Chapter 260 Meeting in a narrow road

Nangong Toshihiko was tall and Xia Yuan was tall and tall. Standing together, they were both extremely handsome men and women, so it was not surprising that they attracted the attention of many diners.

After coming outside the box and closing the door, the curious eyes of the diners were cut off from the door.

"Sure enough, the air circulation in the big box is much better."

Xia Yuan looked at the airy and airy big box. This is a big box that can seat fifteen people, so the dining table looks particularly huge.

"It's worth the money." Nangong Toshihiko smiled lightly, and imprinted a hickey on Xia Yuan's forehead, "Have you been busy these days? How many days have you not been with me?"

"I can't help it. It's a new job. With that perverted section chief, I can only work hard and try my best to perform."

Xia Yuan spoke seriously.Nangong Toshihiko just liked her stubborn and serious look. In fact, he found more and more that no matter what she looked like, he liked her.

"Look at you, you've lost a lot of weight, you need to make up for it tonight."

As he spoke, Nangong Toshihiko brushed the hair from her head up.

"Thinking about your fat goddess cultivation plan?"

Xia Yuan was dissatisfied.

"Hey, why are you afraid of being seen through?"

Nangong Toshihiko pretended to be embarrassed.

At this time the waiters came in, but they were well-trained and naturally pretended to turn a blind eye.

However, even if they wanted to pretend to be well-trained, they couldn't do it, because this couple was too dazzling, and they were the most dazzling customers they had received since they opened.

The waiters were all women, but they couldn't take their eyes off Xia Yuan apart from looking at Nangong Toshihiko.

It can only be said that Nangong Toshihiko and Xia Yuan were so perfect together, they highlighted each other's peculiarities that were different from ordinary people, so that the waiter was dazzled for a while, and forgot to speak for a while.

It wasn't until Nangong Toshihiko coughed lightly that the waiter suddenly woke up, his face turned red, and he said embarrassingly:
"Sir, please order."

"Xia Yuan, what do you want to eat?"

Nangong Toshihiko handed Xia Yuan the exquisite recipe.

Xia Yuan glanced at it for a while, lost her mind for a while, and said:

"The two of us, you can serve up the signature dishes in the store, and you can arrange the rest."

The waiter nodded and took the menu away.

"Everything is good here, except that the bathroom was not considered during the decoration."

Xia Yuan glanced at the room and muttered.

"I go with you."

Nangong Toshihiko took the initiative to ask for approval, and Xia Yuan couldn't help but think of the situation when Nangong Toshihiko wanted to carry her to the bathroom last time when he was in the hospital. Xia Yuan's heart trembled, and she quickly refused:
"No, the bathroom should be right outside. I'm not a child who can't walk. You follow me. If someone photographs it, it will make headlines."

"Ha, I'm not going to the bathroom with you, can't I stand outside and wait for you?"

Nangong Toshihiko laughed.

"No, if you stand outside in the bathroom, there should be a long queue."

When Xia Yuan thought of that situation, she couldn't help feeling chills all over her body.

Seeing her resignation firmly, Nangong Toshihiko no longer insisted on following her.

Xia Yuan walked out the door of the private room, walked to the end of the corner of the corridor, and actually saw the bathroom, but sadly, even though Nangong Junyan didn't guard the door, there was still a long queue here.It seems that the lack of a toilet in the interior decoration of this restaurant with a booming business has led to such evil results.

Seeing the long queue, Xia Yuan really couldn't afford to wait, so she thought of trying her luck on the next floor.

Fortunately, the bathroom on the first floor below was a little empty, and there was no long queue like the one on the upper floor. Xia Yuan happily went to the bathroom, relieved the pressure, and when she came out, she suddenly saw a familiar figure from the side of the corridor .

Xia Yuan thought she had made a mistake, so she widened her eyes and saw that it was indeed Li Ming, accompanied by a thin woman with a well-dressed temperament from behind.

Yo, this scumbag, is he dating a new woman so soon?

In Xia Yuan's heart, she felt that that woman was worthless. She wondered what expression the other party had when she knew the true face of the scumbag?

It seems that Li Ming attaches great importance to this woman. The price of this Hai Zhi Wei is much more expensive than the last time he invited her to Huang Wei. It can be said that after a meal, if it is more delicate, at least he will eat it quickly. Half a month's salary.

Such a stingy man is willing to spend a lot of money, it must be because he is reluctant to let his children not be caught by wolves.

"Xiaoyang, you are so kind. This is a newly opened popular hotel. My colleagues have been here several times. Either they couldn't wait for the seat, or there were too many people and had to leave."

Li Ming understood Wang Xiaoyang's kindness, and kept flattering her.

"Hehe, it's not troublesome, it's easy to do."

Wang Xiaoyang found it quite easy to get along with Li Ming, the key is that he valued his contribution, even though he only booked a hotel room, he was full of thanks, which made Wang Xiaoyang feel very useful.

ah?What, when did Wang Xiaoyang and Li Ming get together?

Xia Yuan recognized Wang Xiaoyang as the chief secretary next to Nangong Junyan at a glance. The last time she went to Nangong Junyan's office, it was still Wang Xiaoyang's coffee.

However, seeing that Wang Xiaoyang and Li Ming are still slightly alienated, it should be because they have just met and are in the stage of dating, right?
Hey, the world is so small!

Xia Yuan took a few steps back, she subconsciously didn't want Wang Xiaoyang and Li Ming to see her.Fortunately, they immediately entered their own box and disappeared.

Xia Yuan hurried upstairs, and said to Nangong Junyan with a gossipy face:

"Junyan, do you know who I saw? Your chief secretary Wang Xiaoyang."

"Oh? Is it strange to see her? I asked her to book this place. Maybe she just made a reservation to eat here herself."

Nangong Toshihiko said indifferently.

"But the one with Wang Xiaoyang is a scumbag!"

Xia Yuan was too angry, and besides, it was related to the people around Nangong Junyan, so she told Nangong Junyan the "brilliant deed" that Li Ming deceived Xiaomei.

"So Wang Xiaoyang met this kind of person?" Nangong Junyan pondered for a long time, "But love is hard to talk about. The more you try to dissuade her, the deeper she may fall into. Besides, she is just my subordinate. I can take care of her, but I can't take care of her personal affairs."

"Li Ming, a scumbag, invited me to dinner when I first arrived at the Corporate Propaganda Department."

Xia Yuan finally couldn't hold back any longer, and told Nangong Junyan about Li Ming's invitation to dinner.

"What? How dare he threaten you?"

Nangong Toshihiko's eyes tightened. He didn't expect that a small section chief would dare to use the name of his work for his own convenience, and even threaten his woman by losing his job.

"Of course, he doesn't distinguish between public and private affairs at all, and he always uses official business for personal convenience. I think this is how Xiaomei was deceived by him step by step."

Xia Yuan said bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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