Chapter 149 Unexpected Ending
"Director Liu, don't worry, your lady is still being rescued, trust the doctor!"

Nangong Toshihiko stood beside Xia Yuan, and of course he also remembered about the CD, and recognized that this was the male protagonist in the screen of the CD.

The way Liu Haoran muttered was in great contrast to the brave man in the CD, just like a little boy who got lost and was waiting for someone to lead him home.

Seeing that his mental state was not good, Xia Yuan asked a little worriedly:
"Where's your family? Do you want to inform them to come over?"

"No, I'll wait here."

Liu Haoran strongly refused.

With a sullen face, Xia Yuan walked to the edge of the corridor with a troubled look on her face.

Nangong Toshihiko followed, seeing her distressed look, he said:
"Do you feel uncomfortable because you feel that you are the instigator?"

"Yes, if it wasn't for that disc, Cai Tingting would not have committed suicide. They are still living together in harmony and happiness. They are a loving couple envied by outsiders."

Xia Yuan said sadly, it means that she indirectly killed a woman, can she not feel guilty?

"Hehe, you're wrong. Were they happy before? Not necessarily. Since there are pustules, they will be squeezed out sooner or later. If they don't squeeze out, they will eventually endanger their lives, right?"

When Nangong Toshihiko said this, he was clearly on Xia Yuan's side. After listening to his persuasion, Xia Yuan felt much more comfortable.

"You said, am I a vicious bad woman?"

Xia Yuan was a little confused.

"No matter what you think of yourself, in my heart, you are Xia Yuan, the unique Xia Yuan."

Nangong Toshihiko never let go of her hand.There was a strange feeling in him, as if he would lose her if he let go of her hand.

Holding Xia Yuan's hand, Nangong Toshihiko was reluctant to let go no matter what.

"Who is Cai Tingting's family?"

Just then, a nurse rushed out of the emergency room, looked around and shouted.

"I am, I am, what's the matter nurse? Can my wife be saved?"

Liu Haoran bounced up suddenly, stepped forward and said to the nurse, the expression on his face was extremely panic, obviously afraid of what accident would happen to his wife.

"Are you Cai Tingting's family? The doctor has washed your wife's stomach and is stitching up the wound on her wrist. However, the cut is not very deep, so it is not life-threatening. You can go in and see her now."

The nurse's words, like the sound of heaven, immediately lifted Liu Haoran's spirits, and he immediately ran to the emergency room.

"Let's go in and have a look together."

Xia Yuan glanced at her watch, saw that the visiting time had not yet arrived, so she said to Nangong Toshiyan.

Nangong Toshihiko didn't hesitate, he immediately understood why Xia Yuan was so concerned about Liu Haoran's affairs, and it wasn't because of that CD.

So Nangong Toshihiko nodded, took Xia Yuan's hand and walked to the emergency room.

The emergency room was filled with the smell of disinfectant and alcohol without exception.Nangong Toshihiko's face turned slightly pale.

He had been in the hospital before, and those days were the most memorable and most wanting to forget in his mind when he was a teenager, so smelling this familiar hospital-specific smell brought back bad memories for him.

Xia Yuan was anxious to see Cai Tingting's current situation, so she didn't notice Nangong Junyan's complexion. When they walked into the emergency room, they found that Cai Tingting had woken up, and Liu Haoran was accompanying her, muttering:

"Tingting, you are so stupid. I brought up the divorce because I felt that I had humiliated you. I wanted to leave the house to make you feel comfortable. Who knew you would do such a stupid thing?"

"Hao Ran, I'm angry that you're looking for a woman outside. But we've been married for decades, and our lives have been tightly bound together. After you said divorce, I realized that I couldn't live without you.

What is the use of more money?There is no point in my life without you.

Haoran, don't divorce, don't leave me, okay? "

Cai Tingting responded weakly.

"Okay, don't leave. I swear, I won't go out to find women in the future."

Liu Haoran held his wife's hand, until he was about to lose it, he would not discover what his favorite was.

Although his wife is fierce, this is also a way of expressing her love.Although this expression was wrong, Liu Haoran didn't realize that his wife was indispensable in his life until his wife committed suicide.

"I won't be so fierce to you in the future. It's my fault that you go out to find a woman..."

Cai Tingting turned around after closing the ghost gate and came back. Seeing that her husband was so nervous, she began to reflect sincerely.


It seems that the couple is reconciled.

Xia Yuan was relieved, she took Nangong Junyan's hand, motioned him not to disturb, and walked out of the emergency room lightly.

"Hey, I didn't expect a bad thing to turn into a good thing. After the layer of paper was pierced, the relationship between Director Liu and his wife has deepened. This is also a blessing in misfortune!"

Xia Yuan had a thousand emotions.

"Look, if the pustules are squeezed out, you will be back to health, right?"

Nangong Toshiyan saw the bright expression on Xia Yuan's face, and his original deep eyes also sparkled.

"Well, you're right. If the pustule hadn't been squeezed out, maybe the end would not be like this in the future, with corruption and gangrene, it would be even more miserable."

Xia Yuan nodded, knowing that she had done nothing wrong, she felt relieved.

And after this labor pain, Liu Haoran completely got rid of Qin Rui's control.

"Okay, don't think about it, go up and see your aunt, it's time."

Nangong Toshihiko raised his wrist and looked at the limited-edition Patek Philippe watch on his wrist. On the exquisite surface, the pointer was pointing to five o'clock.

"it is good."

Xia Yuan's face recovered relaxed, and took the elevator to the 10th floor with Nangong Junyan. When she stepped out of the elevator, she saw Dr. Liu, the doctor in charge of Milan, approaching. Xia Yuan hurried forward and asked:

"Doctor Liu, how is Milan in bed 08 doing now?"

"The situation is very good, don't worry. After observation, there are no signs of brain cell damage. In addition, after the edema of her throat was given a drip, the inflammation was well controlled. You can go to see her, but she It's not suitable for talking yet, let her speak in another three days!"

Doctor Liu's words immediately made Xia Yuan's interest high.Holding Nangong Toshihiko's hand, he hurriedly walked into the ward.


As soon as she entered the ward, she saw Milan's bed half up. She was sitting comfortably with her back leaning on the pillow, watching a TV series with a tablet in her hand.

Looks like the nurses are taking good care of her.

Hearing Xia Yuan's cry, Milan raised his head, saw that it was his daughter, and couldn't help smiling. She gestured to her throat, and Xia Yuan understood:
"I know, the doctor said you can't talk yet, don't worry, there will be plenty of time to talk in the days to come."

Milan nodded with a smile, seeing Nangong Junyan behind Xia Yuan, his mother's unique curiosity was revealed in his eyes, because Nangong Junyan was still holding Xia Yuan's hand!
(End of this chapter)

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