin Ke do this.

Although the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Heaven Dou Empire are said to be in a cooperative relationship, they are not too close, after all, they still have to maintain certain boundaries.

Qin Ke obviously overstepped a little bit.

But now they are all a family, and he can't say anything, so he can only choose to turn a blind eye.

Emperor Xue Ye of the Heaven Dou Empire has not been in good health for a while, and recently it is even difficult to go to the government in person.

Qin Ke didn't know whether there was any reason for Qian Renxue's secret tricks.

After all, Emperor Xue Ye had several heirs anyway, but now only Xue Qinghe and Xue Beng were left.

Oh no, there is really only one Xue Beng left.

"Are you going to kill the Xue family?"

Qin Ke knew why Qian Renxue left Xue Beng behind.

It's not that she is kind, but that if all Xue Ye's descendants are assassinated, then maybe Emperor Xue Ye will have doubts. This is not the best for Qian Renxue, so Qian Renxue stayed. An avalanche that didn't pose too much of a threat to her.

But now that Emperor Xue Ye can't protect himself, it's hard to guarantee that Qian Renxue won't...

"What do you think?"

Qian Renxue sat on her seat and spoke lazily.

"Xue Beng is an ignorant dude, we are just stealing other people's things, let's show some sympathy!"

Qin Ke's conscience couldn't bear it.

Although it is said that Emperor Xue Ye must die anyway, with Qin Ke's help, Qian Renxue's usurpation of power should not fail like the original book.

So, Xue Beng... save your life and become a rich man!
Qian Renxue was silent for a while.

With the means of Wuhundian, everything is done without mercy.

So, her original plan was indeed to hand over all the Xue family's direct descendants, confidantes, and loyalists after she obtained the Heaven Dou throne.

It's not that she is cruel or anything. Many emperors would basically do this after they came to power, all for the sake of their own rule.

Isn't the Star Luo Empire like this?

Under normal circumstances, if Xue Beng became the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, he would not let her be the "big brother".

However, Qin Ke's words seemed... This made Qian Renxue remain silent.

"Okay, everything depends on you, I'm here to help you now."

Seeing Qian Renxue, he didn't answer, and Qin Ke didn't talk about those useless things, but nodded.

The reason why Qin Ke proposed this was because he couldn't bear it.

If Qian Renxue didn't agree, what else could he say?Could it be that he jumped over to help Xue Beng?This is impossible.

After all, the relationship between Xue Beng and Qin Ke was not good at all.

"You are only the sixth ring now. Although the combat power may be similar to that of Contra, it can't help me much."

Qian Renxue shook her head.

Emperor Xue Ye would not die for a day, and it was impossible for Qian Renxue to become the ruler of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Even with the help of two more Title Douluo, Qian Renxue would not act rashly.

It is not that the stronger the strength, the better the imperial power.

The most important thing is righteousness, that's why Qian Renxue did everything possible to create an identity for herself as the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire.

At this time, the current Qin Ke can't play a big role.

Qian Renxue took a fancy to Qin Ke mainly because she asked Qin Ke to help her after she became the Emperor of Heaven Dou.

Qin Ke smiled slightly and took out a mask.

This is a new mask, not the one Qin Ke used before.

This mask was worn by Sao Wang Afu in The Adventures of Jackie Chan.

And the shadow corps it can command is extremely peculiar.

In the beginning, those shadow corps were so weak that ordinary people could kill them.

But these little guys can devour other people's shadows to strengthen themselves.

Although in the Douluo Continent, if a person loses his own shadow, he may not die.

But at this time, Emperor Xue Ye had already buried half of his foot in the ground, and after these little guys made a fuss, maybe... he would really return to the west...

"Are you still in the mood to play at this time..."

Qian Renxue couldn't help covering her forehead with her own hand, feeling really helpless.

She directly decided that Qin Ke was joking.

"I don't have any ordinary things in my hands. You may look at this as a mask, but it's actually very useful."

How to say that sentence, those who don't know are innocent.

Qian Renxue didn't know the function of her mask, and Qin Ke didn't blame her either.

Qin Ke took out his guardian dog again.

The mask worn by the guardian dog before has been removed by Qin Ke.

Anyway, the guardian dog is also an "old buddy" who has been with him for so long.

Qin Ke was extremely disturbed by using it as a test product.

If he keeps wearing a mask and becomes demonized, Qin Ke will really feel bad about it.

Therefore, when leaving Locke Continent, the mask worn by the guardian dog has been removed with magic potion.

The guardian dog has been well trained by Qin Ke, and it knows what Qin Ke means.

It will not refuse.

To be honest, it also wants to experience the feeling of having extremely powerful power.

The mask was put on the guardian dog again.

The guardian dog has already had experience and summoned his own shadow corps.

In an instant, dozens of little black men stood at the feet of the guardian dog in a row, surrounding the guardian dog.

"Are you be funny..."

Seeing these little black balls that she didn't know how many could be crushed to death with one foot, Qian Renxue couldn't help but twitched her lips.

Could it be that the magical mask Qin Ke mentioned was to summon some little black people to make fun of it?
At first she thought how magical this mask could be.

Now it seems that there is indeed a bit of magic, but it is completely useless!
"Just wait and see the good show."

Qin Ke controlled the guardian dog and gave an order.

One of the cubs also slipped out.

The shadow of a guard outside the door stayed there.

Then, he took a bite at the shadow.

The guard suddenly felt that his head was in a trance, as if it was in pain, but it didn't seem like it.

After this little brat bit the shadow, he began to devour it crazily the next moment.

However, this devouring speed is significantly slower.

In the Jackie Chan world, they devour a person's shadow very quickly, in seconds.

But here, it takes almost 20 seconds for that little brat to devour a guard.

After the shadow was completely gone, the guard immediately fell to the ground.

This guard is a level 25 battle soul master.

Just like that, it fell silently beside a little black ball, basically without any resistance.

"see it?"

Qin Ke said lightly to Qian Renxue.

Then he sucked at the little black ball that devoured the guard's shadow.

The little black ball was immediately held by Qin Ke.

Qin Ke lightly exerted force, and it exploded directly.

After it exploded and died, a black light reflected and returned to the guard's body.

The guard came back to life soon after.

Looking around and looking at his companion with a strange face, the guard quickly corrected his standing posture and wondered in his heart: "What happened to me just now?"

The poor little guard had no idea what had just happened.

"This little guy is small, but he can devour other people's shadows. However, the stronger the person, the harder it is to swallow their shadows. For example, if you are a Titled Douluo, this little guy may be titled if you bite it." Douluo found out and beat him to death, but Emperor Xue Ye's current situation doesn't have much fighting power, if dozens of little guys fight together, without anyone noticing..."

Qin Ke leaned close to Qian Renxue's earlobe, and explained to Qian Renxue in a low voice.

Everything he said was true.

The stronger the person, the harder it is for the shadow to swallow.

Otherwise, a shadow corps like this could kill the eight demons directly?How can this be.

It is because of this limitation that this black shadow corps is a big killer when facing the weak.

But once you meet someone who is too strong, it is useless.

However, it is still very good to deal with Emperor Xue Ye's illness.

"Hmph! I am a majestic angel, a symbol of light! How could I use such despicable means?"

After hearing Qin Ke's explanation, Qian Renxue also felt it was an eye-opener.

How can there be such a magical thing in this world, and it still comes from a mask.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Qian Renxue wouldn't have believed it!
She had to say that Qin Ke's method was very feasible!
But when she saw Qin Ke's smug and confident expression, Qian Renxue immediately put on a straight face.

Um?She refused?

Qin Ke frowned slightly, but then he also thought of the general reason.

(End of this chapter)

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