The Asylum of All Worlds

Chapter 274 Stone!

Chapter 274 Stone!

"It's me?" Hannibal raised his eyebrows.
The dean nodded: "Yes, it was you, just 25 years ago, that is, the last time I restarted, you came to me, handed me this diary, and told me about this Everything. The reason why you can still retain the memory after restarting is because you are a cheater. In this world, there are two cheaters. One is you, and the other is Will. As the owner of this temple of thinking, his memory was not erased during the initial "big amnesia". This is why Will was able to formulate the plan of "waiting to grow old" from the very beginning."

"Hehe, well, this kind of statement can indeed solve all doubts, except for the most important one." After hearing these words, Hannibal smiled slightly: "—that is, I Why didn't you think of this?"

The dean froze for a moment: "What?"

"I mean, why didn't I think of "using old age to get out of this world", since Will has already thought of it, then I should have thought of it, so I don't think I have any reason to use suicide to test myself I just need to be like him and just wait."

The dean sighed helplessly: "So, don't you believe me?"

Hannibal looked at each other with a smile and nodded: "Yes, I don't believe it."

"Sure enough, the person who knows you best is yourself." The dean said, "But it doesn't matter, you 25 years ago already thought that you wouldn't believe this, so this diary was written by you yourself of,."

Hannibal frowned. He really didn't think of this news, because if it was so, then all of this could be counted as his own message to himself, so he immediately opened the diary and looked at the He even drew a few strokes on it with his fingers, and soon, he found that these words seemed to be written by himself.

"In order to make my words more believable, before you came to see me, you copied my diary completely, and told me to bring this diary to you after many years. After that, you will Suicide and start a new cycle, because you want to find a faster way than Will. The reason is simple, because your diet is different from other people, which makes your body much stronger than normal people , and Will has suffered from mental illness for a long time, anorexia, insomnia, neurasthenia, and extremely poor quality of life, so you speculate that Will will die before you! And your temper, it is naturally impossible to pin your victory on yourself Not sure, and in a situation that is even more out of control; oh, yes, in order to dispel your own concerns, you gave me a task many years ago."


"Yes, a task! It is a task that can make you believe in yourself many years ago." With that said, the dean took out a box from under his desk, and pushed it in front of Hannibal.

Hannibal hesitated for a moment, and opened the box, only to see piles and piles of small notes inside the box. These small notes were neatly sorted and arranged, and some of the larger ones were even covered by Stapled together.

"The task you gave me is to collect these notes. These notes are the information I have found for decades, and the information left by other murderers."

"Hehe, in other words, the person who steals other people's little notes everywhere is you."

The dean nodded: "Yes, it is me, and the reason why I collected these small notes is because you know that after a few reincarnations, you will not believe anyone's words, so, now, I will hand them over to you." Here you are, and whether all of this is true or false is entirely up to you to judge."

Hannibal smiled, and began to flip through the small notes one by one. With his reading speed, he quickly integrated the information and compiled it together.

At that time, a huge process that has lasted for decades will also be clearly displayed in front of Hannibal—what he has to admit is that at this moment, he has come to the conclusion that all of this is indeed real.

Hannibal put down all the notes and paper messages, and it couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

It's been a long time.

"Oh, well, although I don't want to admit it, but, as you said before, the person who knows me best is of course myself. He knew it back then, and I will definitely guess the same thing as him. result."

The dean nodded: "Of course you will. Over the years, every time you restart, you will take a huge step forward. In fact, I believe that even if I didn't tell you all this, within a week, you will Find out all of this, and then you will definitely test the world's criteria for [suicide] again. Even, if Will lives a little longer, you can really defeat him. It's a pity. He is still fast step."

Hannibal smiled: "No one can stop the pace of time, so. Let's go back to the original question. Your deal."

The dean let out a deep breath, as if he had put all his wealth and life on a gamble, and then he took out a gun.

"I am going to kill you!"

Hannibal looked at the muzzle of the gun aimed at himself, he was silent at first, and then not only suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha——It's really interesting, this is your deal?"

The dean still has a serious face: "Yes, this is my deal, I will kill you, I will kill you with my own hands, from the bottom of my heart, without any misleading, and I still know the rules of this world Basically, willingly let you win, in the true sense of [homicide]."

Hannibal crossed his legs, and leaned himself comfortably on the back of the sofa: "Hehe, I really didn't think of this. For so many years, no murderer in this hospital has heard about it. In such a situation, they still want to kill another person, they don’t even have time to save others. So, what do you want, Mr. Dean?”

"I want you to kill me after you go out, completely kill me, eliminate your personality, and after you die, you can completely control the thinking hall. You should be able to do this easily, right!"

"Of course, but why?"

"Of course it's because I don't want to exist anymore. This kind of ghost-like existence has no beginning and no end. It just exists as a person's incomplete personality and can only be manipulated. This feeling is crueler than death. Tens of thousands of times, so."

"So you want to disappear completely?"

The dean nodded, and there seemed to be a little light in his eyes: "Yes, as long as you promise me, I will send you out immediately. As long as I pull the trigger, you will be the winner." .”

Hannibal was still smiling. Instead of giving the dean an answer, he asked a strange question himself: "Do you know the game of rock-paper-scissors?"

The dean was taken aback: "Rock paper scissors? What nonsense are you talking about?"

Hannibal still looked at him unhurriedly. "Rock-paper-scissors is a very simple game, because it only has three options, and the victory of this game depends almost entirely on luck. However, when playing the game Before starting, one person said to the other... I want to give out stones, hehe, then the game suddenly became interesting."

The dean was completely confused, he didn't know why Hannibal said this to him, so he shouted anxiously: "I don't care about listening to your game rules, Will is going to die, if he goes out, We'll be stuck here, completely at his mercy! Forever!"

Hannibal smiled, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, looking very graceful.

"Okay, since you are so urgent, then I will give you the answer." He said lightly: ".I refuse."

(End of this chapter)

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