Chapter 296

"That's right! Unfortunately, for me, if you have mastered the complete will of the world and left all your names on the sky list, I'm afraid of you three points, but it's a pity that you only have half of it! And you are the only one in the great world. I'm not afraid at all!"

The evil god shook his head, he is the master of other worlds.

When he came to this world, he was rejected by the world will of the great thousand worlds, so he could only have a power slightly stronger than the half-step master, so in ancient times he could only be a little stronger than the immortal emperor.

Later, in order to completely occupy this world, he thought of a way to be sealed by the Immortal Emperor voluntarily.

It seems that the Immortal Emperor won, but in fact, the evil god used this method to adapt to the world will of the Great Thousand World.

Now, he has fully adapted, as long as he has enough energy, he can recover the strength of the master level.

He seems to be the final winner.

"For this seat, you are the most perfect blood food!"

After finishing speaking, the evil god looked at Martial Ancestor Lin Dong greedily.

The Martial Ancestor who is half-step master is indeed a great tonic for him, absorbing him can almost restore most of his strength.

"It's really shameless! Die for me!"

Lin Dong was furious, and added the power of the world's will to his moves, every move carried the power of the world, destroying the world.

This move, even the ordinary saint-grade heavenly supreme beings are frightened, but the evil god is extremely easy and relaxed to deal with it.

The people on the Great Thousand World started to panic, if even Martial Ancestor can't beat the evil god, is there any hope for them in the Great Thousand World!
After a hundred or so rounds, Lin Dong really felt more and more strenuous, and he couldn't hold on any longer!
"Let's go together! Help Martial Ancestor!
After seeing the powerhouses in the surrounding world, they immediately made a decision in their hearts.

Martial Ancestor is now the plaque and banner of the Great Thousand World. You may not be able to defeat the evil god, but you must not fail!

If it fails, the morale of the army on their side will be scattered, and they will be completely powerless!
The two sides once again broke out in a terrifying chaos.

Lin Dong also took this opportunity to get some relief.

The evil god didn't directly go after Lin Dong, because in his view, the Great Thousand World with only one Lin Dong was already in his pocket.

Lin Dong couldn't escape.

He started to target Shengpin Tianzhizun.

For the evil gods, the ordinary Holy Grade Heavenly Supreme is only a matter of three or five moves to solve.

In just a few minutes, the evil god has already devoured three powerhouses of the Holy Heaven Supreme.

The next moment, he set his sights on the young Mu Chen.

Poor Muchen had a great impact on his state of mind because of Qin Ke's appearance.

Before, he had broken through to the Heavenly Sovereign, but he had a farther way to realize the will of the world than Xiao Yan.

Even if he should be the biggest pig's foot in the world, even if he was the first person to comprehend the will of the complete world.

After Qin Ke appeared and affected him, everything would naturally change.

Mu Chen tried his best, but he barely managed to resist the evil god's five moves.

These five moves were still under the condition that he damaged two clones.

If there is no accident, wait two more moves, and the evil god can defeat and devour Mu Chen.

Muchen was desperate, because he saw that his mother and aunt wanted to save him, but they couldn't come because they were surrounded by several devil emperors.

As for the other holy rank heavenly beings, how could they sacrifice themselves to save Mu Chen if they couldn't take care of themselves?They really aren't that great!
Of course, what makes Muchen feel unable to live the most is that his girlfriend Luoli sees that he is in danger, and she doesn't care at all, only dealing with his enemies, and has no intention of helping him at all.

This made Mu Chen really lose his mind.

Just when Mu Chen was about to give up resistance, the evil god suddenly retreated.

Suddenly, a sword light slashed a crack hundreds of meters deep at the place where the evil god was just now.

Two figures that made Mu Chen hate to the bone appeared.

It's two people who look alike.

The person who came was none other than Qin Ke!

When Lin Dong used the will of the world to push out the Sky Ranking, Qin Ke also took that step, and both avatars met the requirements for entering the Sky Ranking.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Qin Ke wrote the word Qin on the sky list.

After all, Qin Ke's understanding of the will of the world is still too shallow. After all, he just realized it, so he can only write one word.

In a month or so, Qin Ke should be able to grasp the complete will of the world.

"Here comes another one! It seems that the Great Thousand World has been saved!"

The Heavenly Sovereigns of the Great Thousand World saw another strong man appearing on the list, and their confidence doubled immediately.

"Unexpectedly, there are people like you in the Great Thousand World!"

For some reason, these two identical existences in front of him made the evil god feel a palpitation.

Although it is said that they are all half-step masters, the evil god feels that this is a greater threat to him than Lin Dong!

"Me? I'm just a clone! You are only worthy of fighting with my clone!"

Qin Ke shook his head disdainfully, although the strength of the evil god was comparable to that of Chunyang Zhenxian.

Dan is only the weakest kind, and he is still disabled. Qin Ke really doesn't take him seriously.

Using his own incarnation to deal with the evil god is already giving him face.

"you wanna die!"

The evil god was furious about this, he didn't believe that there would be any clones in this world who were half-step masters!
He also urged the will of the world and began to attack Qin Ke proactively.

He has just absorbed the energy of several Saint-rank Heavenly Sovereigns and a dozen or so Immortal-ranked Heavenly Sovereigns, and the strength of the evil god has recovered a lot.

But in Qin Ke's two incarnations, the evil god's attack was not enough to watch.

Qin Ke's two avatars have mastered extremely powerful killing techniques, making the evil god really miserable!

Those present, only Xiao Yan and Mu Chen knew that Qin Ke was telling the truth.

Because they all knew that Qin Ke would transform the Sanqing at once.

They never imagined that Qin Ke's avatar is already a half-step master, an invincible existence in the entire universe.

So isn't the deity...

Mu Chen felt extremely bitter in his heart, after he reached the Supreme Heaven Supreme, he planned to seek justice from Qin Ke.

But now he is desperate.

He can't even beat Qin Ke's avatar now, how can he seek justice?
What's more, Qin Ke's three women are all people he can't deal with, and they are all stronger than him. How can he seek justice?
Thinking of this, Mu Chen felt how useless and worthless he was, even if he had already reached the Holy Grade Heavenly Sovereign.

The most important thing is that today he was actually saved by Qin Ke, which made Muchen even more ashamed.

As for Xiao Yan, his heart is much simpler than Mu Chen's, all he has is envy for Qin Ke.

Of course, there is also the determination to have a good relationship with Qin Ke in his heart, even if it means giving anything.

(End of this chapter)

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