Chapter 202 Inheritance Key
"Tell me about this matter with the Hall of Nine Evils! Now take me to Cha Hong's cave."

Qin Ke also took away Cha Hong's ring space just now, and scanned it twice with his spiritual sense, but he didn't find what he wanted.

In this case, that thing can only be in the place where Chahong lives.

Now he is also the owner of the Red Blood Immortal Mansion, and it is very simple to go to Cha Hong's Dong Mansion.

After three days, after returning to the main rudder of the Red Blood Immortal Mansion, Qin Ke was not in a hurry to find things immediately.

Instead, he opened a rank with these protectors.

"Remember, as long as I'm alive, I don't want to see the enslavement of human beings. I don't have the slightest opinion on fighting with human beings normally, but if I see other things, you have to bear the responsibility. Some responsibility!"

After Qin Ke gave these people a serious warning, he allowed the guardians to return to their respective territories.

"Hmph! A human being! Still trying to dominate here! See how I deal with you!"

During Qin Ke's "meeting", these guardians were naturally honest and did not dare to mess around.

But after leaving the arena, several guardians spoke with disdain in their hearts.

When Zha Hong was in power, he didn't have so many rules!

Now, they are suddenly governed by a human being, and there are so many things, many of them are a little bit dissatisfied.

After all, they usually treat those humans as food.

If it was a powerful monster that killed Cha Hong, they would not have the slightest opinion.

But if it's a human being, those are the thoughts.

Naturally, they couldn't deal with Qin Ke now.

However, there are people who can deal with Qin Ke.

In this sea area with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, it is the territory of monsters, and the territory of the human race is in other places.

In this area, except for the extremely powerful sects in other places, which require three points of courtesy from the Nine Evil Palace, it is dominated by monsters.

The Hall of Nine Shalls will definitely not allow such a person to become the master of the Scarlet Blood Immortal Mansion!
Moreover, even if there is no Nine Evil Palace, what about the Water Mansion next to it?

One of them, the master of the Water Palace, can't beat Qin Ke, so what about two or three?

Wouldn't it be nice to kill Qin Ke and occupy so many territories?
These people with ulterior motives have already begun to act in private.

For this, Qin Ke directly ignored it.

He is also happy that some monsters who don't know how to live or die come to deliver food.

He searched in Chahong's cave.

In the end, he found a "sealed" black jade box.

The box was sealed by a mysterious force and could not be opened.

However, that mysterious power has been almost cracked by Cha Hong.

Although it is not completely broken, it is only one step away.

That poor snake demon can be regarded as a gift to Qin Ke.

After finding this thing, Qin Ke moved to another place to live.

In Zha Hong's cave, there was too much demonic aura, and there were other reasons why Qin Ke couldn't afford to live there, so he changed a place.

Qin Ke completely opened the black jade box in less than three days.

There is only one spirit sword inside, which is the key to open that fairy mansion.

The weapons in this world are all divided by spirit swords, divided into low-grade spirit swords, middle-grade spirit swords, high-grade spirit swords and top-grade spirit swords.

Above the top-grade spirit sword, it is a fairy weapon.

And this spirit sword is a top-grade spirit sword, placed in the world of Manghuangji, it is a heaven-level magic weapon.

"It can be used for a while."

Qin Ke nodded, he can't go to Immortal Emperor Niyang's Immortal Mansion now, but later.

Next, Qin Ke began to absorb the demon power of Cha Hong.

There are indeed some hidden dangers in absorbing other people's Nascent Soul.

But as long as it is handled well, these are nothing.

The power of a Nascent Soul in the Void Cave Realm allowed Qin Ke to quickly reach the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

After thorough absorption, it reached the bottleneck in the middle stage of Nascent Soul Realm, and it would not take long to reach the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

And more than five days have passed since the refining process ended.

"Xiyan, have you collected all the information about the big monsters in the Void Realm nearby?"

Qin Ke has already set a small goal.

That is to cultivate to the void state.

And the fastest way to cultivate to the void realm is naturally to absorb other people's "skills".

Anyway, they are big monsters.

How many monsters in this world have reached the Void Hole Realm and their bodies are not covered in blood?And it's still in the territory of monsters.

Therefore, Qin Ke did not feel uncomfortable when he started killing.

"This is what you need, Master."

Qin Ke kept the snake spirit Xiyan he met for the first time by his side to drive him away.

After all, after a few trips to a certain world, Qin Ke's view of snakes, especially snake spirits, has changed a lot.

What's more, this Xiyan also has sisters, which makes Qin Ke...

At the beginning, when the snake spirit told Qin Ke that he was going to stay, he was panicked.

But Qin Ke not only didn't do anything to her in the past few days, but instead asked her to collect the list information of monsters at the Void Realm level.

This frightened Xiyan even more.

Could it be that this guy is planning to attack other big monsters in the Void Hole Realm?
If this is the case, following him doesn't seem to be an unacceptable thing.

After all, if Qin Ke slaughtered more monsters in the Hollow Realm, and gave her some soup to drink, she might have the hope of reaching the Hollow Realm!

"Master! Collected!"

Xiyan came back in exchange and gave Qin Ke the list that Qin Ke needed.

During this time, she didn't even dare to look at Qin Ke.

She felt that the breath of the human being in front of her became even more terrifying.

It seems that Cha Hong's Nascent Soul has been absorbed by this human being, their new Palace Master.

"Oh, there is an old turtle right next to it? Very good, very good."

Qin Ke had heard before that this black tortoise is a great tonic.

It seems that drinking some soup can increase one's "dominant spirit".

"Take me to find this Patriarch Qingxuan tomorrow!"

After Qin Ke burned the list, he spoke to Xiyan.

With his current strength, he can keep these contents in mind after reading it once.


After hearing Qin Ke's words, Xiyan naturally confirmed her thoughts.

This new Palace Master is really going to take those big monsters in the Void Realm with his sword!

It has to be said that this spirit is indeed extraordinary.

He has already spoken, so Qin Ke will naturally not break his promise.

The next day, after getting ready, Qin Ke went directly to the old turtle's territory under Xi Yan's leadership.

The old tortoise's territory is also some distance away, on the edge of the Red Blood Immortal Mansion, next to the water mansion.

This is Cha Hong before the defense.

Patriarch Qingxuan's strength is weaker than Cha Hong's, but his tortoise shell defense is strong, and ordinary holes and voids cannot break through his defense.

Because of this, Cha Hong had nothing to do with him.

However, Qin Ke didn't care about these things. In Qin Ke's eyes, that distinguished guest was not enough.

After five days' journey, Qin Ke came to the island where Patriarch Qingxuan was.

(End of this chapter)

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