Chapter 274
Although it is said that Qin Ke has only scratched the surface of Hou Yi's archery.

But this arrow is still like a "tracking missile".

As if conscious, whichever way you hide, the arrow will continue to move forward.

Ordinary people want to avoid it, but it is extremely difficult.

Three eyes will be like this.

He thought he could just avoid it.

Who knew that after he dodged to relax his vigilance just now, the arrow actually came back.

It was inserted directly into his waist, penetrating three points into his flesh.

Three eyes will scream

But at this time, the sledgehammer of the Tianyu Dragon King came with a blow, and the three eyes swung their halberds to block it.

The severe pain prevented the three-eyed general from fully exerting his power.

Under Tianyu Dragon King's hammer, the three eyes will retreat tens of meters in the air.

After stopping to stabilize his heels, the three-eyed general did not counterattack immediately, but looked at the wound on his waist and fell into silence.

He never thought that he was actually injured, and it was still very serious.

"God general, are you okay?"

The Killing Heart Avalokitesvara who was watching the battle from above saw it and hurried forward.

After all, he and Sanyan will both be from the heavens.

He also admired the three-eyed general very much, but he didn't want to watch him fall like this.

Of the twelve generals in the God Realm, he is the only one left now.

"I'm fine!"

The three-eyed general shook his head. Although the injury was serious, it was not fatal.

He looked at Qin Ke who was attacking him, and he had already firmly remembered this person in his heart.

He must find this place!
But not now, because the current him may not be able to beat the Tianyu Dragon King, so naturally he can't do anything to Qin Ke.

"God send you up to rest! Leave this place to me."

Di Shitian also put Killing Heart Avalokitesvara on the list, just to ensure that this operation is foolproof.

Now that the three eyes will no longer work, the Killing Heart Avalokitesvara will naturally change his hands.

The three-eyed general nodded, this time was his first failure.

He endured the pain and tore off the arrow that shot him.

The arrow had a barb, and when it was torn off, the three-eyed general really hurt so much that he was about to scold his mother.

Killing Heart Avalokitesvara is one of the two great sorcerers in the heavens, so his strength should not be underestimated.

Confronting the Tianyu Dragon King, he took out his own advantages and directly crushed the Tianyu Dragon King.

Just as Killing Heart Guanyin was about to press the old face of the Tianyu Dragon King with one palm, and then end the battle with one blow, Qin Ke stood in front of the Tianyu Dragon King.

With a light wave of his hand, he blocked the palm of Killing Heart Guanyin.

Although there was a difference in Qin Ke's speed, Killing Heart Guanyin still didn't care about it, and the kung fu in his hands never stopped.

It's a pity that in the face of the menacing Avalokitesvara, Qin Ke said that one hand is enough for him.

Not only that, Qin Ke stayed where he was, and used one hand to deal with the Killing Heart Guanyin, which seemed to be very easy.

"how can that be!"

Killing Heart Avalokitesvara was stunned immediately, he never imagined that the person in front of him was so powerful!
Shouldn't the strongest in the Tianyu Dragon Palace be the Tianyu Dragon King!When did such a powerful character appear!
Qin Ke straightened his chest, and a gust of pure yang qi radiated out, directly shaking the Killing Heart Avalokitesvara.

"Damn! Give me all to die!"

Killing Heart Avalokitesvara was really angry this time, flew into the sky, summoned her own huge Dharma Body, and was about to perform her ultimate attack.

"Thousand-handed Buddha!"

Immediately, fire flew all over the sky, crashing into Tianyu Dragon Palace like a meteorite.

At this moment, Tianyu Dragon King understood the level gap between himself and Killing Heart Guanyin, so he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

I don't know if my ancestors can take this trick?
Should be no problem, right?Tianyu Dragon King thought in his heart.

If Qin Ke couldn't take it, then the Tianyu Dragon Palace might be razed to the ground.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Qin Ke shook his head, attacking first was not enough for Qin Ke!
He held the box with both hands, and suddenly there were four more hands on his back.

This was originally a very serious supernatural power "Three Heads and Six Arms" in the Three Realms.

But the three heads are really scary, with sharp eyes, so Qin Ke cut that part of the content.

After gaining four extra arms, Qin Ke took advantage of his speed and waved away at the Thousand-handed Buddha of Killing Heart Avalokitesvara.

Immediately, it was raining flowers all over the sky again, hitting the "fire palm" of the Killing Heart Guanyin.

After the explosion, some fragments of fire were scattered around, and it was really like setting off fireworks.

The Killing Heart Avalokitesvara was immediately taken aback. In his opinion, it seemed that Qin Ke had stolen his unique skill!
At this moment, when he was not paying attention, a palm print burning with flames hit him directly on the face.

Killing Heart Avalokitesvara is obsessed with cleanliness, this slap directly dazzled his face.

"you you……"

Killing Heart Avalokitesvara was blown away.

But the strength Qin Ke showed, coupled with the Tianyu Dragon King who was watching covetously, made him really helpless.

"Tianyu Dragon Palace, just wait! The heavenly people will not stop here! Strange scriptures, let you keep them for our Tiangong first!"

It is basically impossible to win the Tianyu Dragon Palace this time.

Killing Heart Avalokitesvara could only retreat back and report to Di Shitian, seeking reinforcements from Di Shitian!

After the celestial crowd retreated, the dragon crowd of the Tianyu Dragon Palace naturally cheered.

"Tianyu Dragon King, get ready, we are leaving here."

At this time, Qin Ke strolled over and said to the Tianyu Dragon King.

"Leave? Where are you going? With so many of us, even if we leave, we will attract the attention of the heavenly people? Could it be that we are going to the East China Sea?"

The Dragon King of Sky Feather asked doubtfully.

In his opinion, Qin Ke should be worried that Tianyu Dragon Palace will be affected by Tiangong. After all, there are still many masters in Tiangong who have not shown up.

But with so many dragons, it was too much noise to leave.

"Don't worry! I will let you go to a safe place."

Qin Ke signaled them not to worry.

As for where to go, it is naturally the world opened up by Qin Ke.

"Okay, then I'll let them clean up."

After thinking about it, the Tianyu Dragon King nodded.

"Don't use it, you don't need to clean up anything."

Qin Ke held him back.

Just when the Tianyu Dragon King wanted to say something, Qin Ke flew into the sky, and it was still high.

At this moment, Qin Ke stretched out his right hand.

Suddenly, an imaginary golden hand appeared, surrounding the entire Dragon Palace.

The entire Dragon Palace is held in his hands from high altitude and from top to bottom.


Tianyu Dragon King and the three hundred dragons were speechless.

Is this really something that humans... oh no, dragons can do?The strength of the ancestor is so terrible?
Soon, the entire Dragon Palace disappeared, and was collected by Qin Ke into the Immortal Mansion World.

"Where did you get them?"

Except for the Qijing Tian Yuzhi who was deliberately kept by Qin Ke, the rest entered the world of Immortal Mansion.

Seeing so many dragons, so many buildings disappeared all of a sudden, Tian Yuzhi was in a daze.

She wondered if she was dreaming.

"Don't worry! They're fine, so go in and have a look!"

In order to reassure the little girl, Qin Ke also took her in.

(End of this chapter)

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