Chapter 242 Me ([-])
What they call "a small favor" is really just a small favor.

As long as I can take those few people through the workshop of the chemical plant, it is enough.

I've worked in a chemical plant for a few days, so, it's not hard for me. But trust me, I know what these guys are up to.

Next door to the chemical plant is another big company. Although I don't know what that company does, this group of people definitely wants to sneak in, steal something, or cause some damage.

Look, I was drunk, but I immediately sensed the plan of this group of people, maybe I have a talent for being a criminal. Haha this joke is not bad.

In the end, I pretended not to understand but was very interested, and told them that I would consider it. Of course, I can't really be interested in this matter. The reason why I said this is just to let them know Help me pay for the drink in advance.

Sure enough, those people readily agreed and made an appointment to meet again at this time tomorrow.

But tomorrow they may be disappointed.

In this way, I procrastinated until it was a little later than the usual time to get off work, and then I was drunk on the way home. I walked very slowly along the way, and I vomited a few times, so when I walked It was already dark when we reached the alley leading to the apartment.

I hope Jie Ni won't be angry, but if she is, I'll give her that lipstick. Haha When I think about that moment, I have a sense of blissful anticipation, as if everything...will be alright.


"Hey, I feel a little pain in my stomach."

Ten minutes after I got home, Jie Ni said to me, clutching her stomach.

I don't know why, maybe it's the smell of wine on my body, or the bread is not fresh enough today, in short, I saw her frowning became tighter and tighter, and finally, she even started to moan faintly.

"Oh my God, what's the matter." I asked anxiously: "Is it my smell, uh, it's my fault, how can I drink? Let's go to the hospital now, yes, we have to go to the hospital."

Jie Ni shook her head: "I don't want to go."

"No, you are in pain, I can see that." I said anxiously.

"No, it's just some pain. I think I just need some medicine." Jie Ni said: "Also, we don't have money to go to the doctor."

No money
See a doctor

I listened to these words, looked at the fine sweat on her forehead, I didn't know what happened, my wine woke up all of a sudden, my nose was a little sore, it's not a good sign, because... I started crying .

Tomorrow is her birthday.

"Okay." I tried my best to keep the tears from flowing. At this time, I must be stronger: "Maybe some medicine is really enough, wait for me, I will be back soon!"

As I said, I looked at her with a look that I thought was extremely firm, that was all I could give her now. Then I ran out the door quickly.

I don't even know how I rushed downstairs. I seemed to have fallen halfway, but it didn't matter. I rushed into the pharmacy across the road, and then rushed to the counter regardless.

"My wife is sick, and she is pregnant, but now she has a stomachache!" I tried my best to keep my tone steady.

"You should go to the hospital." The doctor at the pharmacy said calmly.

"I know I know. But, please give me some medicine first?"

I think I should have made it clear, because the man looked up at me, then pointed to the long medicine rack behind him, and took out a bottle of medicine.

"It's painkillers, but you know, painkillers are not a cure, so it can only make your wife last until tomorrow, and you still need to take her to the doctor." He still said lightly: "Two dollars."

"Okay." I said in a panic, and then started to rummage through my pockets.

First, I dug out a dollar, the only little money I had left.

Oh my god
My goodness
I should still be able to find a dollar.

Just a dollar! ! ! !
Finally, sweating profusely, I dug out the lipstick from my pocket.

The doctor looked at me as if he could read my thoughts.
"I'm sorry sir." He held up two fingers.

"Please, I need this medicine! And this lipstick is definitely worth a dollar, or more." I don't know why, I cried, maybe the pores on my body can't supply the flow of sweat, or I think Well, a little tear can make the doctor in front of me have some sympathy for me.

In short, my face contorted uncontrollably. The tears I had been holding back in my lacrimal gland since the moment I was kicked out of the circus finally burst out of my eyes.

"Sorry, I can't give it to you, that would cost me my job," said the man.

In my eyes, his face also began to distort. Does this bastard know that there is a poor pregnant woman suffering from pain in the alley across the road?
"You bastard!"

I cursed angrily, and then, my fist hit that person fiercely.
I am a cowardly person. Since I have a wife and children, I have become more careful. Otherwise, I would not have been timid during the riots a few days ago. I have a family to support. This is my responsibility.

But at this moment, because of a dollar, I raised my fist crazily. At this moment, I seemed to understand that no matter how calm a person is, there is always a crazy side in his heart. Simply because this madness has not yet found a channel to release it.

I don't know how long I fought, but when I came back to my senses, the doctor had lost consciousness, and the medicine shelf behind him was pushed down, and the scene was a mess.

But I didn't care about these at all. I was just glad that the bottle of medicine that belonged to me was not mixed with other medicines.

So, I happily held the bottle of medicine in my hand. For some reason, I subconsciously picked up the lipstick as well.

Then, I rushed out the door.

At this moment, something in my heart seemed to start to stir around the corner.
What is it?
I do not know.

But at this moment, I suddenly remembered those people in the bar just now.

Yes, I can make a lot of money with a small favor.

That way, I can afford Jenny's medical bills, and I can even change to a better place before the baby is born.

At least, what you see through the window is a road, not a wall
(End of this chapter)

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