Sky-high pillow: the chief domineering substitute bride

Chapter 238 The duck to the mouth flew away

Chapter 238 The duck to the mouth flew away

Since Xia Yuan is so "local", she doesn't even know how to order food, so Li Ming didn't waste much, and ordered two moderately priced seafood, and the other dishes were sea oyster fried and Majia soup fish soup Wait for such civilian seafood.

Xia Yuan listened to the unheard-of dishes that Li Ming reported to the waiter, but she didn't care, anyway, it was mainly about business, otherwise she wouldn't have dinner alone with Li Ming!

At this time, Xia Yuan couldn't help but miss Team Leader Niu.Team leader Niu is stingy, but he is cute and innocent, that is: whenever Xia Yuan offers to pay the bill, he never refuses.

Li Ming seems to be very face-saving. Just look at the Rolex watch in his hand. Such an old-fashioned watch may have been worn by Li Ming's father to support him. From this detail, she thought Paying the bill, Li Ming will definitely not let her pay because of face, hey, she really doesn't want to owe others favors, headache...

"Section Chief Li, I don't know if you said that you want to discuss business matters, specifically?"

After the waiter left, there was a moment of silence in the box.

In fact, Xia Yuan didn't like to get along with other men alone in such a small box, because after the waiter left, she realized that the two people left in the small space seemed a little ambiguous.If Nangong Toshihiko saw it, he would definitely be unhappy.

As soon as she thought of Nangong Toshihiko, Xia Yuan wondered if he had eaten and what he was doing...

"Ah chirp!" Nangong Toshihiko seemed to feel something in the office, his nose itched, and he sneezed again.

"Junyan, your allergies are still not completely healed? Autumn is also the peak season for allergies, do you want to see a doctor again?"

An Yichen consciously acted as Nangong Junyan's personal health care doctor, and reminded him kindly.

"Uh, forget it, now the doctor will only give you a drip. It's okay, as long as the cough doesn't attack, you'll be fine."

Toshihiko Nangong has a strong physique, but the trachea is not very useful, and he will feel uncomfortable when he smells a strange smell or is in a place where the air is not circulated.This also formed his good living habit of not smoking and drinking.

"It's time for dinner, do you want to go out to eat together?"

An Yichen asked Nangong Junyan.

Nangong Toshihiko thought for a while, and said, "Forget it, I'll ask Secretary Wang to help me buy a meal and come back to eat. Try to get these documents approved today. If the project in France goes well, I'm going to arrange a vacation."

"Hey, since when did our chief iron man know how to go on vacation? He was with Xia Yuan, right? It really is love that changes life!"

In the whole company, only An Yichen can joke with Nangong Junyan like this.

"Hmph, what about your love? Don't you want to get out of the singles? There is still a month before we go on vacation. Come on, try to go together then! If you can take Tang Tian with you, I will cover all the expenses Already!"

Nangong Junyan's generosity immediately stimulated An Yichen:

"Hey, do you think I can't handle it? Okay, you wait, Shuangfei! Free board and lodging! Free travel for seven days!"

"No problem!" Nangong Toshihiko snapped his fingers happily, and called Wang Xiaoyang, "Secretary Wang, order me two lunches."

Wang Xiaoyang just went out to deliver documents, and was on the way to worship the Wu Zang Temple. When she received a call from the chief, she dared not neglect. This Huangwei Seafood Restaurant is famous for its eel rice, so she hurriedly called the waiter:
"Two servings of eel rice, hurry up."

In the private room of Huangwei Seafood Restaurant, Li Ming made soup for Xia Yuan graciously. When Xia Yuan asked him about his business affairs, he couldn't help but smile, thinking that this girl is really stupid. Are you talking about business?
In fact, Xia Yuan is really stupid when it comes to getting along with men and women. In her previous life, she only got along with Xie Shaojun. Later, her health became worse and worse, so she stayed at home all the time. Although she read a lot of novels, she really got along with people. still lags behind practice.

How a man wants to chase a girl has thousands of beginnings, not all pursuits are like a romance novel, or a gentleman holds flowers and says I want to chase you...

It can also be like Li Ming, where a high-class lunch triggers a romantic case...

"Xiao Xia, don't worry, you just joined the corporate propaganda department, and you don't have a high diploma. Although you have worked in two departments of the company, they are very shallow. That's why we need to understand and communicate with each other more, so that we can work better in the future. Get along well!"

Li Ming talked about it left and right, but just like showing off his Rolex, Li Ming inadvertently pointed out the fact that Xia Yuan's education is not high, and hinted in his words that low education will be a shackle for her future progress.

It really is that "no education" is not taken seriously. Xia Yuan slandered for a while. Since she entered the Xia family, no matter which department she went to, she would always be mentioned about her low education. Don't these people look at how much work she has? serious?Have you ever achieved outstanding performance?
However, what Li Ming said was not quite right. How did talking about business become a communication between him and her?
No matter how stupid Xia Yuan was, she could vaguely sense the truth at this moment.

"Section Chief Li, I will take the initiative to communicate with you about work matters, and I hope you will support me a lot." Xia Yuan said plainly, then picked up her bag, "I'm sorry, Section Chief Li, I have to Let's take a step first. I just remembered that I forgot to print an urgent mail just now, and I have to go back and fix it quickly, otherwise I will be blamed by my colleagues. You also know that my education is low, and only hard work is king!"

After speaking, Xia Yuan got up and left the box.


Li Ming didn't expect Xia Yuan to throw him in the private room and walk away after a few words. She couldn't help knocking on the table angrily, shaking the table so that the soup flew all over the place.

"Xia Yuan, it's shameless to show you shame, just wait and see!"

Li Ming squeezed out a word from between his teeth angrily.

Xia Yuan went to the cashier on the first floor, paid for the box that Li Ming had ordered, and then turned and left.No matter what, Li Ming always came here for consumption under the banner of inviting her. If she didn't settle the bill, she always felt that she owed him a favor.

Well, my sister is rich and self-willed, is that okay?

Xia Yuan walked for a while, and Li Ming had no intention of eating, but looking at a table of seafood, it would be a waste if he didn't eat it. Naturally, Li Ming, a pragmatist, would not waste this table of seafood. After he had eaten in a hurry, he came to Proceed to the cashier to check out.

Really lost his wife and lost his army, thinking that this table of seafood would cost one-tenth of a month's salary, Li Ming couldn't help feeling distressed.

"Sir, your bill has been settled."

The cashier checked the number of the box, and treated Li Ming politely.

"Oh?" Li Ming was very surprised, who can settle his bill?Who else besides Xia Yuan? "Do you remember who made it?"

"Oh, it's a young lady, very pretty."

The cashier is a young boy. Sure enough, the beauty effect is still there, and he immediately remembered the customer who just checked out.

(End of this chapter)

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