Chapter 274
Liu Wenfang silently watched the woman with the big belly show her affection, and couldn't help but touch her lower abdomen. There used to be a small life in it. If it hadn't been destroyed, it would have been more than five months now, and she was pregnant.

But now it is empty, still as flat as a virgin.

Liu Wenfang's heart also became empty.



The two blurted out almost at the same time, calling each other's name.

This tacit understanding reminded the two of them of the happy time when they fell in love in college. At that time, they also had such a tacit understanding, very happy, and looked forward to a bright future.

"Tell me." Xie Shaojun said.

"You speak first." Liu Wenfang lowered her eyebrows and smiled slightly, "Didn't you always speak first in the past?"

Looking at the docile Liu Wenfang, Xie Shaojun felt a deep pity in his heart. She has always loved him so much and was so obedient, but he couldn't give her the best.

This time, it was the last time he asked her for help. If it was successful, their lives would also open up a smooth path, which would be a good thing for Liu Wenfang and him.

"Okay, I'll say what I say." Xie Shaojun lowered his voice and said in a volume that only the two of them could hear, "That pregnant woman gave me an inspiration."


After hearing Xie Shaojun's plan, Liu Wenfang couldn't help but frowned, and said embarrassingly:

"Is it okay? I can't even get close to him, how is it possible?"

"Impossible to create conditions must become possible. Think about it, what a great opportunity, Haiju, which Nangong Junyan controls now, is several times stronger than Xia's. If the plan is successful, you will own Nangong Junyan's property , I own the property of the Xia Clan, when our two empires merge into one, what kind of world will we create?"

Xie Shaojun's speeches were quite captivating. He was a master of speech at school. He once participated in the World University Student Speech Contest and won No.3.

In addition, Liu Wenfang's determination was not firm in the first place. Although Xie Shaojun described it like this, although she was a little worried at first, she gradually accepted it.

Liu Wenfang thought about it for a while, and said:
"But this matter can't be done by relying on my own strength. Prescribing medicine is one way, but if he finds out and doesn't make it to the last step, it's still a waste of work.

In addition, even if it is a good thing, if you don't win the bid, it's also a waste of effort. "

"So, we want to make sure we have a surefire solution. I'm afraid I'll have to get someone to help us with this."

Seeing Liu Wenfang being persuaded, Xie Shaojun burst into ecstasy, and immediately revealed his real plan.

"A surefire way? Is there such a perfect plan?"

Liu Wenfang didn't quite believe it, the baby in her belly didn't mean she could have it, how could Xie Shaojun make her conceive Nangong Junyan's child?

"Of course, just listen to me!"

Next, the method Xie Shaojun said made Liu Wenfang's eyes widen, feeling unbelievable.

But after thinking about it, this is indeed a foolproof way.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

In Liu Wenfang's heart, Xie Shaojun has always been synonymous with being smart and motivated. This time, he really activated his clever brain and came up with an excellent solution.

With Nangong Toshihiko's seed, it's impossible for him to see his own flesh and blood wandering outside with dishonest names and words?

After discussing the plan, the two of them seemed to let go of a heavy stone in their hearts, and wealth and glory seemed to be at their fingertips, so they couldn't help toasting proudly.


Xia Yuan came to Xia's Corporate Propaganda Department early in the morning, and heard laughter in the office.

When I walked in, I saw that everyone was eating snacks and sunflower seeds, looking very leisurely.

Seeing Xia Yuan's astonished gaze, Yun Fei smiled and said:

"Don't be surprised, this is the relaxed culture of the Corporate Propaganda Department. Whenever a successful event is completed, we have to celebrate like this the next day, and the company also tacitly approves."

"Oh, that's why I didn't say it earlier, otherwise I'll bring some snacks when I'm outside."

Xia Yuan laughed.

It is understandable to relax properly after a high level of tension, and Xia Yuan also leisurely made a cup of instant coffee, chatting and farting with everyone.

In the office, there is no refined artisanal coffee, so Xia Yuan followed suit and, like her colleagues, used instant coffee instead.

Handcrafted coffee has a mellow original taste, while instant coffee has a taste blended with saccharin and additives. However, no matter what kind of coffee it is, it is the state of mind you drink.

In a pleasant office environment, even drinking instant coffee can taste happy.

"Hey, Section Chief Li, why don't you come and have fun with us and the people!"

Yun Fei didn't know what she had eaten in the past two days, so she fought Li Ming with all her heart.

In the past, Yunfei would not have shown her face like this, but Li Ming's series of actions recently made Yunfei look down on her. The pain of Xiaomei's death has become more and more clear with the passage of time.

Some people, when the pain of losing a loved one comes and goes quickly, some people are caught off guard when it first comes, and they don’t react at all, showing numbness, but they become more and more sad afterward.

Yun Fei belongs to the latter kind of people.

Therefore, seizing the opportunity, she never forgot to stab Li Ming.

However, because of guilty conscience, Li Ming didn't argue with Yun Fei, instead he laughed dryly and said:
"Okay, there are so many delicious foods, I would be a fool if I didn't come here, how about it, Xiaoqiu, I'll take another 500 yuan here, and go buy some KFC family buckets for everyone."

Hearing Li Ming's words, not only Yunfei, but also other staff members of the Enterprise Propaganda Department almost stared.

No one in the corporate publicity department knows that Li Ming is a real iron rooster. He has been in the corporate publicity department for several years, except for the company's banquet, he has never personally invited a colleague out of his pocket.I didn't expect God to open his eyes today!

Li Ming took out 500 yuan from his wallet and handed it to Xiaoqiu. Xiaoqiu was taken aback for a moment, but when he saw everyone nodding, he stopped being polite and ran downstairs to KFC to pack.

"Hey, Section Chief Li, you are really generous! But, do you still remember that you forced Xia Yuan to resign? Now that Xia Yuan has successfully completed the task and invited Yan Ruyu to the company, don't you have anything to say? "

Yun Fei didn't say the next sentence until Li Ming finished paying and Xiao Qiu took the money and left.

"Uh, express? Of course." Li Ming would have liked to kick Yun Fei if it was in private, but in front of everyone, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he could only cough helplessly, and said with a fake smile, "I Will apply to the company for her as an outstanding employee of the season!"

"Just being an excellent employee is enough? In the dinner summary report, should Xia Yuan's name be written? You can't just take the credit for yourself, can you?"

Yunfei is indeed an "old man" in the corporate propaganda department, and is familiar with the process.As soon as these words came out, Li Ming's expression also changed.

(End of this chapter)

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