Chapter 1002 Insider Truth
"You, can you let me call an ambulance? He's going to die like that."

Xia Yuan stared at the impostor, wishing to punch his head flat, but she was powerless in front of him.

There is nothing sadder than watching a friend bleed to death for himself and not be able to save him.

"Hmph, don't think about others, you should think about yourself and take out the medical records."

The counterfeit said viciously.

"If you don't let me call, I won't take it out."

Xia Yuan knew what the counterfeit would do to her before she got the medical records, so she took the opportunity to negotiate terms.

"Surely you didn't bring it with you, right? You're smart, but if you don't give me the medical records within half an hour, your two children, hehe..."

The impostor smiled sinisterly.

"Big treasure, little treasure!" Xia Yuan couldn't help calling out, "If you dare to do anything to my child, I guarantee you will regret it."

"Hey, I'm surprised. Long is really the heir of the Dark Night Empire. Why didn't he marry you back when he had a child? It seems that he just wanted to play with you."

Seeing that Xia Yuan has been completely controlled by him, the counterfeit is not in a hurry, and is still in the mood to chat with her about love affairs.

"Hmph! It's good that you know that Long is really the heir of the Dark Night Empire. If you dare to do anything, he will not spare you lightly."

Xia Yuan couldn't help but laugh. It turned out that Long Zhen's identity played a big role in the fact that the impostor didn't dare to attack her openly recently.

Perhaps, Long Zhen secretly threatened the counterfeit, so she was able to live a safe and worry-free pregnancy and childbirth life.

Otherwise, with the bad behavior of a counterfeit, it is absolutely impossible to let her go so easily.

The two children were facing a life-and-death crisis, Xia Yuan had no choice but to follow her plan at this time, and did not deny the counterfeit statement, which made him a little afraid.

Sure enough, the counterfeit thought that the two children were Long Zhen, so he stopped mentioning the use of the children as a threat to Xia Yuan, and just said:
"Don't think that if you don't show it, I can't help it. Let me tell you, this big brother driver is an international mercenary and a famous torturer. When the time comes, when he pulls out your teeth one by one, you It won't be so eloquent."

Xia Yuan ignored him no more, just turned her head and didn't speak.

"Hmph, drive faster and take her to the warehouse by the sea."

The counterfeit actually knows about the warehouse by the sea, it seems that he already knows a lot about the Nangong Group.

As the car sped to the beach, Xia Yuan worried about whether An Yichen would be found and taken to the hospital, and at the same time began to worry about her own fate.

It seems that things can't be better today.

Even if he handed over his medical records, since he already knew that he suspected his identity as a counterfeit, he would definitely not let her live again.

As for the children, he had that misunderstanding, so he probably didn't dare to embarrass them.

Forget it, I will risk my life today and fight him.

Thinking of this, Xia Yuan smiled coldly and said:

"I'm going to die anyway, why don't you tell me, where is my handsome?"

"Hehe, you're smart. Although I tried my best to hide it, I let you see the truth. Where did I show my flaws?"

The other party has a humble and studious face.

"It mainly depends on temperament. You are not one or two points away from my Junyan. In front of me, no matter how much you look like, you will never be able to pretend to be him. Also, your appearance has plastic surgery, right? Junyan doesn't Twin brothers."

"Hehe, you're smart."

The counterfeit didn't deny it, it just verified Xia Yuan's idea, it turned out that he really got plastic surgery.

"Nan Gongtong and you are in the same group, right? Without the help of their family, you wouldn't be able to obtain so much personal information about Junyan, right?"

"Yes. You are really sharp. I was right not to approach you at the beginning. However, it is too late for you to be smart. Now the entire Nangong Group is mine. What can you do to me?"

The counterfeit said triumphantly.

"You still haven't told me, where is my Junyan? It doesn't matter if you take away the entire Nangong Group, as long as you return him to me, I won't report you either."

Xia Yuan said eagerly.

"You have no control over the Nangong Group for a long time. Besides, if you say you won't report me if you don't report me, can I believe it? However, you are going to die anyway. I don't mind telling you that Nangong Junyan died in the sea long ago. Yes. That’s right, the big explosion in the western suburbs was arranged by me and Nan Gongtong. Ye Haiguang hated you very much. It was you who made him lose his status and family and become a beggar, so he finally drove an oil tanker to seek death. It was also him. Originally, I wanted to blow up Toshihiko Nangong to death in the fire, and I would replace him, but I didn’t expect him to die in the sea when the car fell off, but it’s the same, he’s dead anyway.”

This time, the impostors turned their backs on what they were saying, so they no longer concealed it, and simply poured beans out of a bamboo tube, telling Xia Yuan everything.

Perhaps, he is too proud of his achievements, just like a poor man who suddenly gets rich and gets windfall wealth, but the means are not bright, so he can't show it off to outsiders, that's really suffocating.

Seeing the sad expression on Xia Yuan's face, the counterfeit felt relieved and said with a smile:

"You rich people are really stupid and stupid, but it's no wonder you fell for the trap. This plan has been going on for at least ten years. During these ten years, I have been imitating Nangong Toshihiko and learning how to speak from him. Learn how to walk like him, how to pick up girls like him, even how to hug you... I am very dedicated, right? Is I doing a good job? Most people can't tell that I am fake. Of course, you can tell that I am I really admire you."

When Xia Yuan heard this, she couldn't help trembling. It turned out that this replacement plan had been going on for ten years. No wonder the person in front of him was exactly the same as the real Jun Yan in every move, every move and every move.

If it is not a lover who loves each other wholeheartedly, I really can't taste that he is a fake.

However, she did her best anyway, so it's not a pity.

Even if Junyan is gone, the crystallization of their love is still there. The impostor thought the drama had come to an end, but it was still early.Even if he died, he would get the punishment he deserved.

Xia Yuan couldn't help but sneered, and when the answer in her heart was answered, she didn't bother to pay attention to him.

The pickup truck drove all the way, and soon came to the seaside warehouse. Xia Yuan was very familiar with this place. It was the place where Junyan used to deal with some gray matters. Unexpectedly, she would be disposed of here one day.

"Boss, she has no medical records on her."

The bearded man searched Xia Yuan after the car stopped.

The counterfeit's face sank, and he said:
"Take her into the warehouse."

Pushed by the bearded man, Xia Yuan walked to the door of the warehouse. She saw that the password pressed by the counterfeit was still the old one, and she couldn't help being amused. This person, who imitates everything, doesn't even bother to change the password?

(End of this chapter)

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