Douluo: My martial soul connects all worlds

Chapter 240 The King of Flame Demons

Chapter 240 The King of Flame Demons
After solving Austin, Qin Ke went to Suzaku Realm through the Nether Continent.

The Nether Continent is a territory of the Nether Race.

In the current Nether Race, there are several strong men with ninth-order bloodlines in that continent.

Before Qin Ke came, he had brought the patriarch of the Nether tribe in Luobo Realm, who was also a strong man in the mid-stage of the Void Realm, with him.

Therefore, Qin Ke can have no scruples in the Nether Continent.

Through the Nether Continent, Qin Ke arrived at the Suzaku Realm.

The Suzaku Realm is just an extremely ordinary small realm, and the current strongest person is only a ninth-order bloodline, and there is only one.

The Suzaku Clan originally had a bloodline of the tenth rank, but because they were scumbags, they died miserably in the end.

The Suzaku family was also looked down upon, had no friends, was isolated, and finally had to rely on the extremely high temperature of the Suzaku Realm to barely protect themselves.

Accompanied by the ninth-rank Suzaku from Luobo Realm, Qin Ke came here and directly entered the forbidden area of ​​Suzaku Realm.

In that place, the temperature is extremely terrifying.

Even the Suzaku that had reached the tenth level of blood before couldn't penetrate too much.

And that place, for the current Qin Ke, is simply an extremely suitable guarantee.

"Sure enough! The Flame Demon King did not disappoint me. If I devour this Balrog Crystal, I can definitely control the Way of Fire!"

Qin Ke could already make such a conclusion before seeing the crystallization of the Fire Demon King.

To control an avenue, in the world of Manghuangji, you can already be regarded as a fairy!
Qin Ke's expression became extremely fiery.

In terms of Qi refining, it is not difficult for Qin Ke to reach the Void Returning Earth Immortal.

After obtaining the crystallization of the Flame Demon King, Qin Ke can break through to the Void Returning Earth Immortal, and then start to control the way of flames, preparing to become a Celestial Immortal.

Thinking of this, Qin Ke couldn't help getting excited.

"Senior, when I meet that flame treasure, you two will fight with me, throw him directly into the Immortal Mansion, and suppress him! When I break through to the Void Returning Earth Immortal, I can rely on him to become a Celestial Immortal!" !"

Qin Ke used Yuanshen to speak to the yellow bear and the black old cow.

The Flame Demon King was not completely dead, and his consciousness was still inside the crystal.

Qin Ke didn't want to say too much, so let's directly suppress him now.

When his bloodline reaches the eleventh rank, then he can easily concoct this guy.

"it is good!"

The big yellow bear nodded.

This Qin Ke really did not disappoint him, after decades he was able to start preparing to break through to the Celestial Immortal.

It seems that his future achievements will definitely not be lower than those of his master Sanshou Zhenren.

Therefore, the big yellow bear is ready to help Qin Ke wholeheartedly.

After reaching the bottom of the Suzaku Realm, Qin Ke approached the crystallization of the Fire Demon King.

It may be because the power of fire in Qin Ke's body is too terrifying.

The crystallization of the Fire Demon King did not reject Qin Ke.

Isn't that what Qin Ke wanted?

Qin Ke directly contacted Lao Niu and Lao Xiong to take away the crystal of the Fire Demon King.

After taking away the crystallization of the Fire Demon King, the changes in the entire Suzaku Realm are obvious.

Suddenly it felt cooler.

"What is he doing down there?"

The patriarch of the Suzaku clan, an old Suzaku with bloodline of the ninth rank, spoke with some displeasure.

In her opinion, Qin Ke must have obtained some kind of treasure down there, and it was also a fire attribute treasure.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Suzaku Realm to undergo such a big change!

She is now thinking about how she should get back that Suzaku world treasure from Qin Ke!
Because that belongs to the Suzaku clan!

"It's not up to you to care about what you're doing below. Don't think I don't know what's going on in your heart. I just hope you don't go blind and kill yourself! A strong man with a bloodline of the tenth rank! You don't even know you've fallen in his hands." several!"

The ninth-rank Suzaku in Luobo Realm glanced at the old woman coldly, and said with disdain.

It was because she saw clearly the despicable character of this old guy before that she brought a team to the Luobo world to develop.

Hearing the words of the ninth-rank Suzaku, a smile appeared on the old woman's face.

But I still don't believe it in my heart, thinking that the ninth-level Suzaku is too good at bragging.

How many strong men with tenth-order bloodlines were killed by him?

Believe me!When did the powerhouse of the tenth-order bloodline be hacked to death like a Chinese cabbage?
However, the old woman still didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

Since the ninth-rank Suzaku respects Qin Ke so much and presumably is a big shot, she naturally dare not offend Qin Ke easily.

"Okay, Suzaku, I'm leaving first, if you want to go back, go back by yourself!"

After the matter of the Fire Demon King was settled, Qin Ke didn't want to stay here anymore.

He left here directly.

As for the ninth-rank Suzaku who came with him, Qin Ke must have something to settle.

Anyway, Suzaku World is also the hometown of the ninth-rank Suzaku, the place where she was born.

No matter how much there is hatred, it is impossible not to have a little remembrance.

Suzaku's strength is already at its peak among the ninth-order bloodlines. Among the Void Realm powerhouses of the ten thousand races in the spiritual domain, there is no one who is his opponent in one-on-one. Qin Ke is not worried about this.

Lu Suzaku also knew how to get there, so Qin Ke didn't care too much.

Back in the abyss of extreme inflammation, Qin Ke began to absorb the soul of Joke Austin.

It really takes some time for Austin's soul to absorb it.

After all, his realm is here, not to mention one realm higher than Qin Ke.

He also lived for millions of years, even tens of millions of years.

It is indeed not an easy task to get a thorough understanding of his memory.

However, Qin Ke has plenty of time now.

Austin became the master of the abyss, relying on the way of the soul.

So, this is why Austin hasn't died yet, his soul is really too strong.

Austin, Castor, and Soul Emperor, these three paths are all the way of the soul.

The three of them are also the hardest to kill.

Austin, Castor was killed but not dead.

Emperor Yuhun even gave up his physical body to reincarnate, and his strength directly surpassed his previous life.

It's a pity that Austin met Qin Ke today, and his soul was destined to be wiped out.

Austin's consciousness gradually disappeared as Qin Ke absorbed his soul, and finally completely dissipated.

It took Qin Ke ten years to sort out all of Austin's memories, and let himself recover the reason, so that he would not be affected by Austin's memory.

After understanding Austin's understanding of the soul, Qin Ke also has some ideas about how to cultivate the soul in the future.

Of course, more, Qin Ke is now more and more like a real abyssal demon.

"Okay, I should be able to completely sacrifice this abyss of extreme flames!"

From Austin's memory, Qin Ke also got some tips about refining the abyss.

Combined with Qin Ke's understanding of the extreme flame abyss, more than half of it is now.

He can already start trying to refine the Extreme Flame Abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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