Chapter 244 Unquenchable Fire
"It's decided, let's deal with Huangquan Purgatory first, this purgatory will help me a lot!"

Qin Ke finally made the case and decided to attack Huangquan Purgatory.

The Lord of Huangquan, because of hard practice of the dead soul secret art, has been beaten to the point where only the remnant soul is left.

After Qin Ke dealt with him, he could also deal with Kacituoer's remnant soul like he did with Austin before.

In this way, Qin Ke can then comprehend the law of dead souls.

The law of dead souls should be regarded as a branch of the law of death, which is also very important to Qin Ke.

After making up his mind, Qin Ke began to infiltrate Huangquan Purgatory.

In Huangquan Purgatory, there are almost thirty great demons whose bloodlines have reached the tenth rank. This is an extremely terrifying number.

Many of these thirty big demons are already very unhappy with the Lord Huang Quan.

However, due to the strength of the emperor of Huangquan in Huangquan Purgatory, it cannot be shaken at all.

Because the Lord of Huangquan can borrow the power of Huangquan Purgatory to suddenly erupt, which makes it impossible for these demons to resist.

Therefore, until there is an opportunity to challenge the monarch in a million years, these demons still dare not make mistakes.

But if there are other demon lords contributing to the flames, it will be a different situation.

Just when Qin Ke contacted some big demons in Huangquan Purgatory, and was about to attack Huangquan Purgatory and make Huangquan Purgatory a part of Jiyan Purgatory, Qin Ke felt that a group of "guests" came to his purgatory.

Since the Extreme Flame Abyss became Purgatory, the demons from the above ordinary abyss rarely entered here.

Occasionally, demons from purgatory come in to have a look.

But this time, Qin Ke clearly felt that the people who came this time were not kind!

There are no fewer than thirty great demons with tenth-order bloodlines!

"Are you... a flame duck?"

All the great demons in the Extreme Flame Abyss felt the presence of outsiders.

In addition to the local demons of the Extreme Flame Abyss, the tenth-order bloodlines of the ancient beast races also came to Qin Ke's side one after another.

In a blink of an eye, fifteen great demons with tenth-order bloodline gathered beside Qin Ke.

The arrival of the blazing duck did not hide it.

The abyssal demons at many levels have sensed it.

After seeing the troops behind the flame duck, all the demon lords were frightened.

This guy is really crazy!Actually brought together so many non-protoss power.

If the Protoss merged with these powers, maybe the Spirit Race and the Soul Race would not be rivals, right?
Judging by his menacing appearance, he should be going to conquer the abyss.

I don't know which level of abyssal demons will be unlucky to be targeted by the lunatic Raging Flame Duck.

However, after seeing the direction of the flame duck, all the demons fell silent.

If they are attacking other ordinary abysses, they can turn a blind eye to it.

But if the Flame Duck wants to trouble Purgatory, then they can't just sit idly by.

Because purgatory is the holy place for all abyssal demons!

Just like the god domain of the protoss and the spirit world of the spirit race, it is a place that is highly valued by the two races.

If the Flame Duck wants to attack Purgatory, they can't just sit idly by!

Therefore, even if they don't have a good impression of the newly born Extreme Flame Purgatory, they can't sit still!

Groups of three and four are preparing to go to the Abyss of Extreme Flame to suppress the battle!

However, after the flame duck stepped into the extremely flaming purgatory, an endless and inextinguishable fire burned outside the extremely flaming purgatory.

This is the unique skill of the flame duck.

This inextinguishable fire blocked the entire Extreme Flame Purgatory.

This is the horror of stepping half a foot into the ultimate realm!
All the big demons in the ordinary abyss were blocked by the inextinguishable fire.

"This... I haven't seen you in ten thousand years, has this guy become so scary?"

The ordinary big devil couldn't help but secretly startled.

Originally, they were jealous and proud, but now in front of Lie Yanqu, they felt a little inferior.

At first, they were a little incomprehensible.

But then I thought about it, the flame duck is extremely hopeful to reach the level of their master of the abyss.

Although it is not a devil, but the devil respects the strong!
It seems that it is not unacceptable to feel humble, small and powerless in front of this level of existence!

"Go and inform the other Demon Lords!"

In a short time, there is no way for them to break through the inextinguishable fire.

For the current plan, we can only seek help from other demon monarchs!

But it will take time anyway!

I don't know if the extremely flaming purgatory can resist the attack of the flame duck!

Although it is said that the demon monarch of Extreme Flame Abyss is very legendary.

But in the face of the existence of the flame duck, I am afraid that the other demon monarchs are not sure!

Therefore, no demons have confidence in Qin Ke, and they all feel that Qin Ke's legend will end in the hands of the flame duck.

Inside the Extreme Flame Abyss, Qin Ke looked at the Flame Duck and said in surprise, "I don't know what is the opinion of the senior Lie Yandong who came here this time? I blocked my Extreme Flame Purgatory, are you going to take action against me?"

Seeing that the power of the law of fire on the old man in front of him is no weaker than Qin Ke's crystallization of the King of Fire Demon, so it is no weaker than the power Qin Ke has now, Qin Ke directly confirmed his identity.

In the entire galaxy, there is only one person who has such attainments in the law of fire.

"Hehe, you got the Monument of Flesh and Flesh from the Spiritual Realm, right? You came from the Spiritual Realm? These few should also be from the Spiritual Realm, right?"

Lie Yan duck looked at Qin Ke, then at the ancient beast clan beside Qin Ke and several tenth-order bloodlines, and smiled lightly.

"Yes, I got the Monument of Flesh and Flesh from Lingyu, but I seem to have returned it to your Lieyan family, right?"

Qin Ke replied lightly.

"Hmph! You know, you ruined my plan!"

After hearing Qin Ke's words, Lie Yan Duck's expression changed immediately.

The Flesh and Flesh Monument didn't help the current Flame Duck much.

Compared with the person in this world who can make him fight the enemy with all his strength, there is only Apocalypse of the Spirit Race.

But it is impossible for Tianqi to fight him desperately.

And that immortal old monster Yuhun Emperor, even if he has a monument of flesh and blood, he is not an opponent.

But this kind of thing, if the flame duck got it, it would be impossible to give it to other people.

This is why he would rather create the illusion that the monument of flesh and blood was lost than hand over the monument of flesh and blood.

He already regards the monument of flesh and blood as his private property rather than the Lieyan family's.

The monument of flesh and blood is the most critical part of his plan, but it is a pity that Qin Ke disturbed it. How could he not be angry?
"Hehe, plan? The plan of Perfect Blood? I have to say, Senior Lie Yan Duck is indeed talented!"

Qin Ke doesn't love Lie Yanwu at all now, so he doesn't give him any face.

On the contrary, he stimulated the flame duck well.

Because the flame duck is a protoss, and the fire demon king is a demon.

The flame law of the flame duck should be studied from another direction, which is different from that of the king of fire.

If Qin Ke stole this fruit, then his law of fire must be perfected directly!

(End of this chapter)

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