Douluo: My martial soul connects all worlds

Chapter 261 Seven Luminaries God

Chapter 261 Seven Luminaries God
The loss in the world of the Great Xia Dynasty is definitely the biggest loss under the battle of the realm.

And this time, the God King basically swore that there was nothing wrong with it, but the reality gave him a big slap in the face.

This made him, who was in charge of this war, a little angry.

I can't wait to kill these guys to sacrifice the flag!
"Tell me in detail what happened!"

A few angry roars can be regarded as venting some of the heat in my heart.

Although the gods are nothing in this war, after all, the final battle still depends on the contest between the top Taoist ancestors.

But now it is only the initial stage of the battle of the Three Realms. The two sides can be regarded as during the preparation period. Daozu can't make a move, and the gods still have some effect. If four people die, it will cause a little trouble, and the gain may not be worth the loss.

Therefore, the God King does not intend to snap these defeated generals.

Next, it was natural for the masters of the Qinghu sect to tell the story of how they were defeated.

"It shouldn't is this possible..."

The god king was puzzled and looked carefully at the map of the world of the Great Xia Dynasty.

No matter which teleportation array is passed through, it is impossible to go back and forth between the two sides in a few hours!

Coupled with Qin Ke's bizarre appearance of killing several gods, the god king couldn't understand it.

"Could it be that……"

The God King couldn't help but have a guess.

"That's all, I remember that there is still a pawn in the world of the Great Xia Dynasty, and it should be put to good use at this time."

The God King doesn't have much information about Qin Ke now.

After all, Qin Ke didn't stay in the Three Realms before, and no matter how powerful the Wujianjiao's intelligence agency was, it was impossible to get any information about Qin Ke.

If you go to other places to inquire, you may not get any news.

But he should know that there is a pawn in his hand.

Because that pawn didn't come just before the news that a man named Qin Ke broke through the gods in Andan County City.

This is definitely not a coincidence, the two Qin Ke must be the same person.

Therefore, he can get a good understanding of which chess piece.

"You prepare manpower for me! The matter of the Great Xia Dynasty can't just be left alone! Anyway, sooner or later, we will have to fight Chi Ming head-on! Choosing a date is worse than hitting the sun! Let it be in the Great Xia Dynasty! Chance!"

After thinking about it, the king of gods decided to attack Chiming Daozu in advance.

The place of battle is the world of the Great Xia Dynasty!

"Yes! Thank you, God King!"

After hearing the words of the God King, the head of the Qinghu sect and the others felt a little joy in their hearts.

They survived at last!

After the four people left, the God King used a magic weapon to contact his pawn.

If Qin Ke was here, he would find that he knew the person the God King contacted.

After winning a big victory, Xia Mang held a banquet in the imperial city for several days to celebrate.

When Qin Keben was having a good discussion with the other two true immortals, he suddenly had a feeling.

It was the feeling that the jade slip he left at Yu Wei's place called him.

"Huh? Summoned me so early? I remember that she was still some time away from crossing the catastrophe!"

Qin Ke and Yu Wei have only been separated for more than half a month, and it is unreasonable for Yu Wei to break through.

As for being in danger, it shouldn't be.

"What's wrong? Fellow Daoist Qin Ke?"

Seeing the change in Qin Ke's expression, the two real immortals who were talking asked.

There was an embarrassed smile on Qin Ke's face, and he said: "I'm really sorry for the two fellow daoists. I suddenly have a very urgent matter to do, so I have to leave temporarily. The two fellow daoists continue, and I will leave first. Already!"

After saying goodbye, Qin Ke left in a flash.

This made the faces of the two real immortals who were discussing with him show a look of envy.

The way of space is truly miraculous.

The reason why they discussed with Qin Ke so enthusiastically must be to see if they can have some hope to understand.

However, Qin Ke kept silent about the way of space, so they naturally had no hope.

In just half an hour, Qin Ke felt Yu Wei's presence.

After all, if it is not crossing the robbery, then maybe it is in danger.

So Qin Ke can be said to have rushed over quickly.

But when he arrived in front of Yu Wei, he found that he came to an incomparably empty place, not in the city of Andan County.

Besides, there were several familiar faces beside Yu Wei.

It was the four gods who were out of tune before.

Seeing Qin Ke rushing over, Yu Wei's face flashed with guilt, and said bitterly: "I'm really sorry..."

She also had no choice.

She really wanted to hide Qin Ke's affairs on purpose.

But the King of God can read minds, and any thought of her can't be hidden from the King of God.

Knowing that Yu Wei still had such a relationship with Qin Ke, the God King was overjoyed, and quickly summoned the master of Qinghu Sect and the other four generals of the defeated army, and asked them to capture Qin Ke back!
No matter how bad it is, kill it!

The God King was also worried that the Qinghu Sect Master's trash would fail again, so he specially added two more people, both of which were at the level of Pure Yang True Immortals.

Now, there are six strong men at the level of Pure Yang True Immortals who came to trouble Qin Ke.

If it wasn't for the fact that the King of God was not convenient to come in person because of his status, the King of God might have personally acted this time.

"I see!"

Seeing this battle, Qin Ke suddenly remembered that Yu Wei had another identity.

She was a poor person controlled by the god king. In the end, she died without even a chance of reincarnation.

Later, in the finale, the protagonist Ji Ning was invincible and became the master of the universe before turning the world around and giving her another chapter to show her face.

"Boy, are you going to follow us obediently, or let us do it? Don't worry, the God King admires you very much, and we won't do anything to you. On the contrary, if you are willing to join us, I promise you The status is higher than ours!"

The head of the Qinghu sect said to Qin Ke.

Although Qin Ke made them feel ashamed and ashamed.

However, God King himself spoke, and they had to obey.

"Hey! You guys... have already saved your life, but why do you want to come back to die?"

Qin Ke didn't understand. Are these people really tired of living?
Qin Ke's words made the Qinghu Sect Master and the others very upset.

Has this kid not seen the situation clearly?

With a gloomy face, he said, "Boy, since you are looking for trouble, don't blame us. You guys, let's teach Fellow Daoist Qin Ke how to understand current affairs!"

The head of the Qinghu sect said to the accomplices who came with him.

The others all nodded, ready to attack Qin Ke directly, so as to avoid some accidents after a long time.

Qin Ke didn't pay any attention to this and snapped his fingers.

Soon, there were eight more figures beside Qin Ke.

One is naturally Qin Ke's second soul.

As for the other seven, they are all real gods!All gods!

"You are……"

The master of the Qinghu sect was immediately taken aback.

Qin Ke actually carried seven gods with him.

If these gods were Xia Mang and the others, they could barely accept and understand them.

But he didn't know these seven gods at all, which made them completely incomprehensible.

Could it be that they hit the iron plate today?
(End of this chapter)

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