Sky-high pillow: the chief domineering substitute bride

Chapter 174 The mobile phone with a sense of identity

Chapter 174 The mobile phone with a sense of identity
It turned out that Chief Nangong was so childish when he was shy, which aroused Xia Yuan's natural female motherhood.

Xia Yuan swallowed her saliva, there was nothing she could do, at this moment, Nangong Toshihiko had the urge to be eaten in one bite.

Nangong Toshiyan had just finished eating the porridge when the nurse came in to give him a drip.

"Sir, the time is up, and it can't be postponed any longer. If it is delayed, the half-life of the medicine injected yesterday has passed, which will affect the continuous efficacy of the medicine."

As if to add a note to the nurse, Nangong Toshihiko couldn't help but coughed a few more times.

After hearing this, Xia Yuan felt distressed for a while, and then realized that Nangong Junyan had postponed his own IV drip for the convenience of feeding her.

"Junyan, don't do this in the future."

Xia Yuan scolded.

However, Nangong Toshihiko put it on with a smile and said:

"Doctors always like to exaggerate the truth."

Saying that, stretched out his left hand.

"Sir, you hit your left hand yesterday, but today you hit your right hand?"

Nurse suggested.

"No, it's convenient for me to use my right hand. If my fiancée needs anything, the right hand can be flexible, but the left hand can't."

"OK then."

Seeing that the patient was stubborn, the nurse had no choice but to obey him and put a drip on Nangong Junyan through the vein of his left hand.

Nangong Toshihiko put on the IV, and leaned side by side with Xia Yuan on the bed, then stretched out his right hand to hug Xia Yuan.

Xia Yuan imagined that if this picture was taken, it would probably be intoxicating.

She had an interesting thought, and couldn't help but smile on the corner of her mouth, but after a while, she heard a faint "huhu" sound coming from her side, and when she turned around, Nangong Toshiyan was already deeply asleep.

Nangong Junyan guessed that the guard had been extremely sleepy all night, and he slept until almost noon. When he opened his eyes, he was startled suddenly, because he remembered that he and Xia Yuan were both on drips.

No one is watching the IV drip. If the drip is over and it is too late to change the medicine, the air will run into the blood vessel, which will be fatal.

He subconsciously wanted to get up, only to realize that the drip on his left hand had been pulled out, and Xia Yuan had the same, it seemed that all the medicine had been dripped.

"Xia Yuan, did I fall asleep? Have I been asleep for a long time?"

Nangong Toshihiko felt light all over his body and couldn't help asking Xia Yuan.

"Yeah, it's almost noon, and the nurse has pulled out all your drips, and I'm done with mine. The doctor said that today our dose is half that of yesterday's."

"Oh, no wonder it's so fast."

Nangong Toshihiko also heaved a sigh of relief, but found that his right hand that was holding Xia Yuan was pulled out.

Seeing that he cared, Xia Yuan had no choice but to explain:

"I was going to ring the bell to call the nurse just now, so I took your hand away. Besides, I was afraid that your arm would go numb if you were pressed by me for a long time."

After hearing this, Nangong Toshihiko stopped looking at his arms with probing eyes, and showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"It's noon again, what do you want to eat? I'll ask Shi Quanji to come over."

Xia Yuan's appetite has recovered a lot, and now she is salivating when she thinks of the delicious food of Shiquanji!

God knows maybe it's because of her poor health and various taboos in her previous life that she didn't eat delicious food, but her appetite is particularly strong in this life.

"Okay, I want to eat pork belly stew, five-spice chicken wings, grilled prawns..."

"It's too greasy, can you eat it?"

Nangong Toshihiko expressed doubts.

"Okay, my stomach is rumbling now."

Xia Yuan patted her flat stomach unceremoniously. This action was natural, but for some reason, in Nangong Toshiyan's eyes, it was full of infinite temptation.

"Okay, I'll tell them to do it."

Nangong Toshihiko called Shiquanji.

"Chief, this is the mobile phone you asked for. Mr. An was on a business trip in the morning and couldn't deliver it in time, so he asked me to deliver it."

At this time, following the knock on the door of the ward, a young man walked in and introduced Nangong Junyan.

"Okay, let it go."

After Nangong Toshihiko thanked him, he took out the mobile phone sent by the other party from the protective case, then took Xia Yuan's mobile phone and said:

"Put on this one, yours is too old. My Nangong Junyan's woman, how can I use such an old style."

Xia Yuan saw that Nangong Toshihiko had already taken out the SIM card of her old phone and put it into the new phone, what else could she say?

I had no choice but to pick up the phone and prepare to get used to the functions of the new phone.

"What brand is this? Have you never seen this LOGO before?"

Xia Yuan looked at the logo on the new mobile phone that had never been seen in any advertisements, and couldn't help feeling very curious.

The things that Nangong Toshihiko gave would definitely not be bad, not a copycat phone.Xia Yuan was just curious.

"It is a mobile phone produced by my company. It has never been released and is only used within the company."

A meaningful smile flashed across Nangong Toshihiko's face.

"Why didn't it come out? The design is very convenient and easy to use!"

Xia Yuan tried it, and immediately mastered the skills of using the mobile phone.

"Nowadays there are too many commercial espionage, and it is impossible to guard against it, so I produced a mobile phone for my own use within the company, and the company's senior management and employees in important departments have one, so as to ensure that commercial secrets will not be leaked.

Of course, this idea came from An Yichen. "

"Of course only hackers know hackers."

Xia Yuan sighed, but after being introduced by Nangong Toshiyan, she not only felt that the security of the call was guaranteed, but also expressed satisfaction that Nangong Toshiyan included herself as an "important" person.

Because none of the other women, neither Shu Zihan nor Liu Wenfang, had this phone.

"Hehe, this is also a sign that our employees agree with each other. There are too many employees in the company. Maybe one day when you go overseas and surf the Internet with a mobile phone, the person who walks over and holds the same mobile phone as you is an employee of our company. Wouldn't it increase a bit of intimacy and sense of belonging?"

Nangong Toshihiko was really thoughtful.

Xia Yuan turned on her mobile phone's Bluetooth and searched, and she found Nangong Junyan's special mobile phone's Bluetooth signal.

"Can I access it?"

Xia Yuan asked Nangong Junyan.


Nangong Toshihiko confirmed without hesitation.

However, after Xia Yuan connected to Nangong Toshihiko's mobile phone, she felt bored, because he didn't share many things with his mobile phone, and it seemed that he also paid great attention to privacy.

Xia Yuan downloaded a few violin pieces from the Internet, shared them with Nangong Junyan, and said with a sinister smile:
"If you're bored, listen to these pieces."

By the way, thinking about me, of course Xia Yuan didn't say the latter sentence.

"Okay." Nangong Toshihiko let her toss around, a smile flashed across his deep eyes, he picked up the laptop casually, and said, "I'll deal with the work."

Xia Yuan naturally had no objection.

Never expected that Nangong Toshihiko would put aside his work in the group to accompany her. It was also a kind of silent enjoyment to be able to quietly be by his side and watch his fingers flying on the keyboard.

(End of this chapter)

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