Chapter 248

"A group of tenth-level scumbags dare to fight against me. Today, I, Qin Aotian, will let you experience what is meant by social beatings!"

After sneering in his heart, Qin Ke directly activated the Daqian Sword Formation.

Extreme Flame Purgatory, that is to say, dozens of great demons with tenth-order blood under Qin Ke's hands naturally started to act.

Take your life to resist the four demon kings and their entourage outside.

And Qin Ke is at the most critical place, comprehending the ultimate law of fire and turning it into an abyss.

In this place, it is natural to follow the place of the abyss.

Qin Ke doesn't have the strength to disobey the will of the abyss now.

Without the cultivation base of Chunyang True Immortal, it might not work!

Because Qin Ke already has a certain degree of understanding of the law of fire.

Although it is said that there are some demonic influences, after all, there is no interference law of a super strong man with a bloodline beyond the tenth level like Emperor Yuhun.

Therefore, Qin Ke's promotion this time is very stable.

When Qin Ke took the last step, all the demons in the abyss couldn't help trembling.

There is fear, panic.

But there is more excitement in my heart.

The big demons of the tenth-order blood seemed to sense something, and couldn't help but look at the Jiyan Purgatory.

The expressions on the faces of those very old demons were even more complicated.

"It's over..."

The moment the abyss vibrated, Lord Lava, who rebelled with Lord Huangquan, was stunned.

They failed, but Qin Ke succeeded in advancing and became the Lord of the Abyss.

After he became the master of the abyss, he was the master of the entire abyss, even the demon king had to be obedient!

And they really rebelled at this time, how could Qin Ke let them go?

"We still have a chance. He has just advanced, so he can't be too strong! As long as we fight together, we can kill him!"

Lord Huang Quan spoke unwillingly.

He was also afraid.

But what can we do?
So far, it can only go all the way to the end like this!
When the lava monarch heard this, he felt that this was the truth.

But then a word in his ear made his heart go cold.

"There is a chance? What chance is there? You will never have any chance. From now on, you four monarchs will be removed from the Lord of the Abyss!"

How could Qin Ke let go of those who participated in his murder?

Even if these people could never threaten him, it was impossible for Qin Ke to let them stay in this world.

Well, this is Qin Ke's usual style.

Cutting weeds is rooting out.

"I want to see how strong you are!"

Lord Huang Quan knew that he should be the one who offended Qin Ke the most.

All the demons here can survive, but he has no chance of survival.

So, he didn't hide anything anymore, and directly used the power of the abyss to fight Qin Ke.


Qin Ke had no intention of wasting time with these demons.

Because he already felt that there were other people in this world who were taking the last step.

From his understanding of this novel, that person should be Apocalypse who masters the three powers of time, space, and life.

Those three forces, especially time and space, are very troublesome for Qin Ke now.

No matter which kind of power Tianqi uses to take the last step, it will be a big trouble for Qin Ke.

So, Qin Ke is going to stop him!

Therefore, he is not in the mood to play with these little guys in front of him.

Directly launch the ultimate fire, and burn all these rebels without leaving any traces.

Dozens of big demons, including four demon monarchs, all disappeared completely.

When the four demon lords died, the abyss they were in shook violently.

Because the demon heart that condensed the power of the abyss was completely burned by Qin Ke.

This caused the abyss where the four demon monarchs were located to immediately lose part of their original power.

The trembling of the four layers of purgatory made the demons inside them start to panic.

The tenth-order bloodline demon inside naturally slipped away in a hurry.

The shattering of the abyss is enough to threaten a tenth-order bloodline demon, let alone purgatory?

They don't want to die here like this.

As for other demons, even the lords of the ninth-order bloodline, they can only stay here, waiting for the final result in fear.

They can't get out of here like the Demon Lord.

As for borrowing the passage from the abyss, that is simply courting death.

Fortunately, the background of purgatory is still very deep, and the death of the demon monarch did not cause purgatory to collapse.

Qin Ke quickly arrived at the breakthrough place where Tianqi was.

This is an extremely vibrant place.

"Could it be that this guy intends to enter the Tao with his life?"

After Qin Ke saw this situation, he couldn't help but speak.

If he entered the Tao with life, it would be relatively simple. Even if he broke through to the ultimate state, Qin Ke would be sure to kill him.

Not to mention that Qin Ke has absorbed the Godhead of the Lord God of Destruction, the power of destruction inside is already comparable to the "Ultimate Fire" that Qin Ke just broke through and condensed.

As far as the godhead of the God King of Life is concerned, Qin Ke can suppress Tianqi to death.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Qin Ke was not in a hurry to act.

Tian Qi also sensed an extremely terrifying aura around him.

He wasn't sure whether it was the immortal old monster Emperor Yuhun or Qin Ke, the Lord of the Abyss who had just broken through.

But he knew that no matter who came, they were all his enemies!
He had to speed up and be alert at the same time.

"Wait, this is not the power of life, but time!"

After a while, Qin Ke sensed the loss of power around him, and suddenly said in surprise.

Tian Qi, this guy, intends to enter the Tao with time!

Without further ado, Qin Ke condensed the ultimate fire, ready to disturb Tian Qi's entrance!Because if he succeeds, it will be a big trouble!

But the next moment, he calmed down.

The way of time is something Qin Ke has never been involved in.

Wouldn't it be a pleasure to let Tianqi do it well and steal the fruit by himself?
Thinking of this, Qin Ke endured it again.

He already had a plan in mind.

"Give me... break it!"

At the critical moment, Tianqi roared.

Unleash all your strength and prepare to break through the last barrier from this world.

As long as he breaks it, he will be the world's first ultimate powerhouse who entered the Tao with "time"!
Before the Spirit Race, there was a strong man in the ultimate realm who was born. It is better to say fate. There was one of them who entered the Tao, but they fell for unknown reasons.

But the way of time, no!
Seeing that the last barrier was about to be broken, Tian Qi was still rejoicing, and suddenly he felt the temperature double.

"Damn! Despicable!"

Tian Qi couldn't help being furious.

At this time, he had to be distracted to resist Qin Ke's fatal blow.

After resisting Qin Ke's move, Tian Qi only felt his blood start to boil.

This is affected by Qin Ke's ultimate fire.

With Apocalypse's distraction, he breaks through the last barrier, and the crack that was originally opened is also closed.

In the end, he could only take a look at the scenery of the ultimate realm like Austin before him, but he couldn't take that final step after all.

"Time torrent!"

The angry apocalypse came out this time no matter who came.

Even if he can't fight, he will fight!
Giving him hope and giving him despair, Tianqi has already lost his mind at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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