Chapter 104 The Poisonous Thing
The moment when the lightning flashed across and illuminated was just over a second, but when Xia Yuan saw this scene inadvertently, due to the stimulation and shock she received, it felt like more than ten minutes had passed.

She could really remember every detail of that "female ghost", but the strange thing was that this female ghost also disappeared after the lightning disappeared.

The shock on Xia Yuan's face hadn't completely dissipated, and with a "snap", all the lights in the house that had been turned on turned on again, and a servant rushed to check the situation at the amplifier where the garden was struck by lightning just now.

Xia Qian just paid attention to the movement in the garden, and didn't see the horrible scene in the dressing room.

Seeing that the power supply was restored at this time, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile:
"With electricity and without electricity, it is the difference between heaven and hell."

Xia Qian didn't notice that something was wrong on Xia Yuan's face. When she saw her walk into the dressing room, she followed her in. With the lights and popularity, she became more courageous:
"Hey, Xia Yuan, there are no ghosts here, isn't it the same as usual? I think that Hu's mother is dazzled."

Xia Qian stood under the bright light, unaware that she was actually standing directly below the place where Xia Yuan saw the female ghost just now.

Xia Yuan walked up to Xia Qian, waved her hand in the air, and didn't feel any strange contact.

Seeing Xia Yuan's actions, Xia Qian couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and asked tremblingly:

"What's wrong? What did you find?"

"No, just look around, don't scare yourself, there are no ghosts."

Xia Yuan's calmness gave Xia Qian a lot of spiritual comfort at this time, but once the matter was resolved, due to inertia, she became rude to Xia Yuan again:

"Hey, Xia Yuan, don't make gestures to scare me. I'm so sleepy. I'm going back to sleep. Check it out slowly."

After Xia Qian finished speaking, she left in a heartless manner, leaving Xia Yuan alone in the room of the "haunted" legend.

The thunderstorm outside gradually died down.

This is the case with thunderstorms, the harder they come, the faster they go.

Xia Yuan's heartbeat has returned to normal, and she is also a reborn person. Is there anything more mysterious than this?That being the case, what is there to be afraid of a "female ghost"?What's more, Xia Yuan just felt that this "female ghost" didn't seem to be able to move.

Because the posture of this "female ghost" in the lightning just now is exactly the same as what Hu's mother dictated. If it is really a "ghost", shouldn't it be "floating around" in the room?
Xia Yuan stayed in the dressing room for a while, and checked everything carefully. There were no traps, no projections, and the shadow of the leaves outside the window did not look like the female ghost just now...

Xia Yuan took a glance, and the dressing table in the room that was still dusty was very conspicuous. Xia Yuan stepped forward to check it, and saw that the dressing table should be made of high-quality precious wood, but Xia Yuan is not an expert in it. I can't really see what kind of wood it is.

But when I lifted it with my hands, it was quite heavy. No wonder a servant couldn't lift it, and Mama Hu needed to help.

Although Xia Yuan is not an expert in cultural relics, but seeing a mercury glass mirror on the dressing table, she knows that the dressing table is estimated to be nearly a hundred years old, and it should be a product of the early Republic of China.Because the wide application of glass mirrors should be something that only existed in that period.

Xia Yuan picked up her mobile phone and subconsciously took a picture of the dressing table. Perhaps if she put it on or Zhihu, someone would know the exact previous generation of this dressing table?

Because of this thought, Xia Yuan took more photos of the specific details of the dressing table.

After doing this, Xia Yuan saw that there were no other abnormalities, so she went back to her bedroom, locked the door, and then turned on the laptop, and refreshed the posts she had posted on Guoke. Reply.

Xia Yuan browsed through them one by one.

"This is delphinium. The whole plant is poisonous, and the seeds are even more poisonous..."

"This kind of plant is called poisonous arrow wood. It is extremely poisonous. It is called 'seeing blood to seal the throat'. Who grows this in their own garden..."


A series of comments followed Xia Yuan's photos, and Xia Yuan was more and more startled when she followed up with them.

Unexpectedly, there are so many dangerous and poisonous plants in the garden greenhouse at home. No wonder Qin Rui wears thick gardener's gloves every time she goes into the greenhouse, looking very cautious.

According to the popularization of knowledge posted, Xia Yuan discovered that some of these poisonous plants, if the toxins extracted from their plants cause human poisoning, even forensic doctors would not be able to find the poisoned toxins even if they dissected them. disease or other pathological symptoms.

Qin Rui is good at using poison, and it is an invisible plant toxin that kills people.

Xia Yuan had already formed this understanding in her heart.

I'm afraid that the symptoms of some serious illnesses in my previous life, such as muscle paralysis, headache, etc., are very likely to be caused by Qin Rui's small amount of plant toxins.

Thinking of this, Xia Yuan was startled for a while.

He actually planted such poisonous plants at home that were beneficial to Qin Rui's crimes.These poisonous plants are all Qin Rui's accomplices in the crime.

No, the plants must be destroyed.

But if it's useless to just destroy it, there must be a reasonable reason for Qin Rui to have no way to grow these poisonous plants.

Otherwise, if she secretly destroyed Qin Rui's poisonous plants in the middle of the night, maybe Qin Rui would get them and plant them again the next day.

Xia Yuan didn't have any good ideas in her mind.

She unconsciously moved the mouse to read the post, hey, a netizen's reply made Xia Yuan seem to have some inspiration in her mind.

"Are these plants really grown in China? The location of the photo is an artificial garden greenhouse. It's really strange that someone will grow these poisonous plants at home. It is very dangerous if people or animals eat them by mistake.

Moreover, there are many plants here, which are not seen in China at all, and should be imported from abroad. However, I suspect that they were imported by smuggling, because these plants will definitely not pass through normal customs clearance. It was confiscated and destroyed by the customs..."

This netizen's reply attracted a lot of people's follow-up posts, and some even lamented that they didn't know whose garden these plants were planted in. Can the so-called "blood-sealed throat" plants be grown with the orchids they carefully cultivated? exchange?
There are really all kinds of weird people on the Internet, but some people are envious of planting a poisonous plant?
Xia Yuan was speechless, but an inspiration quietly formed in her heart.

Fortunately, there are these enthusiastic netizens. If it weren't for them, Xia Yuan would not have come up with this idea.

By the way, she needs a disposable phone. As for where to buy a disposable phone, she has to ask Tang Tian, ​​she must know.

(End of this chapter)

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