Chapter 265 Victory

"Damn it, these guys who are in the way!"

Daozu Mozhu, who was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, was a little annoyed at this moment.

It is true that the three major demon gods of Wulong Mountain are difficult to find opponents in the realm of demon gods, but Qiyao Tianshen has also been famous for a long time. If they match up, it is not easy to decide the winner.

At least, this is what Mo Zhu Taoist thought in his heart.

But what Mozhu Daozu didn't know was that there was still a big gap between the three great demon gods of Mianlong Mountain and Qiyao God.

"I don't know when that guy will make a move."

The characters on the bright side can't open up the situation, so you can only look at the characters on the dark side.

In Wujianmen, there is an Anzi with a high status under Chiming Daozu's sect.

It should be activated at this time, after all, if he is not used in the battle of the realm, that pawn will not be of much use in the future!
But Daozu Mo Zhu didn't know who was the pawn lurking in Daozu Chiming's gate.

It seems that only the King of God knows his identity, and the secrecy work is still very strict.

"Junior Sister, let's help Junior Brother Qin Ke together!"

The disciples of Chiming Daozu have not made a move yet, because the same is true for Wujianmen.

In fact, as long as the last moment is not reached, Chi Ming Daozu does not want to have a complete all-round war.

Changqing Sword Immortal asked Chiming Daozu for instructions.

After thinking about it for a while, Chi Ming Daozu nodded.

No matter what Qin Ke said, he was also a disciple he had just accepted, so let's start a little bit later!

With the permission of Chiming Taoist Ancestor, Changqing Sword Fairy left with the sword.

And Xue Wu has always been the pursuer of the Evergreen Sword Immortal, she can be regarded as obedient to the Evergreen Sword Immortal, and naturally follows the climate.

Looking at the Changqing Sword Immortal and Xuewu God who joined the battle, for some reason, Daozu Chiming always felt uneasy, as if something big would happen next!

This is the induction at their level.

But he didn't know where the anxiety came from.

There is no way, the king of Wujianjiao merged into the Dao of Heaven, and with his interference, Daozu couldn't do whatever he wanted in the deduction.

Seeing that the Evergreen Sword Immortal actually came to help him, Qin Ke knew in a second what evil intentions this dog thief had harbored.

"This guy should sneak up on Xue Wu later, and then Qiyao Tianshen, but it's a pity that you met me, so it can only be a tragedy!"

Qin Ke couldn't help but smile in his heart.

Just when Xue Wu took the initiative to open the way for Changqing Sword Immortal, Changqing Sword Immortal showed his fangs.

The sword in his hand was quietly drawn out, stabbing directly at Xue Wu's golden core.

Just when he pierced Xuewu God's golden core with one eye and crippled Xuewu God's cultivation, he suddenly felt a pain in his head, and he couldn't help screaming subconsciously.

"Senior brother, what are you doing...Senior brother, what are you doing?"

Hearing the screams of Changqing Sword Immortal, Xuewu Heavenly God immediately looked back to see what happened, and asked Changqing Sword Immortal what happened.

However, when she saw the sword in Changqing Sword Immortal's hand pointing at her, she was stunned.


Evergreen Sword Immortal panicked when he saw Xuewu God find him.

He has been exposed, and he has lost part of the opportunity. Naturally, he can no longer hesitate.

"Changqing, it's you who deserves to be damned!"

At this time, Qin Ke's second soul suddenly appeared, and the sword in his hand pierced the golden core of Changqing Sword Immortal's chest.

As long as Changqing Sword Immortal doesn't stop and continues to kill Xue Wu who doesn't intend to resist, Qin Ke's sword will pierce Changqing Sword Immortal's golden core immediately, abolishing his cultivation base.

It is naturally impossible for Evergreen Sword Immortal to do such a self-destructive thing, so he quickly retreated to face Qin Ke's sudden attack.

At this time, as long as the god Xuewu has the heart, he can destroy the traitor Changqing Jianxian in one fell swoop.

But not only did this silly woman not do this, but when Qin Ke and Changqing Sword Immortal were about to enter a formal confrontation after a move, she took the initiative to stand in front of Changqing Sword Immortal, and at the same time said to Changqing Sword Immortal: "Brother, you go!"

At this time, Xue Wu must know that Changqing Sword Immortal has betrayed Chiming Daozu and joined Wujianmen.

But she still intends to protect Evergreen Sword Immortal.

"Xue Wu! Why are you doing this!"

Xia Mang, who was watching from above, roared.

Changqing Sword Immortal doesn't care about these things, he must be happy to have an idiot like Xue Wu as queen.

He hurriedly withdrew and left, destroying a "Xing Tianshen" on Chi Ming Daozu's side by the way.


Daozu Mozhu saw everything that happened below, so he naturally knew which kind of dark son Changqing Sword Immortal was.

The God King also said that the Evergreen Sword Immortal could turn the tide of the battle at a critical moment.

This is a fart twist, the door is exposed, it is extremely stupid!
"Changqing, you bloody traitor! I won't let you go!"

Xia Mang and others spoke angrily to Tao Zhiyao's Changqing.

Evergreen Sword Immortal scoffed at this. In his opinion, Wujianmen's victory this time is inevitable.

Unfortunately, at this time, Qiyao Tianshen defeated the three major demon gods of Mulong Mountain and began to attack the nearby Tianshen.

Soon, there was the event of the fall of the gods.

The first god who fell was on the side of the Infernal Gate.

Shortly after one died, there was a second.

No one can stop Qiyao Tianshen at all.

"Ten of you, let me help the Three Demon Gods and deal with the Seven Luminaries Gods!"

Now, Mozhu Daozu couldn't bear it anymore, and commanded the ten gods beside him to join the battle!
Due to the large number of people, the ten gods knew that the Qiyao god was extremely powerful, but they still dared to go up.

It's a pity that even if there are ten more helpers of the gods, the Qiyao gods are fearless, and he is the most beautiful cub on this battlefield.

The three great demon gods of Wulong Mountain didn't dare to continue fighting with Qiyao Tianshen, and started to retreat directly.

With their leadership, the other suppressed gods and true immortals lost their fighting spirit and began to retreat one after another.

Daozu Mozhu knew that the situation was over, no matter how helpless he was, he had no choice but to issue an order: "Withdraw!"

This sound resounded through the sky, and the celestial beings on Wujianmen's side began to retreat crazily.


Wujianmen began to retreat, Chiming Daozu naturally gave the order to hunt down.

For a time, the army of Wujianmen suffered countless casualties.

It's nothing for the gods and real immortals to run fast, but the ordinary gods, especially the loose immortals and earth immortals, can only be reduced to the bottom of the cannon fodder.

This time, Chiming Realm won a complete victory.

Qiyao Tianshen also untied his formation and went to the observation deck of Chi Ming Taoist Ancestor.

"Hongxue! Thank you this time!"

Chi Ming Daozu thanked Hongxue.

The relationship between Chi Ming Daozu and Sanshou Daoist is also very good, so they know each other.

"Daozu saw it, and this time we helped out for the sake of my junior brother!" Hongxue Tianshen said frankly.

If it wasn't for Qin Ke and Huang Daxiong's repeated persuasion, he wouldn't make a move this time.

The yellow bear knew that it was Qin Ke who could quickly avenge his master, so he could only stand by Qin Ke's side and trick the God of Red Snow...

"After all, you have made a move. This battle is considered a victory, but I don't know if Wujianmen will make a comeback. At that time, I hope you will take another shot for the sake of my friendship with your master. Of course, if Wujianmen does not make a comeback , there is no need for it.”

Hearing the words of Hongxue Tianshen, Chi Ming Daozu was very pleased.

Sure enough, this apprentice Qin Ke didn't pay in vain, and this time it was because of him that he won!
However, Chiming Daozu was worried that Wujianmen would make a comeback. At that time, no one would be able to stop the three demon gods of Wulong Mountain. He was afraid that the battle would be unfavorable, so he asked.

(End of this chapter)

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