Chapter 232
"No matter how much soul power there is, it will have no effect at all! Obediently be swallowed up by me!"

Qin Ke also didn't expect that this soul-devouring beast would take the initiative to send it to his door.

If he fought with him honestly, Qin Ke would still need to work hard.

such a pity!If he wanted to take him away, he would be courting death.

Obviously, the Soul-devouring Beast is too confident in its own soul power.

This is no wonder for him, after all, in this world, among the same level, the strongest soul power is definitely the person of the soul clan, which is well-deserved.

It's a pity that what he met was Qin Ke, so naturally it could only be a tragedy.

Qin Ke didn't care how much soul power this soul-devouring beast had.

The Man-faced Demon Spider, which directly controlled itself, began to directly devour the soul body of the Soul-devouring beast.

With Qin Ke's help, the soul body of the Soul-devouring Beast didn't have much resistance at all, and it could only be blamed for being reduced to a lamb waiting to be slaughtered and being slowly swallowed by Qin Ke.

"This is how the same thing?"

Teng Yuan and the others who were fighting against the strong men of the Shura tribe suddenly became very puzzled.

Because the Shura tribe who fought against them suddenly seemed to have turned into a wooden man, and did not attack.

"Don't kill them, I have already solved the problem, give me a little time, it will be fine soon."

Just when they were about to take this opportunity to kill these people and solve the hidden dangers in the Luobo world, these Shura clan powerhouses, as long as they were Shura clan with soul altars, all spoke out.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Barrett was immediately dumbfounded.

"The Soul-devouring Beast has been dealt with by me, and now these people have been controlled by me, so they can't pose any threat."

At this time, Qin Ke came out from the ground.

He devoured the Soul-devouring Beast, and the soul of the Man-faced Demon Spider inherited everything from the Soul-devouring Beast.

In Qin Ke's sea of ​​primordial spirit, there was an ancient soul tree.

Qin Ke drove them away, and those branches corresponded to these powerful Shura clansmen.

The stronger the strength, the slightly bigger branches.

As if in order to confirm the authenticity of what Qin Ke said, all the powerful Shura tribes around addressed Qin Ke as master.

"Human, what's going on here?"

After Teng Yuan saw it, he was very suspicious.

He wondered if Qin Ke had been controlled by the Soul-devouring Beast!

"Come with me! Go underground, and you will know why!"

Qin Ke brought these people underground.

After seeing the corpse of the Soul-devouring Beast, they believed Qin Ke a little bit.

It seemed that the Soul-devouring Beast should indeed be dead.

"What's the situation with this realm gate?"

At this time, they naturally discovered the gate of the realm leading to the abyss.

After all, the gate of this realm is so big, it is still obvious, and you can see it at a glance when you come to the ground.

"These creatures don't seem to be the race of our Luobo world!"

Next to the gate of the realm, there is a pile of bone altars.

These bones didn't look weak, at least they were only found in strange beasts with seventh or eighth bloodlines.

However, they found that the breath of these bones did not belong to their world, and they couldn't tell what race these bones belonged to!

"Because these bones come from the demon race in the abyssal battlefield, this is also the reason why the branch of the Shura clan can develop from one Void Realm powerhouse to ten Void Realm powerhouses in a hundred years! It's all because From the abyss!"

Qin Ke stood up and explained.

"The abyss is the most powerful place in this galaxy. There are 108 floors in total. Each floor is not much smaller than the spiritual realm. There are several abyss lords in it, all of whom are tenth-order bloodline powerhouses. A tenth-order bloodline warrior of the Protoss..."

Seeing these people was very puzzled, Qin Ke continued to speak in detail.

Finally, he added: "In the future, I will fight in the abyss, you can come together if you want! If you jointly hunt down a few strong men with ninth-order bloodlines! It's not that you can't break through to tenth-order bloodlines!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Ke directly entered the gate of the realm.

For the next period of time, Qin Ke will stay in this abyss to improve his bloodline level!
After Qin Ke left, all the strong men with soul altars from the Shura clan entered it.

Leaving Teng Yuan and others looking at each other in blank dismay, at a loss.

In the end, they decided to enter it together to have a look!
All the ninth-order bloodline fighters stepped into the gate of the realm.

Next, they entered the abyssal battlefield.

This layer of abyss is called the Abyss of Cold Silence, and there are four strong bloodlines of the tenth rank in it!
The blood of the demons here tends to be cold.

It's not very suitable for Qin Ke.

However, the current level of Qin Ke's bloodline is too low.

It's better to go to other abyss after honestly developing to the seventh-order bloodline.

For example, go to the Abyss of Extreme Flame.

Qin Ke's current focus is still flames.

With Qin Ke's current strength, it is still easy to kill some low-level little devils.

Therefore, he doesn't need any teammates, he just needs to fight monsters slowly here alone.

Of course, Qin Ke didn't do nothing.

He asked the people of the Shura clan to find some lonely eighth-order bloodline demons in private and mark them.

Then send someone to do them in private, to live!

Qin Ke used his own power to enslave ten eighth-order bloodline demons in private, making them his soul slaves.

All of this was done unconsciously, not even the rulers of this level of abyss, the four great demons with tenth-order bloodlines, were aware of it.

Because Qin Ke devoured the Soul-devouring Beast, he gained the ability to control others with his soul. In this respect, he did much better than the Soul-devouring Beast!
Why did Qin Ke do this?very simple.

The Abyss of Cold Silence is the upper [-] floors of the [-]-story abyss.

All are ownerless.

Qin Ke intends to refine the abyss!

It's not refining one layer, but refining several layers!
The abyss can be used as a soul altar!Pig's feet refined a piece of initial abyss to use as his soul altar.

The initial abyss is good, but it will take hundreds of years to appear.

Qin Ke can't wait that long, so he can only use these unowned abysses to refine.

There are only two ways to refine the abyss.

The first way is to find him at the beginning of the birth of the abyss and refine it.

In the current abyss, it is basically like this.

However, after the birth of the Cold Silence Abyss, no one found it for refining, so if you want to refine the Cold Silence Abyss, you have to understand all the rules of the Cold Silence Abyss thoroughly!
This is really too difficult for demons with tenth-order bloodlines. Even if they have a lifespan of tens of millions of years, it is basically impossible for them to understand the rules of the abyss.

Of the eight demonic monarchs today, only one refined the abyss by comprehending the rules of the abyss.

Qin Ke wanted to refine the abyss, so he had to go the latter way.

He didn't want to be alone to understand.

Anyway, he has a soul slave, so he can naturally ask the soul slave to help.

When the time comes, he will simply steal the fruits of the revolution.

(End of this chapter)

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