Douluo: My martial soul connects all worlds

Chapter 279 The South China Sea

Chapter 279 The South China Sea
"Good wife! How can I blame you! I know, I understand, it's all pigs! That damned pig!"

Seeing his wife's pitiful appearance, Zhu Bajie couldn't bear it anymore, ran over to hug her in his arms and comforted her.

At this time, he was still in pain when he saw his wife making out with Zhu Yongli just now.

Now he is smiling all over his face.

A trace of disgust flashed across Gao Cuilan's face, but in order to understand the truth and to protect her future, the look of disgust on her face subsided.

"Your stupid apprentice is hopeless."

Qin Ke shook his head.

Needless to say, Zhu Bajie is destined not to have a house in the future.

Zhu Yong is dead, so what?

Zhu Bajie can now be regarded as the best pig in the world.

After they left, when Gao Cuilan realized it, there might be more forgiveness caps on Zhu Bajie's head.


Since Tang Sanzang was a bystander, he watched Gao Cuilan's every move.

Naturally, she knew what the hell Gao Cuilan was up to.

He has already made up his mind, he will go and have a good talk with Bajie later, so that Bajie won't be hurt more in the future.

Qin Ke didn't care about these things, and left the place with his people.

The next day, Qin Ke planned to leave.

So Qin Ke gave Tang Sanzang one night to persuade Zhu Bajie.

It's up to him to persuade Zhu Bajie to leave, anyway, Qin Ke doesn't plan to stay here for too long.

Who wants to stay in the pigsty for a long time!

The next day, Zhu Bajie followed Tang Sanzang with the nine-toothed rake.

"You're smart!"

Seeing Zhu Bajie coming, Qin Ke had to say that this kid was lucky.

Because Qin Ke had already decided before that if Zhu Bajie followed him, Qin Ke would show mercy and help Zhu Bajie recover his skills.

If Zhu Bajie doesn't go with him, then Qin Ke doesn't matter, why should he care?

Fortunately, this pig, stupid people have stupid blessings.

Qin Ke used his own life force to distribute it casually, and the damage this guy suffered was healed.

All the tusks that had been pulled out also sprang up again.

"thanks, thanks!"

Zhu Bajie burst into tears of gratitude.

His fangs are finally healed, and his strength has also recovered correspondingly.

Qin Ke didn't intend to continue chatting with this guy, because he still had things to do now.

Of course, it wasn't Qin Ke's good intentions to reunite this team of masters and apprentices.

Qin Ke has other ideas.

The next place is the Quicksand River.

The Drifting Monk in Liusha River has been controlled by the Eastern Heavenly King.

But the Eastern Heavenly King has already been scared by Qin Ke, how dare he show up.

Therefore, the Drifting Monk is in the Liusha River.

As long as he is alone, Tang Sanzang can solve it by himself.

It took him a lot of effort to awaken Drifting's consciousness.

After Drifting also returned to his place, the next one is the last one-Monkey King.

Sun Wukong is also Qin Ke's target.

Qin Ke was very curious about the Mending Stone.

So, Sun Wukong also went to save him.

Monkey King, trapped in the South China Sea.

The South China Sea is some distance away, but Qin Ke didn't want to waste too much time.

He also took out Tianyushou in his own fairy world as a mount.

After seeing Tian Yushou, Aoxue was immediately taken aback.

After being dumbfounded, there was an excited group.

In his heart, Tian Yukari has a lot of weight.

He had the nerve to sit on top of Tian Yukun, and turned into a dragon to follow behind Tian Yukun.

Soon, they came to the coast of the South China Sea.

Looking at the stone pillar standing above the sea, Tang Sanzang and others changed their minds.

Qin Ke, Tang Sanzang and the others had just landed when four people jumped out of the sea.

Three men and one woman.

They are South Sea Dragon King Ao Lei, and his sons and daughters Ao Yilong and Ao Ling.

"Hey, Master Sanzang, I don't know what is your opinion when you come to our South China Sea?"

Ao Lei spoke angrily.

When he saw Aoxue beside him, the contempt in his tone became even more disdainful.

"Isn't this my Aoxue nephew? Why isn't my nephew turned into a horse now? Don't continue to be a disgrace to our Dragon Clan?"

Because the people in the heaven didn't pay much attention to the South China Sea Dragon Clan.

So, although it is said that the Dragon King of the South China Sea acts as the running dog of the heaven, monitoring the dragon clan for the heaven.

But the people in the heaven did not tell the Dragon King of South China Sea about Qin Ke.

That's why the Dragon King of the South China Sea dared to come out so arrogantly to die.

In their view, as long as there is no Sun Wukong, Tang Sanzang and others are simply not enough to justify!

They Nanhai can easily wipe out these people.

When Aoxue heard Ao Lei's words, she immediately became angry.

What he hates the most is when people say that about him.

He was targeted by Avalokitesvara of Killing Heart, he couldn't beat Avalokitesvara of Killing Heart, but could he be blamed?
At this time, no one cares about Aoxue.

Qin Ke cast his eyes on Tian Yushou.

Tianyushou stood up and said calmly: "Uncle Ao Lei, did you pass the news of the strange scriptures hidden in Tianyu Dragon Palace to the heavenly people?"

Tian Yushou heard Qin Ke say this before, so he didn't return to the world of Immortal Mansion.

Qin Ke, of course he believed it.

But this is a bit of a big deal.

Ao Lei is one of the pillars of the Dragon Clan, he doesn't quite believe that Ao Lei will leave the good Dragon King behind and become a lackey of the public.

"It turned out to be Nephew Shou! Unexpectedly, you guessed it. Yes, the news of the strange scriptures was indeed conveyed to the heavenly people by me. Why, is Nephew Shou coming to settle accounts with me?"

Ao Lei spoke arrogantly.

It is true that Tianyushou is the first genius of the new generation of dragons.

But he was far away from him, the Dragon King of the South China Sea. He didn't believe that he would be unable to suppress these guys.

"You are the real shame of the dragon clan! You are not worthy of being a dragon!"

A strong anger appeared on Tian Yukari's face.

Betraying the Dragon Clan is a disgrace to the Dragon Clan!

"Hmph! Your father, the Dragon King of Tianyu, and the Dragon King of the East China Sea, are both old and stubborn! In his position, he does not seek to govern! As a result, our dragon clan is scattered and oppressed by the heavenly crowd and the Asura clan! Only I, the Dragon Clan Lord, unite all the dragons to make the dragons stronger again!"

The Dragon King of the South Sea spoke confidently.

Little did he know that with his strength...he was worthy of being compared with the masters of the Heavenly Clan and the Asura Clan?There is simply no self-knowledge at all.

"Forget it, what are you talking about with these guys? Aoxue! You go to deal with Ao Yilong, Tianyushou to deal with the other one, and as for the Dragon King of the South China Sea, leave it to Tang Sanzang, and leave that little girl to me."

I don't know how long this nonsense will last.

Qin Ke was too lazy to speak, so he began to assign tasks.

Only after a fight and the outcome is decided, can the other side be shut up!
When Qin Ke said this, the Dragon King of the South China Sea suddenly realized that there seemed to be too many people on the opposite side.

It seems a bit difficult for them to eat the other side!
However, he has already asked the heavens for help, as long as he persists for a while, the people of the heavens should come to help.

Because it is impossible for the celestial beings in the heaven to watch Monkey King get out of trouble again without stopping.

Because Sun Wukong's rebirth will bring big troubles to the heavens!

As long as the people from the heavens arrive, the initiative is in their hands.

At that time, these people will not be slaughtered by them?

Thinking of this, the Dragon King of the South China Sea smiled, not worried at all.

Poor thing, he still doesn't know that the dragons of the South China Sea have been abandoned by the heavens, and they have become abandoned children.

(End of this chapter)

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