Chapter 299 Ambush?die!

It has been ten years since Qin Ke opened the altar to preach.

Ten years later, Chiming Taoist ancestor came to the world of the Great Xia Dynasty, and Qin Ke stopped preaching.

"Disciple, I didn't expect to see you in a hundred years, and you have become the ancestor of Dao! I am really happy to be a teacher!"

In Xia Mang's palace, Chi Ming Daozu looked at Qin Ke with great emotion in his heart.

It's too much to have to admire Qin Ke's aptitude!However, it took a thousand years to become a Dao ancestor.

You know, thousands of years ago, I don't know how many people are still struggling with Yuanshen Daoist or even Void Returning Earth Immortal.

"Perhaps, this is because of this catastrophe!"

It is naturally impossible for Qin Ke to reveal his hole cards to others.

"That's right, in this catastrophe, there are indeed not a few people who have become Taoist ancestors in recent years!"

Chi Ming Daozu nodded, which can be regarded as acquiescing to this statement.

"Since the apprentice has reached Dao Patriarch, come to me first, let's have a good discussion tomorrow!"

Chi Ming Daozu invited Qin Ke.

Nowadays, it is better for Taoist ancestors to hug each other.


Qin Ke nodded, and then left after talking to Xia Mang.

On the way to Chi Tomorrow, Qin Ke sensed danger.

"Come out! Sneaky and sneaky! You really are a rat from the Infernal Gate!"

Chiming Daozu is also a veteran Daozu, and he also sensed the surrounding situation, and said.

Immediately, the five Taoist ancestors appeared!
Chi Ming Daozu was also taken aback, he never thought that there were actually five Daozu ambushing here!

Qin Ke's acquisition was naturally deduced.

For this kind of new Taoist ancestor, the strength is not strong, so Wujianmen will naturally try to eradicate him!
What's more, about Qin Ke, Wujianmen knows very well.

He has become the Dao Patriarch in just a thousand years. If he continues to grow, he may become a real giant in the Three Realms, become the new leader of the Three Realms camp, and even the second Nuwa, bringing huge troubles to Wujianmen.

Therefore, Wujianmen hemorrhaged and sent five not weak Daozu to attack Qin Ke and Chiming Daozu.

By the way, he fortified the previous defeat of the Fifth Realm in the battle of the Chiming Realm for several consecutive games!
"Damn it, you Wujianmen are planning to go to war!"

Chi Ming Daozu was also a little panicked.

He is a veteran Taoist ancestor, and he can be regarded as a top Taoist ancestor.

But it can only deal with two Taoist ancestors at once.

But there are five here, and the remaining three can easily kill Qin Ke, and then five besiege him one by one!

The person from Infernal Gate didn't answer, and started to act directly.

Two people directly intercept Chi Ming Daozu, and the remaining three are to deal with Qin Ke.

"Well done! World Destroying Slash!"

Facing the sniping attacks of the three Taoist ancestors, Qin Ke didn't panic at all.

It can be used to test your current strength!

Destroying the Heavenly Dao is the most powerful Heavenly Dao. Facing Qin Ke's all-out attack, the three Dao ancestors could no longer fight head-on.

Spread out and start from three directions, intending to kill Qin Ke directly, so as not to have more dreams in the night.

Facing the attack from three sides, Qin Ke's expression was a little "panic".

No matter how powerful he is, he can barely resist two directions with his dual swords!

The two swords were blocked by two Dao ancestors, Qin Ke's back was naturally defenseless, and Dao ancestor took the opportunity to make a move.

Just when the Thunder Attribute Dao Ancestor was about to hit Qin Ke.

Suddenly, two figures appeared behind Qin Ke.

One perfectly deflected his attack, while the other hit him directly.

36 The heavens, the treasure of killing the Tao!
The 36 orbs directly formed a large formation, trapped this Taoist ancestor, and attacked him inhumanely in turn.

As for Qin Ke himself, he ruthlessly harvested the Dao ancestor who was beaten crippled by the 36 heavens with the hand of picking stars.

His fairy spirit, Qin Ke ruthlessly suppressed it into a piece of heaven, and refined it in his free time.

"What! Thunder! Damn it! Why are there two Taoist ancestors! You are so insidious!"

The remaining four Taoist ancestors of Wujianmen were furious when they saw their "friend Taoist" fall in a blink of an eye, angrily scolding Qin Ke for being despicable and shameless.

"Mean? It's so funny!"

Qin Ke couldn't help but smiled, and didn't say much.

"Good! It's really great!"

Chi Ming Daozu didn't think of this at all at first.

He knew that Qin Ke was the second soul and became the ancestor of Taoism, so he thought it was normal.

Because Qin Ke's deity is a god and demon body training, and his focus is not on cultivating immortals, it is not surprising that he became Taoist Ye one step later.

But now it seems that he guessed wrong.

Qin Ke's deity not only became the ancestor of Taoism, but also became the true god, and he became the true god with the Chiming Nine Heavens Map!
"Now! It's your turn to be in trouble!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Chenglin directly used one qi to transform the three cleans.

The three true immortal level avatars (one of the Sanqing and one Qihua Sanqing, and two of the Ancient Heavenly Emperor's Qihua Sanqing) each hold three heavens to assist.

Qin Ke himself manipulated the 24 heavens, besieging the two Taoist ancestors together in the great formation of the heavens.

Qin Ke's real body and avatars ruthlessly interspersed in it to carry out sneak attacks and assassinations.

The Goddess of Life also controls the endless vines of life to wrap around and slow down the two Dao ancestors in the 36 heavens.

In a few rounds, the two Dao ancestors who were trapped in the 36 heavens were ruthlessly harvested by Qin Ke.

"Husband and wife work together!"

After finishing the game, it was perfect, Qin Ke winked at the Goddess of Life, teasingly said.


The Goddess of Life clapped Qin Ke's hands cooperatively, which was a perfect ending.

The remaining two Daozu who fought Chiming Daozu disappeared when they saw the three brothers, how dare they stay here!

Quickly choose to run away!
How could Chi Ming Taoist agree!

In the beginning, Chi Ming Daozu was very passive when he played one against two.

But now, if the opponent wants to run away, Chi Ming Daozu must take the initiative in the battle!
Although it is said that two Taoist ancestors cannot be kept at the same time, it is possible to entangle one person.

The other Daozu who was not selected by Chiming Daozu breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he felt sorry for his companion, but now he can only say sorry.

He doesn't want to die!

However, he wanted to run, did Qin Ke agree?
Qin Ke is an extremely fast man.

He quickly took out a bow and arrow, and shot at the fleeing Taoist ancestor.

When the arrow left the string, Qin Ke also disappeared in place.

Qin Ke's one is naturally the ultimate move of Hou Yi's supernatural power of shooting the sun.

For so many years, Qin Ke has practiced "piercing and shooting" in various ways, and his archery has become extremely good.

The Daoist who escaped did not dare to underestimate him.

Hou Yi's magical ability of shooting the sun can make the off-string arrow follow the target like a homing missile.

This Dao ancestor didn't intend to dodge, but planned to run after receiving the arrow.

He used his magical powers to block the arrow.

At this time, Qin Ke had already come to his side.

Qin Ke's speed is faster than an arrow!
After the Dao ancestor scattered the arrows attacking him, Qin Ke suddenly penetrated out of the space before he had time to receive the force, and put a palm on his forehead, directly shattering the body of the Dao ancestor.

This dao ancestor is a wood attribute dao ancestor, not to mention being perfectly restrained by Qin Ke, but he is just a pure immortal cultivating dao ancestor with a weak body level.

Under Qin Ke's blow, it was directly shattered.

As for his Faerie?I'm really sorry, 36 heavens, he can just choose a "home"!

In a very short time, Qin Ke easily completed four kills!

How could Qin Ke be satisfied with this? No one is rational after the quadruple kill!

Seeing Daozu who was being entangled by Chiming Daozu and unable to escape, Qin Ke smiled on his face.

That Taoist ancestor suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing behind him, chilling...

(End of this chapter)

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