Chapter 183

"I'm not joking. I really have urgent things to do. I'm in a hurry. You two should stay in the snake-human clan honestly now and prepare for the transformation. I'll do some things. I'll see you when I'm done."

Qin Ke spoke to the two queens very seriously, not joking.

According to Qian Renxue's estimate, they can last for another two to three months.

This is still a good budget. With the help of Tang San's hidden weapon, the Star Luo Empire's counterattack was very fast, and all the land of the Star Luo Empire had been occupied.

Therefore, within two to three months, Qin Ke will have the power to kill gods.

No matter how you say it, you have to swallow more than a dozen different fires.

Of course, how to directly swallow the first two different fires is also possible.

Time is still urgent.

Seeing that Qin Ke's expression didn't look like a fake, Queen Medusa didn't know what to say.

But the butterfly turned directly into Qin Ke's sleeve.

Obviously, she planned to go with her.

Medusa will not let Qin Ke take his sister away alone.

The ghost knows what this guy will do, what if he takes his sister and sells it?
Her silly younger sister has already been poisoned by Qin Ke. She is afraid that she will be sold by Qin Ke, so she foolishly counts the money for Qin Ke.

As an older sister, she had no choice but to take care of her younger sister to the end.

Anyway, now that the snake-human race is strong, there are dozens of fighting kings, and no one can dare to come to the snake-human race's great desert.

Therefore, Medusa also transferred in.

Qin Ke didn't say anything, and left with the two little pets.

The place to go is none other than Yunlanzong.

Seeing that Qin Ke really ran to the Misty Cloud Sect, Medusa bit Qin Ke's arm.

Although it is said that Qin Ke's body training of gods and demons has reached the ninth level, he still feels a little unbearable.

After all, Medusa is now considered a divine beast.

"I like to bite so much, I'll let you bite till I puke!"

After flicking the Medusa lightly, Qin Ke thought so in his heart.

How to say?Lipstick alert!

Qin Ke came to Yunlanzong, really not because of Yunyun.

However, he found Yun Yun immediately.

Yun Yun didn't expect Qin Ke to come so soon.

But when she came, she naturally received her well.

"I came here to ask you, is your master, Yunshan, still in the back mountain?"

Qin Ke asked Yun Yun.

Qin Ke's soul power is not low now.

But if that old sinister Yunshan kept hiding and concealed his aura, Qin Ke wouldn't be able to find out.

After all, that old guy was shady, and Yao Chen took Xiao Yan up the mountain behind him, but Yao Chen didn't seem to notice.

Very good!
After Yun Yun heard Qin Ke's words, she was shocked.

Her master has been hiding for almost ten years.

Those powerful people in the Jia Ma Empire already thought that Yun Shan was dead.

However, she, who is Yunshan's apprentice, naturally knows that her master is not dead, but is alive and well.

But how can Qin Ke be so sure that her master is still there?

"Don't worry, I'm not here to do anything to your Misty Cloud Sect. I'm just here to get to know other people through your master."

Seeing Yun Yun looking at him vigilantly, Qin Ke explained.

He is such a kind person, he will not kill him easily.

Those who should be killed are the ones who should be killed.

Yun Shan and Qin Ke don't have the slightest grievance, so Qin Ke doesn't care about this guy.

If he is honest, spare his life.

With his Douzong cultivation, as long as he doesn't risk his life, he can dominate even in the Northwest Continent, not to mention the Jia Ma Empire.

"Yes, my teacher is indeed in the back mountain of Misty Cloud Sect."

Yun Yun finally nodded.

This matter, in Yunlanzong, only five people know about it.

"Okay, take me to meet him!"

After getting this answer, Qin Ke nodded in satisfaction.

Yun Yun hesitated for a moment, then took Qin Ke to the back mountain.


Arriving at a bamboo house in the back mountain, Yun Yun called out in a low voice.

There is a restriction imposed by Yunshan here, even if Dou Huang wants to break it, it will take a lot of hard work.

After a while, Yun Shan opened the restriction and let Yun Yun in.

"Yun'er, what do you mean by bringing outsiders to find you as a teacher?"

Yun Shan's face was a little unhappy.

Just now he was discussing with Guardian Duck to help him find a "Xiao Family".

While negotiating the reward, Yun Yun came to find her.

Yun Shan felt a little unhappy.

Cooperating with the Soul Palace is an important channel for the revival of their Misty Cloud Sect.

However, Yun Yun was his apprentice, even if he was a little unhappy, he didn't show it.

"Hey hey, there really is a little mouse from the Hall of Souls hidden here!"

After Qin Ke came in, he didn't look at Yunshan, but looked around with his spiritual sense.

Sure enough, in the inner room, there was a person hiding, whose aura was two points stronger than Yunshan's.

It should be the protector!

This time, it didn't come in vain!

"What did you say!"

Qin Ke's words made Yunshan change color suddenly.

He has been cooperating with the Dharma Guardian of the Soul Temple, and he has always been sneaky, and no one else knows!

Even his apprentice Yun Yun, Yun Shan kept him in the dark.

How did Qin Ke, an outsider, know.

"go away!"

Qin Ke didn't want to say anything to this scumbag like Yunshan.

He flung it away with one hand.

A fire dragon galloped out directly.

Not to mention anything else, just say that the damage from the fusion of two different fires can kill Dou Zong.

Not to mention the one that added the magic energy of fire.

Faced with Qin Ke's casual blow, Yun Shan could only dodge in embarrassment, not daring to resist.

After repelling Yunshan, Qin Ke directly destroyed the entire bamboo house.

The hidden duck protector is naturally revealed directly.

Yun Yun was still angry just now why Qin Ke suddenly attacked her master.

Before they came, didn't they all agree that they didn't come to trouble her master?
Thanks to her trusting Qin Ke so much, Qin Ke lied to her!

But in the next second, when Yun Yun saw the man in black robe who was hiding, Yun Yun was stunned.

She didn't expect that there was really a person hidden here, and it was a person whose cultivation level she couldn't see.

Could it be that it was Dou Zong?
What is a Douzong hiding in her Yunlanzong doing?
Also, what the hell is the Soul Palace?Is there a sect called Soul Hall near the Jia Ma Empire?She has no impression.

"Little guy! How dare you become an enemy of our Soul Palace? Are you not afraid of death?"

Hufa's face is very ugly now.

When he arrived in the Jia Ma Empire, Yunshan was always polite to him, and in other places, those people were also in awe of the Soul Palace and did not dare to provoke him.

But now someone took the initiative to provoke him!he is very angry.

However, he couldn't estimate Qin Ke's specific strength, he only knew that Qin Ke's strength was not weak.

So, he didn't dare to mess around.

"Hall of Souls, will I be afraid? Die for me!"

Qin Ke didn't care so much, he used the supernatural power of the star picking hand.

The huge palm, like grabbing a chicken, directly grabbed the protector.

Star Reacher, in this world, is definitely the number one fighting skill!There is no doubt!
"How is this possible! Are you Dou Zun?"

Guardian Duck turned pale with shock.

He is a five-star fighting sect powerhouse!
Even the Nine Star Douzong couldn't subdue him so easily, leaving him powerless to resist.

Could it be that Qin Ke is Dou Zun?
But how is this possible, it is difficult for a Dou Zun to exist in a place like the Jia Ma Empire, so how could the high and mighty Dou Zun come here?
"If you don't care about this, die to me!"

Qin Ke didn't explain, and directly crushed the protector to death.

The souls of the strong in the Soul Palace are all very strong.

After the death of the Douzong-level guardian duck, the fighting power of the soul is also close to that of the Douhuang.

However, as soon as his soul body appeared, he was directly caught by Yao Chen.

"Little slag, now let's see how this old man can deal with you!"

Yaochen spoke viciously, and showed a very ferocious expression to Guardian Wu.

It is very difficult for Yaochen to deal with the peak protector.

After all, the people in the Soul Palace have a special way to deal with the soul body.

If he has Bone Spirit Lenghuo in his hands, he still has the strength to fight.

But now he doesn't even have the cold fire of the bone spirit, so in his peak period, he basically has no resistance in front of the Dharma protector.

However, if this guardian becomes a soul body, he has plenty of ways to deal with him!
(End of this chapter)

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