Sky-high pillow: the chief domineering substitute bride

Chapter 278 The Scum of the World 1 Attribute

Chapter 278

"Okay, then forgive you."

Xia Yuan is really honest and blunt.

Seeing her turn from anger to joy, Nangong Toshihiko's heart fluctuated with ups and downs.Only when he saw a happy face on her face would he feel happy.

"Hey, let's go, Lao Cai has stewed seafood porridge, just wait for us to go."

Shiquanji is Nangong Junyan's sideline business. Now that there is an extra woman who needs to be taken care of, Nangong Junyan feels that Shiquanji should be well managed so that Xia Yuan can eat the world's food in Shiquanji without going out of Jiangnan. tasty.

The two got into the car, and Nangong Toshihiko carefully fastened Xia Yuan's seat belt, then slowly started the car and drove towards Shiquanji.

When we arrived at Shiquanji, Manager Cai knew that the chief was coming, so he had been waiting at the door for a long time. As soon as he saw them, he came up to welcome them to Nangong Junyan's exclusive VIP box.

"Chairman Nangong, this bowl of seafood porridge is made from big bone soup stewed with whale bones, then added with lobster to enhance the flavor, and the best Thai japonica rice to boil for three hours. Do you want to try it? "

"Okay, let's try."

As Nangong Toshiyan said, he made a spoonful of porridge, put it in front of Xia Yuan, put the spoon on it carefully, took a spoonful, blew and blew it, and then handed it to Xia Yuan.

Now Xia Yuan has completely pampered her like a child with Nangong Toshihiko, took a sip from the spoon unceremoniously, and felt a fresh and delicious taste from the taste buds straight to every pore of the body.

This seafood porridge has both the freshness of porridge and the freshness of seafood, but it does not have the fishy smell of seafood.

Xia Yuan only tasted one piece, and all the [-] pores in her body were opened immediately. It felt like Monkey King had stolen ginseng fruit.

"Manager Cai, this seafood porridge tastes great. We must celebrate. Another signature dish of Shiquanji has been born."

Manager Cai had already seen Chief Nangong's full care for Xia Yuan. Now that he was praised by Xia Yuan, he suddenly felt that his wings were blown, and it was as happy as being praised by Chief Nangong.

Manager Cai had a smile on his face, and was about to say something, but Xia Yuan interrupted him and asked:
"Manager Cai, can you help me find out which room is reserved for a man named Li Ming tonight?"

"Ok, no problem."

Being ordered by Xia Yuan, Manager Cai is as willing as a sly, as he has a discerning eye, he has already seen that Chief Nangong just failed to pick off the stars in the sky for Xia Yuan. Chief Nangong will be satisfied.

Watching Lao Cai leave, Nangong Toshihiko couldn't help frowning his thick eyebrows, and asked Xia Yuan:
"Eat well, why do you ask about Li Ming?"

"Because I heard that he invited Wang Xiaoyang to come here for dinner, and Wang Xiaoyang also agreed. It seems that their relationship has grown further."

On the one hand, Xia Yuan is angry because of Li Ming's self-serving and selfish revenge, and on the other hand, she wants to find a place for Xiaomei.

Xiaomei is Yunfei's good friend, and now Yunfei has also become friends with her. To find Xiaomei's place is to relieve Yunfei's anger, the reason is very simple.

"Oh? This annoying guy buzzes around like a fly all day long. He even annoys us when we have a meal outside. It seems that if we don't clean him up, he will be annoyed."

Xia Yuan was amused by Nangong Junyan's words, she said:

"What can you do?"

"It's very simple, the test is to see the truth. I will give them a test later."

Nangong Toshihiko snapped his fingers triumphantly, as if he had a trick of his own.

Xia Yuan was about to ask him if he had any good plan to separate Wang Xiaoyang and Li Ming. At this moment, Manager Cai pushed the door in. He said respectfully:

"Chief, it's been found out. Li Ming is in Room 204."

"Very good, Lao Cai, come here, I have something to tell you."

When Manager Cai heard that the chief had an explanation, he hurried forward and listened carefully.

"do you understand?"

After Nangong Toshihiko explained, Lao Cai nodded to express his understanding.Immediately, he took out the phone from his pocket and dialed a number:
"Brother Tie, bring a few brothers over right now..."

"Xia Yuan, let's go to the monitoring room on the top floor. Let's have a good show before coming back for dinner."

At this time, Xia Yuan had already finished eating the seafood porridge, and Nangong Junyan also saw that her stomach was puffed up and she had goods, so he took her to the monitoring room on the top floor.

Xia Yuan glanced at the several LCD screens piled up on the wall of the monitoring room, only to realize that Shi Quanji's prison includes even the private rooms.

From the LCD screen, you can clearly see the people in the box drinking and guessing.

"It must have been written by that guy An Yichen, right?"

Xia Yuan asked Nangong Toshihiko with a smile.

"Yeah, professional habits, there's nothing I can do about it, he just has itchy hands." Nangong Toshihiko also laughed, "I don't usually have the habit of peeking at boxes."

Said, Nangong Toshihiko pressed the remote control, and then turned on a button, the voice from the box came clearly.

"Is there still sound?"

Xia Yuan was taken aback. In fact, this is not an embarrassing technique, but because the usual monitoring usually only has pictures, Xia Yuan suddenly felt that it was convenient to have more voices.

"Hehe, An Yichen, can you not take this into consideration? If it's in my office, I can even remotely monitor what's going on here through my computer."

At this time, only Xia Yuan and Nangong Toshiyan were in the monitoring room, and the staff had already been cleared, so Nangong Toshiyan openly told Xia Yuan the secret.

"Uh, it's nice to have a computer hacker by your side. By the way, last time I asked him to help me design a [-]-volt high voltage device, I wonder if it's finished?"

Xia Yuan thought of this by the way, so she mentioned it casually.

"It should be almost the same? I heard him mention it not long ago."

In fact, Nangong Junyan reckoned that An Yichen should have already done it, but when he thought of ten thousand volts of electricity, his pores stood up...

"Okay, I'll go back and urge him to use it in a hurry."

Xia Yuan grunted, but saw that Nangong Toshihiko had adjusted the screen to room 204. The reason why she knew it was because they were familiar with the two people in the picture of the box.One is Wang Xiaoyang, and the other is Li Ming.

Li Ming and Wang Xiaoyang are still in the early stage of dating, so at present, the two of them respect each other like guests, and there is no behavior that is inappropriate for children.

"Try it, this is Russian caviar, it's delicious."

Li Ming served Wang Xiaoyang attentively.

With a touch of reserve, Wang Xiaoyang enjoyed Li Ming's service.

"It's so fake, when he beats Wang Xiaoyang to the bone, it's time to abandon her."

Xia Yuan snorted coldly, she was too familiar with the characteristics of these scumbags.

"You seem to know Li Ming very well?"

Nangong Toshihiko snorted, his tone a bit unfriendly.Of course, this unkindness was aimed at Li Ming, not Xia Yuan.

"All scumbags in the world have the same attribute. Li Ming is a scumbag, so of course I understand."

Xia Yuan said frankly.

(End of this chapter)

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