Chapter 182 Visit
Xia Yuan sweated for a while, Chief Nangong, can you be more polite?This embarrasses the concubine!

"Well, I want to wash it too, but I can't take a shower, and I can't stand on one leg for a long time, so I can't squat to wash..."

Xia Yuan made a embarrassed expression.

"Fool, just leave this kind of thing to me."

As Nangong Toshihiko said, he snapped his fingers triumphantly, then made a phone call, and said to the person on the phone:

"Find a way to get me a set of hair washing equipment, and a professional hair shampooer. We need to wash my hair in the ward."

An hour later, Xia Yuan and Nangong Toshihiko were lying side by side in the ward. Under each of them was a shampoo reclining chair that is common in hairdressing salons. Of course, it also had an electric massage function. Massage your back, and wash your hair with the pure massage techniques of a senior hairdresser on your head.

This is the hair washing equipment that An Yichen gave them.

"Did you know? My dad's hairline receded when he was middle-aged, and the top of his head began to bald, so I must take good care of my hair, and I don't want to become a bald and wretched uncle when I get old."

Nangong Toshihiko washed his hair with his eyes closed, and suddenly said something.

Xia Yuan couldn't help laughing out loud:
"When you are old, you are called a wretched uncle, not an uncle."

"What, Wu Xiubo's family is called Uncle."

Nangong Toshihiko was devastated.

"Hmph, he's a male god! Of course he can be called Uncle!"

Xia Yuan nodded.

"What? He is a male god, am I not a male god?"

Nangong Toshihiko's black hair was held by the shampooer, and white bubbles bulged on his head, like a polar bear.

Xia Yuan slightly turned her face to look at him, suddenly smiled mischievously, took out her mobile phone, snapped a picture quickly, "Okay, male god, I'll let you enjoy it later."

"Okay, Goddess, let me see what you look like!"

Nangong Junyan also took out his mobile phone and took a picture of Xia Yuan in reverse. The speed was not unpleasant.

"You!" Xia Yuan felt that her current appearance must not be much better, and she became angry for a while.

However, Nangong Junyan is so handsome even when he is lying down. Although there are exaggerated and ridiculous white bubbles on his head, no matter how you look at it, his handsome face is still cute.

"Haha, I'm going to set this photo of yours as the caller ID picture."

After Nangong Toshihiko finished speaking, he moved his fingers, gesticulated and cropped, and set Xia Yuan's photo with white hair as the caller ID.

And the more he watched, the more complacent he became, laughing while watching.

Xia Yuan was furious, she also turned on the phone and said:
"Xiong Da. Well, set the caller ID, yes, turn it around, it's done, take a good look!"

He muttered words, but tapped them neatly with his hands. After a while, Nangong Toshihiko's blistered head was displayed on Xia Yuan's phone book with his name.

"What? Who is Xiong Da?"

Nangong Toshihiko asked puzzledly.

"Who else? A polar bear with bubbles on its head!"

Xia Yuan was amused this time, she could laugh out loud looking at Nangong Toshihiko's photo.

"Well, polar bears are chubby, how can I be so fat?"

Toshihiko Nangong refused to accept it...

After some joking around, the hair of the two of them was finally washed. Coupled with the superb massage skills of the shampooer, they felt extremely relaxed on their heads, as if they had no weight.

After drying the hair, the shampooer took the two shampoo chairs away, and even the water stains on the floor were cleaned by the cleaners, and the ward returned to its original spaciousness.

At this time, Shiquanji brought dinner.

No matter how the contents of the dishes change, there is always a bowl of sea bass soup that is stewed fragrant and rich.Because perch can speed up the healing of wounds, Nangong Toshihiko gave the order to die, Xia Yuan must drink a big bowl every time.

Fortunately, although it is used as a medicine, the sea bass is actually not bad to drink. The white thick soup is like milk. It is naturally fresh and refreshing without adding MSG. The chef only put salt and sprinkled some on it Green onion.

Xia Yuan knows the taste by eating the marrow, and after drinking it once, she took the initiative to make a big bowl and drink it without Nangong Junyan forcing it.

Moreover, the perch has few spines and the meat is delicious.

Xia Yuan suspects that the perch meat in the last one was cooked after skimming off the old perch meat that was boiled out of the soup, because when she picked up the perch meat and ate it, it was whole. And there is no firewood, and it keeps the freshness and elasticity of the fish.

Xia Yuan ate with great relish, but the appearance of the food was not bad, and it didn't have the pretentious taste of the rich ladies in the upper class at all. Seeing that Nangong Junyan was in a good mood, he also started to eat sweetly.

After eating a delicious and healthy dinner, Shiquanji's clerk took away the food box, Xia Yuan brushed her teeth, washed her face, and lay on the hospital bed refreshed, while Nangong Junyan picked up his notebook to deal with official business.

At this moment, there was another knock on the door outside the ward.

"Come in."

Xia Yuan shouted.

It was Tang Tian who came in at the sound.

"Yuanyuan, I'm sorry I'm late. I wanted to come over at noon, but I was temporarily arrested for cross-provincial business, and I only came back an hour ago."

Tang Tian appeared in the ward, still with neat short hair and casual sportswear.

Seeing that Nangong Junyan was there, she was slightly surprised, but seeing Xia Yuan's peaceful expression, she didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded with Nangong Junyan.

"Let's talk, I'll go out."

Nangong Toshihiko tucked the notebook under his arm to give them space.

"If I had known that he would accompany me, I wouldn't have come."

Tang Tian was joking.

"Okay, you, can it be that I can't play with you after you get married?"

Xia Yuan pretended to be angry and yelled, but the sweetness on her face couldn't be concealed.

Tang Tian remembered Liu Wenfang and Nangong Junyan being together, did Xia Yuan accept it?

Seeing Xia Yuan's happy expression does not seem to be fake, Tang Tian is not easy to say bad things for a while.

Emotional things come and go, and it's hard to say how the future will develop.Maybe Nangong Junyan has broken up with Liu Wenfang?
Tang Tian put a bouquet of flowers on the table, and saw that there was already a bouquet in the crystal bottle, and it was still fresh, so she smiled and said:
"Who has come to see you? Get there first!"

"Hey, it doesn't matter if you don't mention it, just throw away that bouquet of flowers for me, he is an annoying person."

As soon as Tang Tian mentioned it, Xia Yuan thought of the annoying Wu Zuxin.

"it is good."

Tang Tian is a straightforward person. Seeing that Xia Yuan was unhappy, she conveniently picked up the flowers in the crystal bottle and threw them into the trash can, then washed the crystal bottle again, and then inserted the flowers she brought.

"Hey, I'm relieved to see you're fine."

Seeing Xia Yuan's ruddy complexion, Tang Tian's heart sank.

"He took good care of me. I'm like a rice worm now. I eat and sleep and wake up to eat. Is my complexion bad?"

"This is a blatant show off!"

(End of this chapter)

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