Sky-high pillow: the chief domineering substitute bride

Chapter 256 The Unforgiving Young Master Nangong

Chapter 256 The Unforgiving Young Master Nangong
"He, the guy who pulled the baji, his name is Nangong Junyan, and he is the chief of a local Haiju Group."

When Yan Ruyu spit out this name on the tip of her tongue, the little song in her heart sang with joy.

Nangong Toshihiko, you are cool, you are cool, you are so rich?No matter how great it is, you are a local tyrant in the south of the Yangtze River. If Mr. Ou wants to deal with you, you will die immediately.

Yan Ruyu was overjoyed.

But before she could get enough of it, she saw a big "slap" slap across the face, and an obvious five-fingerprint immediately appeared on her face.

"Bitch, Nangong Junyan, how dare you offend me? Get lost! You want to kill me, don't you? You deserve the name Nangong Junyan? Next time you see him, call him Young Master Nangong!"

Yan Ruyu covered her face, unbelievable that this slap was actually slapped by Ou Shao who just kept saying that he wanted to get her back.

What's more, what made her heart sink was that Ou Shao, who hit her, didn't have an angry expression on his face. On the contrary, he had a frightened expression on his face, as if he had seen a ghost. Yan Ruyu couldn't help but understand that what happened just now The slap was completely Ou Shao's instinctive reaction when he encountered something he was extremely afraid of.

Even if it wasn't her, other women would get such a slap when they mentioned the name Nangong Junyan.

But Yan Ruyu knew it in her heart, but the others present didn't understand it.They only saw Yan Ruyu, the most popular first-line actress in China, being slapped by Ou Shao, and everyone was stunned for three seconds.

However, it was Yan Ruyu who deserved the three seconds of silence.

Afterwards, everyone acted as if nothing had happened, and sang and drank as much as they should, and the bustle resumed in the box, as if no one saw or heard anything.

Yan Ruyu's heart went cold.She didn't expect that Nangong Junyan turned out to be such a big piece of iron. Even Ou Shao, who was so bad in the capital and with a background in the sky, trembled when he heard his name, as if Nangong Junyan was a devil who came out of hell.

Yan Ruyu regretted it to death, she was able to get so far in the entertainment industry, and she has been so prosperous in the past few years, isn't it all due to her first-class kung fu of adapting to the wind and flattering her ass?It's also that the past two years have been so smooth that she got carried away a bit, so much so that she forgot that she should be low-key and humble in life.

While the audience was acting as if nothing had happened, only the girl who had just appeared on the stage was still asking her own "Five Young Masters in Beijing":
"Yan Ruyu didn't say anything wrong, why did Young Master Ou beat her up?"

"Do you still want to hang out? If you want to hang out, don't talk so much nonsense. An hour ago, my dad asked me what I regret the most so far. I still can't think of the answer, but now I can tell you, the thing I regret the most I brought you out tonight, get out, get out too!"

Two desperate girls walked out of this luxury box together, one face was full of worry, naturally Yan Ruyu, the other was resentful, with the expression of a newborn calf not afraid of tigers.


When Xia Yuan came home, Qin Rui was considerate and caring again, and told Mama Hu to cook herbal food quickly, so as to nourish Qi and blood and restore the lost essence and blood.

Of course, Xia Zhaoyang was very satisfied with Qin Rui's thoughtfulness, and felt that it would be difficult to find a stepmother who was as good to her daughter as Qin Rui in this world, so he couldn't help admiring his own vision.

Xia Yuan agreed humbly, with a respectful and distant attitude on her face.Only Qin Rui can understand this feeling, but in Xia Zhaoyang's view, Xia Yuan's attitude towards her stepmother is also very good, seeing the harmony of the family, as a parent, he is satisfied.

After Xia Yuan was injured, Xia Qian went to England as an exchange student. It is said that she will stay there for half a year. Without Xia Qian's intrusion and chatter, the house is much quieter.

Xie Shaojun still cared for Xia Yuan decently and patiently, and felt guilty for not being able to take care of Xia Yuan himself.Seeing that Xie Shaojun, as the eldest brother, cared so much about his younger sister, Xia Zhaoyang was also elated, and he even took a bottle of foreign wine that he had kept for many years, insisting that the whole family have a drink together.

The amber wine rippling in the cup reveals a sense of family warmth and mellowness, but such warmth is just a protective layer.

Xia Yuan knew that she was cutting off Qin Rui's vicious tentacles step by step, but she didn't hurt her roots.The so-called centipede is dead but not stiff, Qin Rui will definitely make a comeback.

No one or anything can quench Qin Rui's mother and son's desire for money and power.

Xie Shaojun was not nominated as the manager of the accounting department on the board of directors. This does not mean that Qin Rui will give up other plans. At the dinner table, Xia Yuan heard Xia Zhaoyang say:

"Because of Yuanyuan's incident, several positions in the company have also been adjusted. Section Chief Wu of the warehouse management department has now been transferred and replaced by Yang Sen, nominated by your mother. This is how personnel adjustments are. There is a beginning, and later It's easy to operate, Shaojun, don't worry, Dad takes your business to heart."

Xia Zhaoyang was very tolerant towards Xie Shaojun because Xia Yuan's performance put him in a good mood today, but this result was something Xia Yuan didn't want to see.Unexpectedly, Dad was in a good mood, and he was much more tolerant of Xie Shaojun's promotion.

"Dad, thank you! Come on, let me toast you!"

Xie Shaojun didn't expect that Xia Zhaoyang would take his own affairs seriously, and today he made it clear for the first time that he would be promoted soon, could he not be happy?I am willing to let him drink the whole bottle of foreign wine!
"Okay, as the saying goes, you need father and son soldiers to go into battle, and when your father gets old and retired, you'll have to rely on you to help your sister with all your strength!"

Xia Zhaoyang gulped it down happily.

But he didn't notice that the expressions of Xie Shaojun and Qin Rui darkened at the same time.

Of course, this scene fell into Xia Yuan's eyes.In the previous life, how could she have noticed these things?

It seems that Qin Rui's mother and son's wolf ambitions are not dead, and they will make a comeback sooner or later.

Once Xie Shaojun is really promoted to the manager of the accounting department, it will only make him crazier after he tastes power, and speed up their pace of committing crimes.

There was a chill in Xia Yuan's eyes, she hadn't played with them enough, let them succeed so quickly, and without any effort, they easily became managers under the arrangement of their father, wouldn't they be too happy?
"Dad, in fact, I feel that I have gained a lot from this grassroots training. Every time I go to a position, I have a different experience, and I feel deeply! Don't worry, Dad, I will definitely support the Xia family with the cooperation of my brother in the future."

This is the first time that Xia Yuan publicly stated in front of her family that she has the confidence to take over the Xia family. When she said this, everyone was shocked.

Qin Rui and Xie Shaojun's mother and son felt resentment on their faces, but it passed in a flash, and they didn't dare to show it too obviously.

Xia Zhaoyang felt comforted on his face, but he seemed to be attracted by some information in Xia Yuan's words...

(End of this chapter)

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