Chapter 287 Stepfather?

"Okay! Since Big Brother Muchen doesn't want to, forget it! From now on, we'll be strangers! You take your Yangguan Road, and I'll take my single-plank bridge!"

The moment Mu Chen refused, there was no smile on Luo Li's face, only coldness.

The coldness made Muchen feel strange, is this the same Luo Li she knew?

"It's as if Master Juan cares less about your all-in-one transformation! Master Judiciary is the supreme being of the holy rank!"

Speaking of this, Luo Li looked at Qin Ke with admiration, which made Muchen even more unhappy!

Is it the holy heaven supreme!I can too!

Thinking of this, Mu Chen finally said helplessly, "Luo Li, don't do this! I'll give it! Can't I give it!"

Mu Chen still decided to be taken advantage of.

He loves Luo Li so much!

Mu Chen honestly told Qin Ke how to cultivate the Three Purities in One Qi.

Qin Ke naturally had a smile on his face.

No, let Mu Chen obediently send the Yiqihua Sanqing here?
He did not use force!

This is strength!

"Luo Li, come with me! I will protect you from now on!"

After one breath, Mu Chen really didn't want to see this man anymore, so he said to Luo Li.

He wanted to take Luo Li away, because he now had the strength to protect Luo Li.

Who knows, Luo Li's face is full of helplessness, she looks at Qin Ke affectionately, and regrets to Mu Chen: "Brother Mu Chen, I'm sorry! Luo Li is not good enough for you, Lord Master will not dislike you Luo Li, Luo Li is very grateful for accepting Luo Li as the No.19 concubine. From now on, I will follow and serve Master Juggernaut. Muchen, let's go! You are a good person, forget about me Go! You will meet better girls in the future."

Luo Li's words made Muchen almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

What the hell!I gave everything to get a good person card!

What do you mean I am a good person!

Could it be that even someone who is willing to be a No.19 concubine is unwilling to be her real wife!

Mu Chen was in despair.

But he thought again, how arrogant Luo Li was before, he would be jealous if he said a few words with other girls.

How could she be someone else's concubine when she was so proud and arrogant, she was room number 19!
All of a sudden, Mu Chen had an idea in his mind.

It must be so!After this master gave Luo Li away from the Western Heaven War Emperor, he saw how beautiful Luo Li was!There must have been evil thoughts that took over Luo Li!

Luo Li must love herself, that's why she forced herself like this, don't fight against this master, because now he doesn't have that strength!
Luo Li must love him in her heart!

Thinking of this, Muchen felt more proud, he said to Luo Li: "Luo Li, tell me, this guy forced me to do all of this, right! You must love me in your heart Right!"

Muchen looked at Luo Li expectantly, but Luo Li's disdain was aroused, and he couldn't help satirizing how he didn't see how stupid Mu Chen was before.

If he really still likes him, how can he help Qin Ke deceive Mu Chen into a one-off man!

Therefore, she said coldly, "Mu Chen, I thank you for taking care of me so that I can be with Master Juan innocently, but don't think too much, I only have Master Juan in my heart now!"

Qin Ke already got what Qin Ke needed, so he didn't need to be polite with Mu Chen anymore.

After finishing speaking, Luo Li looked at Qin Ke tenderly, and took the initiative to stretch out her right index finger, put it in front of Qin Ke's mouth, and said softly: "My lord, everything is yours now."

Qin Ke gently kissed it, and finally took it into his mouth.

Well, before Qin Ke promised not to move Luo Li's finger, he naturally did it and left it to Mu Chen.

Of course, I only kept my fingers, the rest...

But now it is obviously not needed, so Qin Ke also took away the last pure land on Luo Li's body.

Qin Ke's actions made Muchen's eyes full of anger!

damn it!To actually bully Luo Li in front of her own eyes!I will make you pay!
"Damn it! Just wait and see! I'll make you regret it! Luo Li, just wait, I'll rescue you right away!"

Furious, Muchen took out the token given to him by Emperor Yan Xiaoyan when he obtained the Yi Qi Hua San Qing, and activated it.

Because Yan Emperor Xiao Yan and Martial Ancestor Lin Dong both promised to fight for him once!

Now he has to use this opportunity!
Because Qin Ke is the supreme saint!Only Emperor Yan or Martial Ancestor can match it!
Although Mu Chen really wanted to call both of them at once, maybe he would be [-]% sure in this way.

But it's really not good to let two big bosses rob women for themselves.

After thinking for a while, Muchen activated Emperor Yan's token first, letting Emperor Yan come first.

If Emperor Yan can't solve it, let Martial Ancestor come!
Shengpin Tianzhi's method is extremely unimaginable. A few seconds after Mu Chen activated the token, Yan Emperor Xiao Yan descended.

Xiao Yan has been high-spirited all these years. After all, he stands on the top of the world. Even among many traversers, he believes that he is an excellent person.

Before he saw Mu Chen, he decided that this guy was similar to himself, maybe also the protagonist.

Although he also thinks that he is the protagonist, he still didn't make up his mind to attack Mu Chen, but made good friends with Mu Chen.

Because he is the protagonist of the lower realm, and Mu Chen is the protagonist of the upper realm, he is not sure whether he can win the final victory in their confrontation.

He didn't expect Mu Chen to use up his token so quickly, but he didn't think too much, he came directly.

"Little friend Muchen, I don't know what's the matter with you replacing me?"

Xiao Yan didn't care about his surroundings, because he didn't care much about the whole world.

As soon as he came, he directly asked Mu Chen what he wanted him to do.

"Senior Yan Emperor! Help me deal with this guy! He shamelessly stole my Luo Li!"

Seeing Emperor Yan coming, Mu Chen immediately gained confidence, pointed at Qin Ke, and spoke provocatively, as if to say, you can't think of it!I also have a backstage!Moreover, he is still the Supreme Saint!
Hearing what Mu Chen said, Xiao Yan showed a little anger on his face.

What he hates the most are people who occupy other people's women!
Of course, through this thing.Xiao Yan is even more convinced that Mu Chen is the hero!
Otherwise, there wouldn't be others stealing the heroine's role!

Therefore, he opened his mouth filled with righteous indignation, and said, "Don't worry, little friend! I will definitely decide this matter for you!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yan turned around to see who was so presumptuous to snatch the heroine in broad daylight!
When Xiao Yan said that, Mu Chen was naturally even more proud.

Who knows how long before his smile was bright, it became stiff.

Because he heard two words that he really couldn't believe.

I only heard Xiao Yan yell out two words: "Father?!"

(End of this chapter)

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