Chapter 184 Xia Yuan's Bad Taste
However, before the facts were proven, Xia Yuan still pretended to be calm and waited and watched.

In other words, Xia Yuan also had a little bad taste in her heart, wanting to see how the doctor dealt with Nangong Junyan.

"What? Mr. Nangong, do you still feel tightness in your chest? Why don't you take a film to see if your lungs are inflamed?"

The doctor knew that Nangong Junyan's status was unusual, so he was naturally more cautious than ordinary patients.

"There's no need to take a film. It's not very boring, but just in case, I'd like to ask the doctor to let me stay in the hospital for observation for a day or two. Otherwise, if I get sick again after being discharged, it will be too troublesome. It may be too much trouble to spread the word The outside world will also say that there is a problem with the treatment in your hospital."

Nangong Toshihiko said half-softly and half-hardly.

The last sentence is simply a threat from Chikeke.

Xia Yuan was almost internally hurt from holding back her laughter. Looking at the constipated face of the attending doctor Nangong Toshiyan, it seems that encountering such a large-scale "medical trouble" also gave him a headache!

"Doctor, since he's still suffering, why don't you let him stay in the hospital for observation for a few more days. Maybe he'll be fine in a day or two. No one can tell about allergies, right?"

Xia Yuan's voice gave both sides of the stalemate a step down.

"Okay, then stay in the hospital for observation for another day!"

Nangong Toshihiko's attending doctor said helplessly.

In fact, when patients are hospitalized, especially high-level patients like Nangong Toshihiko, they occupy beds specially set up by the hospital. Hospitalization will occupy the consideration of other people's beds.

It's just that the doctor, out of the professional ethics of a doctor, thinks that he can be discharged from the hospital since he is cured.Moreover, when the doctor made the judgment that Nangong Toshihiko could be discharged from the hospital, Nangong Toshihiko said that he had chest tightness and various discomforts. Doesn't this mean that his treatment level is not good enough?

The doctor was secretly upset about this.

But he also knew that he and Nangong Toshihiko couldn't argue at all. Now that there was a step down, and Nangong Toshihiko wanted to stay in the hospital for observation, then let him!
Seeing the doctor's agreement, Nangong Toshihiko immediately raised his eyebrows. Although the smile was not obvious, it went straight to the bottom of the eyes, allowing Xia Yuan to see it clearly.At this time, Nangong Toshihiko was in high spirits, as if he had just completed a large and expensive order, so he didn't look a little sick?

After the doctor left, Xia Yuan looked at Nangong Junyan with a smile, and didn't speak, but looked up, down, left, and right with his eyes.

"Uh, why are you looking at me like that? Why do I feel gross?"

Seen by Xia Yuan's "weird" eyes, Nangong Toshihiko blurted out and asked him.

"I didn't expect Chief Nangong to be a 'medical trouble'? Tell me honestly, is your body really uncomfortable?"

Xia Yuan walked slowly in front of Nangong Toshiyan, wearing flat slippers in the hospital, her head just reached Nangong Toshiyan's chin, raised her head slightly, and met Nangong Toshiyan's eyes.

"Actually, the chest isn't very stuffy. It's just that when the doctor came, it just felt a little stuffy. It'll be fine as soon as he leaves, hehe."

Nangong Toshihiko's ears turned slightly red again.

The suspicion in Xia Yuan's heart was confirmed.

To accompany her, Nangong Toshihiko made up such a nonsensical reason and forced the doctor to let him stay in the hospital for an extra day.Because Xia Yuan has to stay in the hospital for one more day, why not stay with her for one more day?
Xia Yuan felt a little sweet in her heart, and she didn't want to poke him any more.

Nangong Toshihiko's childish performance won her heart deeply.

Nangong Toshihiko has a rascal look on his face. He has been with Xia Yuan day and night these days. He has become addicted to being by Xia Yuan's side. Whenever he thinks of leaving her and leaving her with disabilities in the ward alone, Nangong Toshiyan is extremely anxious. .

In desperation, I made this bad move.

Fortunately, Xia Yuan didn't make fun of him, instead she rested her head on his chest.

Nangong Toshiyan's heart trembled slightly, and he hugged Xia Yuan with his backhand.

The two were silent.

it is more than words.

A few ringtones of the phone broke the peaceful and sweet time between the two.

"What? There's such a thing, okay, I'll deal with it." Nangong Junyan answered the phone and said apologetically to Xia Yuan, "It's An Yichen. There is something in the company, I have to go over."

After finishing speaking, Nangong Toshihiko also wiped the slightly sweaty forehead with his hands, not sure if it was hot or what.

"Okay, let's go!"

Although Xia Yuan was reluctant to leave his side, she also knew that An Yichen would not call casually to disturb Nangong Junyan unless something serious happened, so she knew the basics.

"wait for me!"

Nangong Toshihiko kissed Xia Yuan's forehead, and left the ward with high spirits all over his body. The "tonic" he got from resting beside Xia Yuan was enough to make him glow with unprecedented fighting spirit and step on all difficulties under his feet.

"Miss Xia, these are your personal belongings from your company's labor insurance warehouse."

Shortly after Nangong Toshihiko left, the special nurse moved in a cardboard box.

Xia Yuan opened it and saw that it was the clothes and handbag she had changed before the accident.

The clothes are nothing, just ordinary uniforms, but there are Xia Yuan's wallet and other items in the handbag, so Xia Yuan opened the handbag and checked, and found that there were all things in it, so she was relieved.

However, when she touched the bottom of the bag, she found a bag of hard things. When she picked it up, she found that it was Codonopsis barley tea and a bag of rock sugar.

Xia Yuan suddenly remembered that she bought it when she found Nangong Toshiyan at his house last night when he was sleeping and sweating. She had been thinking about making it for him to drink, but forgot.

Thinking of the sweat on Nangong Junyan's forehead just now, Xia Yuan had an idea, she said to the special guard:
"Please help me buy an electric kettle for decocting medicine. The hospital should be able to buy it."

Although the special guard didn't know what Xia Yuan wanted to do, after all these days, she finally found the existence of a job. This was the first time Xia Yuan asked her to do something, and the special guard couldn't help but screamed in his heart: My ancestor Sister-in-law, you finally asked me to work, and I finally lived up to the high salary of tens of thousands.Go straight to buy a decoction pot!

In less than half an hour, the special nurse bought an exquisite electric decoction pot, washed it clean and sent it to Xia Yuan, with an absolutely top-notch work attitude.

However, the special nurse knew in his heart that if the special nurses across the country knew that she had such a leisurely job and only did the job of buying an electric medicine pot once with a high salary, there would be a long line in front of Xia Yuan's door asking to be her special nurse.

Xia Yuan poured Codonopsis barley tea into the electric frying pot, rinsed it with clean water, then poured in a certain amount of water, then plugged in the electricity, waited for the water to boil, and then pressed the start of slow frying, and waited for a while. A pot of caring barley tea for quenching thirst and night sweats was given to Nangong Junyan to drink.

(End of this chapter)

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