Chapter 170
Qin Ke basically practiced for a few hours every day in the "Vipassana of the Sun, Moon, and Light Buddha" obtained by a black old cow, to temper his soul, which is called the soul in this world.

The stronger the spirit, the greater the benefits to people.

"Now I actually... this is divine consciousness?"

After staying in Xifu City for a year, Qin Ke's Chiming Nine Heavens Map has only reached the fourth level of cultivation, barely stepping into Xiantian.

If you want to cultivate to the fifth level, it may take a year or two, and the latter will take even longer.

This is also the reason why Qin Ke's body is inherently strong.

Otherwise, it is impossible for ordinary people to cultivate to the fourth level without more than ten years of effort.

Not many members of the Ji family have reached the fourth level, and as for reaching the Zifu state by relying on the Chiming Nine Heavens Map, none of them except pig's feet.

The way of gods and demons to refine their bodies is much more difficult than cultivating immortals and Qi.

During this year, Qin Ke's strength has improved a lot.

Just seven days after Qin Ke stepped into the fourth layer of Chiming Nine Heavens Map, Qin Ke felt his soul changed.

Before that, Qin Ke could sense the situation around him through the power of his soul.

But it can't be too careful, and it can only be vaguely determined who is coming through the breath.

But now that Qin Ke's soul power is swept away, the surrounding situation is as clear as what Qin Ke saw with his own eyes.

At this time, Qin Ke could directly feel the situation within hundreds of meters.

Ants can be felt directly when they move.

I have to say that this kind of world of cultivating immortals is indeed too awesome.

This should be the spiritual consciousness that this world will only have after reaching the realm of Yuanshen Taoist.

Unexpectedly, Qin Ke has done it now, which is extremely rare.

This is not too strange. Qin Ke's soul power has already reached over seventy levels in the Douluo Continent. When he came to this world and was tempered by the method of visualization used by the Sanxian level, it was not difficult to produce divine consciousness.

Just like Ji Ning, the pig's foot, he tempered himself with the idea of ​​Nuwa conception when he was a baby, so he can also produce divine consciousness innately.

After having divine consciousness, Qin Ke can control some equipment to attack through divine consciousness in the future, so that the consumption of himself will not be too great.

"According to this speed, if I want to cultivate to the Purple Mansion Realm, I'm afraid it will take about ten years to refine the Immortal Mansion Mansion Card, but if I want to cultivate to the Yuanshen Taoist through body training of gods and demons, it will basically take more than a hundred years. There is no still have to refine your qi..."

Qin Ke couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Immortal Juhua, the third owner of this Immortal Mansion, has lived for a million years, but the body training of gods and demons has only stayed in the realm of primordial gods and Taoists.

The body training of gods and demons has not been cultivated to the level of earth immortals, which shows the difficulty of body training of gods and demons.

Qin Ke is not the main character Ji Ning, he doesn't have Ji Ning's talent, so...

You can only practice qi, so that you can quickly cultivate to the soul.

As long as there are enough resources, you can hit the Yuanshen Taoist if you hit it.

In desperation, Qin Ke had no choice but to do so.

However, after reaching the realm of Yuanshen Daoist, it seems that a second Yuanshen can be opened up.

This can also help Qin Ke a lot.

Qin Ke has the methods of cultivating immortals and practicing qigong.

They were all picked up from those who died in Qin Ke's trial.

After thinking for a while, Qin Ke practiced a scripture called "Xuan Yuan Jing".

With sufficient resources, the cultivation speed of Xuanyuanjing is very fast.

After staying in Yanshan where the Ji clan lived for more than three years, Qin Ke's cultivation of Qi reached the innate late stage, and his body training reached the fifth peak of the Chiming Nine Heavens Diagram.

And the Yuanshi vein mine that Qin Ke had been waiting for for a long time also appeared.

In the territory of the Ji clan, the one-yuan Shinto man successfully crossed the tribulation and became the Void Returning Earth Immortal.

And the place where he crossed the catastrophe was that high-grade Yuanshi vein mine.

The Taoist named Huolong Taoist, after successfully crossing the catastrophe, was invited by An Chanhou's people to leave.

The place where Yanshan is located is called Anchan County, which is one of the nearly four thousand counties in the Great Xia Dynasty.

The princess is An Chanhou.

Yuanshen Taoist crossing the calamity is an earth-shattering event, even a small place like Yanshan has sensed it.

Qin Ke also went to see Ji Yichuan, Ji Ning and his son for the first time.

Although Ji Yichuan didn't really want Qin Ke to go with him.

After all, depending on the situation, it seems that a strange treasure was born.

But that is the territory of their Ji clan, and it should be theirs.

However, since Qin Ke also felt it and was here again, there was nothing he could do if he wanted to go.

Anyway, the other Zifu Realm powerhouses of their Ji family must go, and it is impossible for Qin Ke to rob their family by himself.

A few minutes after Qin Ke and Ji Yichuan arrived at the place where Taoist Huolong crossed the catastrophe, some other masters of the Ji clan also arrived.

They are Ji Liuzhen, Ji Jiuhuo, and Granny Ying, all of whom are in the Purple Mansion.

After some investigation, it was found that this is a super-large Yuanshi vein mine, which is enough to tempt even the great sect where the Yuanshen Taoist sits!

This made Ji Jiuhuo and the others change their expressions.

Such a large Yuanshi vein mine, a small tribe like the Ji clan, cannot guard it, and cannot eat up this golden mountain.

After all, it will be occupied by other big forces.

And in order not to reveal the news, those big forces will probably directly exterminate the members of the Ji family in order to cover up the news.

This made them lose all thought of asking "Qin Ke" to leave at the beginning.

If it is an ordinary Yuanshi vein mine, their Ji clan will definitely occupy it, and then drive out Qin Ke, an outsider.

But now it seems that it doesn't matter whether they are excluded or not, because they can't enjoy this thing!
"Everyone! You must also know that such a large Yuanshi vein mine is not for your Ji clan to occupy. I am not talented. Although my cultivation level is not high, my combat power should not be weaker than Wanxiang Daoist, or even Yuanshen Daoist. I am sure to fight against it. Why don't we work together to develop this Yuanshi vein mine? My requirements are not high. For this Yuanshi vein mine, I only need one point that can break through my cultivation base to the level of the Vientiane real person. resources will do.”

Qin Ke said to Ji Jiuhuo, the patriarch of the Ji clan.

As long as he agrees, it should be fine.

"You... your cultivation is only late inborn, how can we trust you?"

After Ji Jiuhuo heard Qin Ke's words, his face was full of disbelief.

He also heard the news about Qin Ke, who killed many big monsters in the Xiantian realm.

But Qin Ke said that his combat power was comparable to that of Yuan Shen Taoist, which Ji Jiuhuo would never believe.

Qin Ke smiled lightly.Urging his spiritual consciousness, he manipulated dozens of unrecognizable sword-type magic weapons, and attacked Ji Jiuhuo.

Ji Jiuhuo never expected Qin Ke to make a sudden move.

However, Qin Ke gave Ji Jiuhuo time to react.

Ji Jiuhuo mobilized his own energy in an attempt to frighten these flying swords.

But these magic weapons are like tarsal maggots, which cannot be shaken off at all.

Ji Jiuhuo had a feeling in his heart that these swords could actually stab into his body at any time.

" won! Let's have a good discussion!"

No matter how much he didn't believe it in his heart, Ji Jiuhuo had to admit Qin Ke's strength.

He agreed with Qin Ke's opinion.

Qin Ke also stopped.

"Although Xuelong Mountain says that there are Yuanshen Taoists sitting in town, Yuanshen Taoists are only one person. It is impossible to personally deal with your Ji clan. At most, there are only one or two real people in the Vientiane Realm! I can easily settle this for you. , don’t worry! If what I expected is correct, the vision just now must have been caused by the Yuan Shen Taoist crossing the catastrophe and becoming the Void Returning Earth Immortal. There must be a stone room for practicing kung fu in the vein mine, I need to borrow this stone room to improve my cultivation to reach the purple mansion level, and you can consider setting up some formations and other preparations."

Since the Ji family agreed, Qin Ke naturally had to enjoy what he deserved.

Break through the purple mansion realm, and then refine the mansion card.

Qin Ke can no longer pay attention to Xuelong Mountain where a Taoist Yuanshen sits in town.

(End of this chapter)

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