Chapter 128 Suspected

"Let me fight."

Qin Rui's eyes twitched, her heart skipped a beat.Suddenly, Xia Yuan felt very suspicious.

She also saw Xia Yuan's performance on the stage just now, which meant that Xia Yuan had been to the tuning room before, but why did the two tuners say that neither of them had been there?

Qin Rui took out her mobile phone and called Xia Yuan.

The best time to observe your opponent is when you are face to face.

Xia Yuan was shocked when she received Qin Rui's call.

Too bad, I was only focused on playing the video, but forgot to keep the violin in the tuning room. Qin Rui might know the details.

It is conceivable that now, anyone who enters the tuning room from outsiders is the object of Qin Rui's suspicion.

It's impossible to say I'm not nervous.Xia Yuan was quickly planning what to do if Qin Rui doubted herself, while walking towards the tuning room.

"Mom, I brought the violin here. After playing the violin just now, I thought it was still early, so I didn't bring it here right away."

The expression on Xia Yuan's face was very calm, and she didn't look like she had done anything "too bad".

"En. Leave it to Lao Jiang." Qin Rui said to Xia Yuan, then turned to the driver and said, "Lao Jiang, you can go."

"Yes, ma'am."

Lao Jiang took the violin and left.

"Yuanyuan, did you come to the tuning room just now? Did you see any suspicious people inside? You also saw the video that was played just now. Who knows why Liu Haoran misunderstood me. Maybe it was me and him. The wife came closer, and he was in a hurry to find a scapegoat, so he grabbed me. I just asked the tuner, and they said that no one has ever been in the tuning room except you."

Qin Rui's previous words seemed to be an explanation, as always, she said it gently and calmly.

But when it came to the last side, he suddenly spoke harshly, stared at Xia Yuan with examining and dissecting eyes, and exerted invisible pressure on Xia Yuan.

If it was Xia Yuan from the previous life, she would have collapsed long ago under Qin Rui's eyes.I am afraid that even if it is not done, it will be said that it has been done.

"Mom, what do you mean? I have been in the tuning room, but I just went to get the piano. I took the piano and left. Do you suspect me? How can I have Director Liu's video?"

Xia Yuan said with a face full of grievances, her voice was timid, and her face looked like she was about to cry.

That's right, Xia Yuan's heart is extremely strong now, but if she behaves calmly and calmly, if her personality is too different from her previous personality, it will definitely arouse Qin Rui's great suspicion, so she took out her former personality. Reaction.


Qin Rui's doubts did not dispel, she dragged her tone and still looked at Xia Yuan with sharp eyes.

"Xia Yuan, right? So you are the chief daughter of the Xia family, no wonder you have a detached temperament." At this moment, an unexpected voice sounded behind the two of them, causing them both to look back in surprise, Wu Zuxin was smiling Looking at the two of them with satisfaction, "I heard that Ms. Qin is Miss Xia's stepmother?"

Wu Zuxin's words made Qin Rui feel heartbroken.

Who is this frivolous man?
He heard their conversation?
This man's clothes looked like they were custom-made, there were no similar styles on the market, and there were at least 20 famous watches in his hands.

Judging by his demeanor, he is either rich or expensive, and he even specifically pointed out that she is Xia Yuan's stepmother. It seems that this man wants to stand out for Xia Yuan, otherwise, how could he possibly pick someone at the first meeting? Scar?

Looking at Xia Yuan's weeping look, Qin Rui secretly thought it was bad, if she continued to chase and beat her tonight, Xia Yuan would really cry, if it reached Xia Zhaoyang's ears, then it would be her fault for abusing Xia Yuan The reputation is solid.

How good Xia Zhaoyang is to Xia Yuan can be seen from the distribution in his will.

Qin Rui didn't dare to piss off Xia Zhaoyang right now before he was sure that he would hit a hit.What's more, she had to rack her brains to explain Liu Haoran's situation to Xia Zhaoyang tonight!

If it weren't for the fact that too many distinguished guests came to celebrate the twentieth anniversary, how could Xia Zhaoyang let her walk around safely, and would have asked her to ask questions a long time ago.

If there were rumors that she was unkind to her stepdaughter at this time, she would definitely cast a shadow in Xia Zhaoyang's mind.

What's more, she didn't find anything unusual when she asked Xia Yuan just now, so she just pointed at Xia Yuan's timid appearance, forgive her for not being able to do such a thing.

Qin Rui thought for a moment, and immediately restrained the stern look between her brows and eyes, and returned to her gentle smile:
"This gentleman, may I ask who you are?"

"My name is Wu Zuxin. I have already introduced it to Ms. Xia. I am a big idler." Wu Zuxin said lightly, but the expression on his face was very proud, "I am just a director of Tianyu Group."

Qin Rui was surprised when she heard that Tianyu Group is one of the top three giants in China.

It is not accurate to say that it ranks in the top three, because the top three companies go up and down every year, and sometimes Tianyu Group will "swiftly" rise to the first place.

An enterprise like Xia's is like the distance between an ant and an elephant in front of Tianyu Group.If people want to crush them to death, it will be a matter of minutes.

Although the words "the directors of the Tianyu Group" may sound insignificant, in fact, even if a department manager of the Tianyu Group is pulled out, it can kill the boss of any medium-sized company in China, let alone such an important person as a director.

No wonder Wu Zuxin dared to interrupt the private conversation between their mother and daughter unscrupulously.The worst thing was that Wu Zuxin's peach blossom eyes were twinkling, and it seemed that strange sparks were shining, all of which were fired at Xia Yuan.

Qin Rui didn't know when Xia Yuan became so attractive that even a big man like Wu Zuxin fell in love with her.

However, Qin Rui has no time to think about other things now, the most important thing is to regain her image of a kind and gentle stepmother in Xia Yuan's heart.

Thinking of this, Qin Rui put on Hexi's smile and said:
"Mr. Wu, I am indeed Yuanyuan's stepmother, but I don't know what does Mr. Wu mean by saying that specifically?"

"It's nothing. When I was a child, I heard fairy tales like "Cinderella" and "Eleven Princes". I always felt that a girl with a stepmother at home was very sympathetic."

What Wu Zuxin said was right, if Xia Yuan hadn't had a bad impression of his frivolity before, she would definitely give him a high five.

"Oh? Fairy tales are fairy tales after all. In real life, the stories in fairy tales will never happen. I think you young people have more topics to talk about. I still don't have time to entertain guests. You guys talk slowly."

Qin Rui smiled slightly, handed Xia Yuan over to Wu Zuxin in such a "relaxed" way, and left without hesitation.

"Why, if I hadn't come, would you have cried?"

Wu Zuxin took a step forward, raised his finger, and gently wiped Xia Yuan's eyes, trying to wipe away the moisture for her.

(End of this chapter)

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