Chapter 186
"I suggest you go back and talk to your father about this matter, so you don't even know what's going on when the ancient clan is wiped out!"

After Qin Ke threw Gu Xun'er aside, he left here without hesitation.

If the Gu Clan didn't cooperate with Qin Ke, Qin Ke would really find Soul Hall to cooperate.

Qin Ke only went to the ancient tribe first for a little morality.

Next, Qin Ke will naturally go to Zhongzhou.

At present, there are not many different fires that Qin Ke can get.

Among them, there is the Three Thousand Flames in the Danta of Zhongzhou.

This flame is ranked eighth, and its rank is not low. Qin Ke will get it no matter what.

Combining his words, Qin Ke's strange fire ranking should be able to rank around No.5.

If he refines the No.4 Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan again, he may not be able to inflict heavy damage on the God of Douluo Dalu!
The only pity is that it will take several years for the terrifying World-Exterminating Demon Fire like the Pure Lotus Demon Fire to appear in this world.

Otherwise, Qin Ke can basically go back to work after getting the Jinglian Demon Fire.

It would take a month to go to Zhongzhou from the northwest corner of the mainland.

There is really not much time left for Qin Ke.

During this period, Qin Ke used the body of the Dharma Guardian to create the body of Venerable Tianhuo.

After all, Qin Ke was going to loot the branch of the Soul Palace!It is naturally good to have fighting power at the level of Dou Zun.

Venerable Skyfire has been reborn, and his cultivation is still two-star Douzun. Although it is not as good as Venerable Skyfire's peak period, it is still very good.

This is a powerful proof of the success of the Fenjue technique!Yao Chen's heart also settled down.

He is indeed hopeful to be reborn!
The Soul Palace does not have a branch in the Northwest Continent.

Because the Northwest Continent is really a poor group, there are not many Dou Zong.

The ordinary sects in the Zhongzhou area are all giant-level sects here.

And each branch hall of the Soul Palace needs at least two Dou Zun to sit in charge.

It's really overkill to spend Dou Zun in this place.

The branch hall closest to Qin Ke is on the edge of Zhongzhou, which can be regarded as the junction of the Northwest Continent and Zhongzhou.

The place where Qin Ke sat in the space wormhole happened to be the edge of Zhongzhou.

"My Zongmen's Xingyun Pavilion is not far from here, let's go to the Xingyun Pavilion first! The Xingyun Pavilion has a direct space passage to the Pill Pagoda."

Although Yao Chen has to say, Qin Ke's current strength is indeed qualified to loot a branch of the Soul Palace.

After all, Venerable Skyfire's current strength is almost that of a two-star Dou Zun.

Qin Ke can instantly kill high-level Dou Zong, and his strength should also be Dou Zong.

But Yao Chen didn't feel that this lineup was [-]% sure!

Yaochen didn't want to stumble at this joint.

If he went to Xingyun Pavilion to meet his junior brother Venerable Feng, his chances of success would be greatly increased.

His junior is a high-ranking Dou Zun!
After Qin Ke thought about it, he made some calculations. Even if he went to Xingyu Pavilion first, it would not waste much time.

It happened to be possible to go to the Xingyun Pavilion to settle the matter of Yaochen, and then let Yaochen get through the relationship with the Pill Tower.

The old guy has just been reborn, but there are still some sequelae.

If he wanted to solve the problem of the soul, without Xiao Yan's help, he could only rely on a giant like Danta.

If Yaochen succumbed to Danta, it would be possible for Qin Ke to go to Sanqian Yanhuo in advance.

Originally, Venerable Feng of the Xingyun Pavilion was not in the Xingyun Pavilion all year round.

But not two years later, the four pavilions of Xingyun Pavilion, Fenglei Pavilion, etc. are about to start a competition among the younger generation, and Venerable Feng also returned to the Xingyun Pavilion in a rare way.

This just happened to happen.

Then, the matter of Yaochen was naturally resolved directly.

Qin Ke didn't let Yao Chen follow him to the branch hall of the Soul Hall.

Not even Venerable Skyfire.

Because Qin Ke was not afraid of the Soul Palace, he angered the Soul Palace and ran away directly.

No matter how powerful the Soul Palace is, is it possible to chase him down to the Douluo Continent?

But Yaochen is different from Venerable Tianhuo, they should not let them become enemies with the Hall of Souls for a short time now.

Without the pig's feet, they would have no choice but to die if they faced the Palace of Souls.

Now Qin Ke, in Dou Zun, also has the capital to run rampant.

After devouring two kinds of different fires, the soul of Yanlong has reached a terrifying state, even a high-ranking Dou Zun can't bear it.

Qin Ke uses this terrifying flame to assist his cultivation every day.

The Chiming Nine Heavens Map has been cultivated to the tenth level, and has stepped into a new realm again.

In the wild period, that is the Vientiane Realm!
Vientiane at the level of body training of gods and demons!
Star Picker, Qin Ke can already practice the second turn!

Cultivating the star picker requires a lot of resources for each turn.

Qin Ke stayed in the Manghuangji for decades, but because of his low level, he only found the materials for practicing the second turn of the star picker.

The third turn, the fourth turn... None!

The materials that can be found for the second turn are the result of Qin Ke's extensive use of the Shadow Corps to investigate!
But fortunately, Qin Ke's short-term cultivation base is unable to raise the body of the gods and demons to the primordial spirit, which is the No. 13 weight of the Chiming Nine Heavens Map, so there is no need to worry about these problems.

Qin Ke found the location of the branch hall of the Soul Palace according to the information he got from Guardian Duck.

The Soul Palace is all done secretly, so the sub-rudders they built are also extremely difficult to find.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is a place of death, and whoever enters it will die.

As time passed, no one went to the branch of the Soul Palace.

Qin Ke planned to go in directly, but suddenly thought of an interesting thing.

He snapped his fingers.

A group of dwarf shadow corps appeared at Qin Ke's feet.

These shadow corps strengthen themselves by absorbing the shadows of others.

Now Qin Ke has also been verified that the shadow has a certain relationship with the soul.

The soul palace captures the soul body, and the source of the soul is naturally related to the soul.

So let these little dwarfs steal it, can they steal it?

Although it is said that each branch hall is guarded by Dou Zun, it is impossible for Dou Zun to guard the source of the soul all the time, right?
So, Qin Ke intends to let these little guys get in and have a look.

People in the Soul Palace have good soul power.

The souls of high-level fighting sects can basically reach the spiritual realm.

There are seven or eight fighting sects in this branch hall, and they all came back to hand over their tasks.

However, in the Soul Palace, it is not easy for them to use their soul power at will.

After all, in their view, it is impossible for someone to break into a place like Soul Palace.

That's why no one found those little guys.

The black shadow corps broke into the place where the soul was refined, and saw the soul bodies that had not been refined into the original soul body, and immediately bit on it as if seeing a peerless delicacy.

These soul bodies also slowly dissipated and were directly absorbed by these shadow corps.

In the end, the soul body was resolved, and the most precious source of the soul fell into Qin Ke's hands.

It doesn't feel bad to steal all the valuables from the Soul Palace branch without anyone noticing.

Qin Ke left directly.

As for the well-fed black shadow corps, Qin Ke directly used the soul of the man-faced spider to devour them, allowing them to return to the darkness.

This time devouring these cubs, Qin Ke felt that the soul of the Man-faced Demon Spider had also improved a little.

Thinking of this, Qin Ke seemed to have found a way to continue to increase his strength.

However, the origin of the soul still needs to be refined by Qin Ke himself.

The only thing that makes Qin Ke feel pity is that the protector, a low-level protector, only knows the location of a branch hall of the Soul Hall.

If Qin Ke wants to continue to steal the source of the soul now, he has to find other guardians of the soul palace.

Not long after Qin Ke left, the branch of the Soul Palace just now naturally fell into chaos and panic.

(End of this chapter)

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