Chapter 603 Video As Evidence
Because the Xia family had a murder case that horrified the south of the Yangtze River, Xia's enterprise was also involved in the vortex of much attention for a while.

Fortunately, Xia's is not listed, and there is no concern that the so-called "scandal" will affect the company's stock price.

Moreover, Xia's currently mainly relies on Haiju's orders.

Haiju is as stable as a rock and fully supports the Xia family. Therefore, although the reputation of the Xia family has been affected by the murder, the business operation of the company still remains stable.

But fortunately, the gossipers in the upper class of Jiangnan made their calculations: Qin Rui's son and daughter are all engaged, and the marriage partners are all from Jiangnan aristocratic families.Although there is still a young daughter who is not engaged, but there are older brothers and sisters in front of her, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

If it doesn't work, it's a big deal to find someone to marry abroad.

Therefore, it seemed that the murder case had no effect on the Xia family.

So some good people were angry and said: Why does Xia's family have nothing to do when people die in Xia's house?
If something happened, the guests who went to Xia's house that day were also implicated and made a record.More than ninety-nine percent of the guests experienced being recorded by the police for the first time.

Other than that, the Xia family is still going smoothly.

So in the vortex of public opinion among the upper class in the south of the Yangtze River, the Wang family and the Qiu family, after their daughter was killed, came to their door aggressively in an attempt to seek justice for their daughter.

When Wang and Qiu came to visit, Xia Yuan happened to be in Xia's old house and witnessed everything.

"Xia Zhaoyang, come out, my daughter died in your house, you are like a turtle, why don't you come out and apologize to us?"

"Xia Zhaoyang, our daughter didn't even have a boyfriend, so she just died in your house for no apparent reason. Why wasn't it your daughter who died?"


The two families of the Wang family and the Qiu family probably deliberately chose two tough women who are usually dressed in white, and breaking into Xia's house would cause a commotion.Every word he said was worse than one sentence.

Xia Zhaoyang stood in the living room, constantly comforting and comforting the two families:

"Old Wang, Old Qiu, you know we don't want this kind of thing to happen. Calm down, the police will definitely find the real culprit!"

After all, people died in Xia's house, Xia Zhaoyang's words were a little weak and pale.

Seeing this situation, Xia Qian closed her eyes, revealing a secretly smug expression.

It's just that some condiments were added to the public opinion circle of the upper class, which aroused the great anger of the Wang family and the Qiu family.

This time, let's see how Xia Yuan escaped the vortex of public opinion, and that Nangong Junyan turned a blind eye to his repeated attempts to please her, and didn't even look at her, right?This time, let's take it all together.

Xia Qian thought fiercely.

"Police? Find the real culprit? It's been a few days, why hasn't the case progressed at all? Poor daughter of our two families, she is young, her life has just begun, and she died tragically in your house! Look at you, you are still so carefree Zizai! The police were bribed by your forces, right?"

The two women sent by the Wang family and the Qiu family respectively looked like shrews.It is estimated that people are not very popular in the family, but such a character is very useful when going out to crusade.

But this time when they were sent by the Wang family to attack the Xia family, it was rare for them to give full play to their strengths, so they naturally had no energy left to scold Xia Zhaoyang like a dog.

"How could the police be bribed by our Xia family? Such a big case is a big deal no matter where it is placed. It is impossible for the police to bend the law for our Xia family's personal gain, right? The whole city's eyes are on this case!"

To say that Xia Zhaoyang was wronged.

It's a joy for everyone to hold a Christmas dinner, but who knows that someone will die at home?

Not to mention anything else, the value of his property has also been depreciated because of this murder, okay?This house had a bad reputation as a haunted house before, but now it has become a haunted house again. It seems that no one will buy this house except myself for the rest of her life.

However, Xia Zhaoyang's grievance can only be kept in his heart. It is definitely inappropriate to say it now. Instead, he will give people a excuse, saying that he doesn't value human life, and only cares about his own assets and so on!

Xia Zhaoyang has seen the skills of these two shrews.Still, he tried his best to explain.

"Hmph, you didn't collude with the police, did you? Well, let's expose this topic first. But your family bears great responsibility for the death of our two children."

At this time, Vixen A of the Wang family jumped out and shouted.

"That's right, if it wasn't for you, Miss Xia, who was so aggressive, and her fiancé was helping to abuse, how could our children faint with anger? If they didn't faint with anger, they wouldn't stay in your guest room was murdered!"

The shrew B of the Qiu family did not show any weakness, and threw out a series of words that made Xia Zhaoyang dumbfounded.

These words hit his heart like bullets, Xia Zhaoyang only felt chest tightness, he subconsciously held his chest, but still tried his best to hold on:

"You can't talk nonsense, what evidence do you have? Proof that my daughter forced them?"

"Evidence? Of course we have it. If there is no evidence, will we come to you?"

At this time, shrew A from the Wang family took out a USB flash drive from the LV bag, and shrew B from the Qiu family took out a laptop computer. The two of them were like two generals, and they cooperated quite well.

As the USB flash drive was inserted into the computer, a video screen appeared in front of everyone.

"Xia Zhaoyang, look, isn't this a good thing your daughter did?"

Vixen A of the Wang family yelled.

Xia Zhaoyang was sitting in front of the computer. Xia Yuan moved away from the crowd, stepped forward to take a look, and couldn't help but be surprised. This was the video of them entangled for a while after Wang Feng was beaten at the Christmas dinner.

The point is that the scene of Qiulin beating Wang Feng was cut at the beginning of this video, and the scene played now starts with Wang Feng covering her face and pointing at Xia Yuan and cursing.

Those who don't know the inside story will feel that Wang Feng was bullied after seeing this scene, and then Xia Yuan asked Nangong Junyan to support him.

Because there is no sound on the monitoring screen, only the screen, and everyone can only interpret the situation at that time from the expressions and voices of the characters in the screen.

However, since the scene of Qiulin beating Wang Feng was cut, the basin of dirty water was naturally held on Xia Yuan's head.

"Am I right? Xia Zhaoyang, look at your daughter's good deeds? Everyone present that night said that your son-in-law even threatened the Wang family and the Qiu family, saying that he would make us go bankrupt. It's really unreasonable!"

Vixen A made a play, and through her own explanation, she immediately reversed the matter.

Xia Zhaoyang felt a throbbing pain in his chest after watching the video.

He didn't know what happened that night. Just looking at the picture, Wang Feng and Qiu Lin fainted after Nangong Junyan arrived.

"Don't blame people casually. Although you have this video, it is not the original picture!"

At this time, Xia Yuan stood up with a heavy heart and said.

(End of this chapter)

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