Chapter 268 Dilemma
It was Xia Zhaoyang who heard the sound and came. Seeing that the banquet was about to start, but there was a crowd of people making such a noise at the door, Xia Zhaoyang was very dissatisfied, so he rushed over to find out.

Li Ming was waiting for such an opportunity. However, he thought that at most he could make trouble with a director or something to deal with this matter. He didn't expect that this would catch a big fish, and he even alarmed the company's chief executive.

Xia Yuan, Xia Yuan, you are doomed this time.

While Li Ming was secretly thinking of Xia Yuan's name, he didn't realize that there would be any connection between the two Xias.

It can't be blamed that Li Ming is too dull, it's really the company's chief executive who is too high-ranking, and usually sees each other like a star.

Although Xia Yuan is good-looking and has a good temperament, the so-called people rely on clothes. Xia Yuan often wears clothes of ordinary materials to work, and she is too low-key. It is impossible to connect her with Chief Xia.

There are a lot of people with the same surname in Huaxia, let alone the same surname, the same name and the same surname are like crucian carp crossing the river.

"Why did the reporter go back?" Xia Zhaoyang asked the situation concisely.

"Because they said that Yan Ruyu wasn't there, they were very dissatisfied and planned to leave."

Li Ming hurriedly reported.

"What? Didn't Yan Ruyu be invited? Didn't the schedule report say that Yan Ruyu was invited? Who is responsible for this work? If Yan Ruyu is not invited, this person must be held accountable."

Xia Zhaoyang frowned. He didn't know that Li Ming had handed over this work to Xia Yuan, and Xia Yuan didn't report everything to him when she came back, so Xia Zhaoyang didn't know at this time that this matter had something to do with it. Xia Yuan.

Seeing the anger on the chief's face, and saying that Xia Yuan will be held accountable, it seems that Xia Yuan is dead this time, and Li Ming is proud, but he forcibly suppressed his pride and said to Xia Zhaoyang:
"Chairman Xia, the job of inviting Yan Ruyu is handed over to Xia Yuan from our department. Before that, she had always assured me that she would definitely invite Yan Ruyu to the scene. Every time I worried about asking her about the progress, she always said no problem. She also said that if she couldn’t invite Yan Ruyu, she would put the resignation letter on my desk. Seeing that she was so sure, I felt relieved.”

Li Ming put all the responsibility for this matter on Xia Yuan. Although what he said described the general facts, because of the way he used the language, it gave everyone a wrong impression that Xia Yuan was very arrogant.

It was obviously Li Ming who forced Xia Yuan to write a letter of resignation when she couldn't find anyone, but now it's Xia Yuan who hired Yan Ruyu with her own job guarantee, the nature of the two is very different.

Xia Zhaoyang frowned, and couldn't help but froze.

Unexpectedly, the person in charge of this matter turned out to be the daughter?

If he had known that it was his daughter, he would never have said that he was going to be held accountable, because now it seems that Yan Ruyu is definitely not going to be there, so what he said just now must be realized, otherwise, what is the prestige of the chief of the Xia family?

What he said is like a fart that cannot be realized, so who will listen to what he said in the future?
But if Xia Yuan is really expelled, the daughter will suffer a crushing defeat in front of everyone, what face will she have to take charge of the Xia family in the future?
Xia Zhaoyang fell into a dilemma, and he couldn't help but sweat on his head.

"This one……"

Xia Zhaoyang stuttered and didn't know how to speak for a while.The surrounding reporters, guests, and Xia's employees were all watching him helplessly as he dealt with this matter.

"Chairman Xia, your company is dishonest. It's fine if you can't invite Yan Ruyu, and you even issued false notices to deceive the media. Doesn't this kind of behavior seem like the behavior of a big and honest company?"

"Yeah, what kind of charity party is there? Liar company, it seems that charity is not safe. Let's go."

Seeing that Xia Zhaoyang was suddenly in a dilemma, media reporters didn't know how to deal with the sudden situation in front of him, everyone said with disdain.

"Okay, let's go, don't get involved with this kind of scam company. If we publish their articles in our newspaper, we might lose readers!"

The reporters talked a lot, everyone packed up and prepared to leave the Xia family.

"I'm sorry, all the media reporters, we have something to say, let's talk about it."

Xia Zhaoyang has experienced the turmoil in the business world, and he can be said to advance and retreat in affairs, but he fell into incoherent speech when it comes to his daughter's official business crisis.

Li Ming next to him laughed wildly to himself, how embarrassed Chief Xia is now, and how angry he will burn Xia Yuan to death when he turns around.He wished that Chief Xia would be as embarrassed as possible.

"What's going on? Mr. Xia, it's a mess here."

While speaking, Liu Haoran and other directors rushed out of the banquet hall in formal attire.Seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help frowning.

"Uh, this, that..."

Xia Zhaoyang, who was strategizing on the board of directors, was speechless at this moment and couldn't speak a complete sentence, showing his embarrassment.

"Mr. Xia, is there something wrong with the charity gala? Hasn't the gala been organized for a long time?" A director asked dissatisfiedly.

"It's nothing, but Yan Ruyu is not here yet."

Xia Zhaoyang finally squeezed out these words.

"Mr. Xia, are you kidding me? Everyone is looking forward to Yan Ruyu's coming. If it wasn't for Yan Ruyu's appeal, would there be so many people here?"

Some directors were dissatisfied.

Although Xia Zhaoyang is the chief executive, he still has to respect the opinions of these big and small directors, and usually the company's decision-making also needs their support.

If Xia Zhaoyang could still be tongue-tied in front of the media, now he is completely speechless in front of the directors.

Can he tell that his daughter screwed up this thing?
In the future, if my daughter wants to take over the Xia family, she still needs the support of these directors. If she leaves such an impression now, there will be more disturbances if she takes over the Xia family in the future.

"I'm in charge of inviting Yan Ruyu."

Seeing the embarrassment of her father struggling to protect herself, Xia Yuan finally couldn't bear it and stepped forward.

"who are you?"

A director did not know Xia Yuan and asked a question.

"I am an employee of the Enterprise Propaganda Department, and I can say with certainty that Yan Ruyu will definitely be there before the dinner begins."

Relying on her trust in Nangong Toshihiko, Xia Yuan was categorical.

"What? Really? It's 28:2 now, there will be a miracle in [-] minutes?"

The bearded reporter questioned.

"Anyway, you don't lack 2 minutes of waiting time, why don't you just wait for another 2 minutes with peace of mind."

Xia Yuan said firmly.

"Hehe, little girl, are you too good at talking big? You can get Yan Ruyu here from the capital in 2 minutes? I heard that the name Yan Ruyu is not on all the incoming flights today."

The bearded reporter makes another move.

"Ah?" Xia Yuan didn't know this news before, so she couldn't help being surprised when she heard it.

Xia Zhaoyang's confidence that had just been boosted by his daughter's firmness suddenly sank again.

(End of this chapter)

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