Chapter 1004 Reversal
The surprise came too fast, and the situation reversed too quickly...

Xia Yuan had no time to react, she was already on the verge of life and death, and fell into the embrace of happiness.

It was a sharp reversal from hell to heaven.

"Is that you, Toshihiko?"

Xia Yuan couldn't help herself anymore, she hugged his strong waist tightly with weak legs and feet.

It seems to be a little thinner, but the feel seems to be better, but no matter what, it still has that familiar feeling and familiar taste.

"Don't you already know it's me? Fool!"

Nangong Toshihiko, who suddenly appeared, held Xia Yuan tightly in his arms, feeling that her body was trembling with fear or excitement, so he could only hug her tightly. Only in this way, he wished to embed her in his own body. In his arms, turn her into bone of his own bones, flesh of flesh, only in this way can he never be separated from her forever.

"It's really you, it's really you!"

Xia Yuan was held tightly in his arms, listening to the powerful heartbeat in his chest, she was already too excited to speak.

More than a year of painstaking lovesickness, more than a year of hopeless hope, I never thought that this day will be rewarded.

Nangong Toshihiko returned safely.

"Of course it's me, and we will never be separated again in the future."

Nangong Toshihiko hugged Xia Yuan tightly, smelling the fragrance of her hair and her unique body breath, life has meaning only when she is in his arms.

"Jun Yan, you're not here, it's hard for me."

Xia Yuan murmured.

"I know. You will never work so hard again in the future, and I will take care of you for the rest of your life."

Nangong Toshihiko vowed to be authentic.

"By the way, Junyan, An Yichen was injured by them, and he was on the side of Huaihai Road."

Xia Yuan immediately remembered this matter.

"It's okay. I've sent him to the hospital. When I arrived, I found him lying on the ground, but he was still alive. The person who sent him to the hospital reported that he was giving first aid, but the bullet didn't hurt the vitals, and he was dead. Danger."

"It scared me to death, it's okay."

Xia Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"But what if you beat him to death?"

Xia Yuan pointed to the counterfeit goods on the ground.

"It's okay, we're doing it in self-defense. Besides, I've basically found out about his background. I've handed over his case files directly to the National Police Headquarters. They've sent people down to investigate tonight."

Nangong Toshihiko hugged Xia Yuan tightly, comforting her.

After a year of planning, once the net was closed, it was so thrilling, far beyond Nangong Toshihiko's original expectations.

Fortunately, he arrived in time, otherwise, maybe he and Xia Yuan would be separated forever, leaving a grudge forever.

"Hey, you young couple, are you too involved? Do you treat me like a dead person?"

Unexpectedly, at this moment, behind Xia Yuan and Nangong Toshiyan, a gloomy voice sounded. Xia Yuan's body froze, and she recognized that this was the international mercenary who hijacked her before.

The mercenary went out to deal with the matter according to the counterfeit's words before. After the real and fake Nangong Toshihiko fought a lot, Xia Yuan and Nangong Toshihiko reunited after a long absence, and for a moment forgot that there was a dangerous enemy.

Nangong Toshihiko's first subconscious action was to hide Xia Yuan behind him. He turned around slowly, looked at the bearded man, and said with a slight smile:

"Your boss is dead. You are just a mercenary. Whoever has money will be your boss. Let me make a condition. How much will he pay you? I will pay double."

The bearded man was holding a pistol in his hand and was pointing at Nangong Toshihiko and Xia Yuan. Hearing what Nangong Toshihiko said at this time, he looked at the counterfeit who died on the ground, thought about it seriously, and then shot He lowered his mouth and said:

"That's right, okay, deal. You transfer the money to me now."

Nangong Toshihiko took out his mobile phone, and called him the money according to the price he said.

The mercenary looked at his SMS notification, smiled with satisfaction, and said:
"Well, I don't have any grudges against Qian. For the sake of your generosity, boss, I'll give you another gift. In the pickup truck outside, the police officer survived by luck, so I'll take it as my thank you."

After finishing speaking, the bearded man put the gun in his arms, turned around and left without even looking at the counterfeit corpse on the ground.

Only the living are valuable, and the living rich are valuable.Don't talk about morality with the dead.As a mercenary who licks blood on the knife edge all day long, he knows this truth better than anyone else.

As for the counterfeit on the ground, there was no blood on his face at this time, and he no longer had the arrogant and domineering appearance of more than ten minutes ago. He was nothing but a dead body.

Ten years of hard work, once a dream comes true!
Even Xia Yuan couldn't help but sigh when she looked at him.

Xia Yuan and Nangong Toshihiko glanced at each other, understanding that this is not the time to reminisce about the past, and dealing with these difficult matters is the top priority.

So the two parted reluctantly. They walked to the pickup truck parked outside the warehouse and lifted the tarpaulin covering the pickup truck. Sure enough, a man in his 30s was tied up and stuffed behind the truck like a rice dumpling. compartment.

Seeing them, the man was talking "squeaky", but he couldn't make a sound. It turned out that a rag was still stuffed in his mouth.

When Nangong Toshihiko tore the rag out of his mouth, he breathed heavily, it seemed that his mouth was stuffed with a rag, and he couldn't even breathe smoothly.

"Nangong Toshihiko, you know that you broke the law and illegally kidnapped the police. I advise you to surrender in time. The law will give you a fair punishment. It's not too late to rein in your horse."

As soon as Police Officer Sun got his mouth free, he immediately instigated rebellion with righteous words.

It turned out that Officer Sun was not his person as the counterfeit said, but was kidnapped by the counterfeit during the process of going to Xia Yuan for an appointment.

"Officer Sun, it's me, I'm Xia Yuan, the person you made an appointment to meet. This is my fiancé Nangong Toshihiko, the real Nangong Toshihiko. The one who kidnapped you just now is a counterfeit who pretended to be him."

Seeing that Police Officer Sun was so upright and strict, Xia Yuan felt that he was trustworthy, so she said happily to him.

"Huh? What the hell? Really?"

Officer Sun was also bewildered by this unexpected change, and asked in disbelief.

At this time, Nangong Toshihiko finished calling the police and came over to untie the rope for him and said:
"The fake Nangong Toshihiko intended to shoot my fiancée, but I shot him dead on the spot."

"Ah? That's the case, but you still need to wait for the police investigation at the scene."

Officer Sun was untied from the rope on his body, and while shaking his hands to relax his body, he still had doubts.

At this time, Xia Yuan has completely ignored the matter.

She was too tired, frightened and struggling to survive, which exhausted her energy a long time ago. She leaned on Nangong Toshihiko, drowsily wanting to sleep.

Nangong Toshihiko signaled her to get into the cab, then let her lie down, held her in his arms, and said to her:
"You take a break, the police are coming soon."

Lying in the most reassuring embrace in the world, Xia Yuan's eyelids loosened, and she immediately fell asleep in a hopeless dream.

(End of this chapter)

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