Rebirth of the pastoral landlady

Chapter 306 Tan's Suffering from Death Disease

Chapter 306 Tan's Suffering from Death Disease (Part [-])
Chapter 320 Ninth Tan Has a Death Disease (Second Update)
Sun stretched out her hand across the stone table and squeezed the back of Liang Yuzhong's hand, not knowing how to comfort her, she asked hesitantly, "Listening to what you said, does that mean that father won't treat him?"

"Laryngitis" is a fatal symptom in the eyes of country people.The mothers of Sun Dahu and Sun Erhu, also known as Sun's aunt, died of throat problems at that time.

Liang Yuzhong and Jin Xi had heard from Mrs. Sun and the others before that they had that kind of disease. At first they could eat some soft food, but later they couldn’t even drink water, and they were so hungry that they were skinny. Living and starving to death.

Jin Xi compared larynx disease with a certain disease in modern medicine, and found a shocking similarity. It is estimated that the larynx disease that scares rural people in this era should be esophageal cancer that modern medicine could not overcome in the previous life!
Jin Xi lowered her eyes, if it was true, then she really felt sorry and worried for Mrs. Tan from the bottom of her heart.

Liang Yuzhong smiled bitterly, shook his head at Mrs. Sun, and said, "A few years ago, the old father of Li Zheng's family was also diagnosed with that disease. People like Li Zheng and his family have relatives in the county. People, money, no matter what is good, seeking medical advice everywhere, tossing half of an old man's life aside, he still died of that disease in the end!"

"That. Master Xi'er wants us to keep quiet and let Xi'er nurse through the last..." Sun couldn't continue, and she withdrew her hand to wipe the tears.Although she has been bullied by this evil mother-in-law since the day she entered the door, Mrs. Sun has never cursed Mrs. Tan in her heart. If she complains, it is because of her own bad luck and no one else.

However, today, when she really learned that Mrs. Tan is going to die soon, the years of oppression in the past seemed to fade away in Mrs. Sun's memory all of a sudden.Even, compared with this life and death, the oppressive days of the past ten years are not worth mentioning at all.

The night breeze was cool, and occasionally a petal or two fell from the big pagoda tree, falling on the stone table.The couple sat facing each other, looking at each other silently, one lowered his head and wiped his tears, and the other sighed, the atmosphere instantly became dull.

Jin Xi moved her stiff body, looked at her parents' distraught and sad look, and said tentatively: "Anyone with that kind of serious illness, there will be some clues, right? I'll look at grandma's His complexion is even better than before. Maybe, my grandfather saw that this time the incident was too big and difficult to end, so he made up this to scare parents and you, so that we don't want to pursue the second uncle and the others, and just turned this page ..."


Before Jin Xi finished speaking, she was interrupted by Liang Yuzhong.

Liang Yuzhong looked up at Jin Xi with a little dissatisfaction, and said, "No matter what your father is, it's impossible to make a fuss about your grandma's health, that's unlucky! Besides, your grandpa's illness was not diagnosed by your grandpa. It was diagnosed by the old doctor Wang!"

Jin Xi saw that Liang Yuzhong was a little annoyed, and knew that her question this time was inappropriate, so she quickly shut up obediently.

The old doctor Wang in the town?Jin Xi kept an eye out, and when she went back to the town, she had to find a chance to ask herself what was going on!

"Since that's the case, from tomorrow onwards, I will change my tricks every day, prepare delicious food for Xi'er's grandma, and deliver it in person... Otherwise, when she can't eat it later, it will be useless... "Sun said in a low voice, Liang Yuzhong nodded, and the couple began to sit sadly facing each other again.

People live for a lifetime, rushing for dozens of years, and only when the life is over, can they really earn money.When a person dies, his eyes are closed, and the grave is covered with weeds, no matter how many offerings the descendants take, it will be in vain.Jin Xi came to a realization that living is not the goal, but enjoying the process is the most important thing.

The three people at the stone table under the big locust tree were silent, and over there, Dong Ma and Jian Shi hurried into the inner courtyard and were walking towards this side.Through the moonlight, Jin Xi saw that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had weird expressions on their faces, especially Jane's, whose hair was still dripping.

Liang Yuzhong didn't pay attention to Dong Ma and Jian's arrival because his back was facing there and he was immersed in his own grief.However, both Sun and Jinxi noticed it.

After the whole family had dinner, Jane wanted to wash her hair, but the well water in the backyard was too cool, so she decided to wash in the pond over there.

After a day of sun exposure, the pond water in summer is mild and suitable for washing hair.Dong's mother happened to be going to the pond to wash two handkerchiefs, so the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law greeted Sun and went to the pond over there under the moonlight.

Jin Xi estimated the time, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law came back in less than half a bowl of tea, and they still looked anxious, there must be something wrong.

Mrs. Sun raised her head and asked what was wrong with Mrs. Jian. Mrs. Jian squeezed out a smile in a panic, shook her head and said it was all right, then went to the dining hall to get things, and then hurriedly left the inner courtyard and went to the front yard.

Sun was so focused on Tan's laryngitis, she didn't think too deeply about it, and continued to sit there silently with Liang Yuzhong.

Here, Dong Ma picked up the rice bran sieve, mixed chopped green vegetable leaves into it, and regularly went to the side yard to feed pigs, chickens and ducks.After taking two steps, she still couldn't help but turned her head and said to Sun who was beside the stone table, "Ma'am, there is a hen that has been a little restless these past few days, come and have a look."

Mrs. Sun was surprised, and raised her eyes to look at Mama Dong, Mama Dong was winking at herself, and then glanced at Liang Yuzhong, Mrs. Sun was surprised, usually in this season, hens are not very good at hatching eggs Yes, Mama Dong said so, could it be that she has something to say to herself behind Liang Yuzhong's back?Thinking this way, Mrs. Sun got up and followed Mama Dong to the side yard.

Jin Xi sees Dong Ma's expression and actions, and when they walk forward, she greets Liang Yuzhong and follows.

Mrs. Sun and Mrs. Dong stood beside the row of hollowed-out walls at the junction of the side courtyard and the main courtyard. Mrs. Dong was whispering to Mrs. Sun. Jinxi stood behind the arched moon gate, separated by a hollowed-out carved wall. Listening to the two of them talking, she was really shocked when she heard what Mama Dong said.

"...Dong Ma, you and Wen Yunniang are right about this big night? It's really Xi'er's aunt?" Mrs. Sun still couldn't believe it, she grabbed Dong Ma and asked in a low voice.

"...We both saw it with our own eyes. On the moon day, behind the willow tree, the woman must be the eldest lady's aunt. There is no other one in Jinjishan Village with her figure..." Mama Dong was very sure. road.

"My God, what kind of evil did this suffer? They are all betrothed..." Mrs. Sun was helpless, thought for a while, and suddenly asked: "The man who was with Aunt Xi, Have you seen Zhang Daqiang?"

Madam Dong hesitated for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I'm not sure. The man's back was facing us, and across the pond, he could only see that he was naked... To tell you the truth, Madam, I also thought of something with Madam at the time." I want to take a closer look at who he is, my daughter-in-law, Madam, you know, the mother of two children, but she is still the thinnest person, she didn't even care about washing her hair, she turned around and went back , I have no choice but to come back. This matter... Madam, look..."

Mrs. Sun sighed softly, waved her hand at Mama Dong, and said, "Such a scandal is spread out to discredit the entire old Liang family, and Xi'er's grandma... Forget it, Mama Dong, don't make a public announcement about what happened tonight, and don't worry about it." Don't mention it anymore, just didn't see anything, let her go, hey!"

"Listen to Madam's orders, then I'll feed the feed first." Dong Ma said.

"I'll go with you, grab a hen by the way, simmer it with dried lilies tomorrow, and send it to Xi'er's grandma before lunch." Sun said, and the two people's footsteps immediately moved towards the back of the side yard. The chicken coop is getting farther and farther away.

On the side of the arched moon gate, Jin Xi is leaning against the courtyard wall, with the corners of her mouth raised high.

Unexpected wow, unexpected, Liang Yumei is still so keen on playing wild games?Aren't you afraid that the mosquitoes by the water will suck up her blood?

Although Mrs. Sun told Dong Ma to pretend not to know about this, but Jin Xi didn't want to pretend not to know.During the day, what Liang Yumei said in order to protect Liang Yulin and the others in the second house, resurfaced in Jinxi's ears again.

Jin Xi snorted softly, regardless of whether the man was Zhang Daqiang or not, it would be better, Jin Xi decided to give her a surprise, so she hurried to the front yard of the main courtyard and found Awang.

Awang's skill is not as good as that of Acai, but what Awang is best at is elusive.For example, when Liang Jinlan hid in the nunnery and secretly had an abortion, Jinxi asked Ngawang to send the abortion medicine dregs to the gate of Yangjibu Village in the town without anyone noticing.

Jinxi found Awang and whispered a few words to him. Awang patted his chest confidently and said, "Miss, just watch!" After finishing speaking, she strode towards the gate of the yard and took two steps , turned back again, slapped his forehead, and said: "Look at me, I have forgotten my identity, how can a thief come in and out through the main gate!" After speaking, he ran to the bottom of the courtyard wall in two or three steps, as agile as a monkey Some climbed up the courtyard wall and turned out.

Here, Jin Xi found Ah Cai again, and the two of them also went out of the yard, squatting low in the cotton field of their two acres of land, looking behind the row of willow trees on the opposite side of a pond. It's a little far away, so I can't see it clearly. I don't know if the happy man and woman have disappeared?
Ah Cai silently followed behind Jin Xi, although he was puzzled by her sudden departure at night, he didn't ask any questions.He does what Jin Xi tells him to do, if the lady thinks he can say something, he will listen, if the lady doesn't say anything, there is also a reason for the lady.

But after all, he is Lian Jiazi, Ah Cai's night vision is naturally better than Jin Xi's.Soon, he noticed the movement behind the willow tree across the pond.

He glanced at Jin Xi, who was squatting beside him in the cotton ditch, waiting with a serious expression on his face, Ah Cai couldn't help but twitched his mouth, didn't expect the young lady to have such a hobby?But can she see it?
(End of this chapter)

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