Chapter 609 The Evidence Is Solid
Jiangnan Third Hospital.

Although the sign of the mental hospital was not directly displayed to the outside world, everyone in Jiangnan knew that the third hospital was a mental hospital.

Because it is backed by Qingshan, a high-altitude mountain in the south of the Yangtze River, some people jokingly call it Qingshan Hospital.

Therefore, if you jokingly refer to others as coming from Qingshan Hospital or the Third Hospital, the other party will know that you are scolding yourself for being mentally ill.Some people even get angry about it.

Of course, this is the inherent old impression of Chinese people at work.

In everyone's impression, mental patients are all speechless, crazy behavior, and the image of disheveled and sloppy clothes.

But in fact, when they walked into the psychiatric inpatient department of Qingshan Hospital and saw Qin Rui, it is estimated that everyone's impression would change.

Qin Rui, who lived in a single ward, was clean and tidy. If it wasn't for the confusion in her eyes, no one would have noticed that she was a patient with a mental illness.

Well, if there is a beauty pageant for mentally ill patients, Qin Rui will definitely win the first place and become a well-deserved oiran.

Through the observation glass, Xia Yuan saw Qin Rui sitting quietly on the hospital bed, staring blankly out of the window, with a peaceful appearance.

Going back to the monitoring computer in the doctor's office, you can see the whole picture of Qin Rui in the ward with a 360-degree view without blind spots.

Xia Yuan asked the doctor to show her Qin Rui's front view, only to find that Qin Rui's appearance was similar to that of the back, and she still had a sluggish expression.

"Doctor Fang, has my mother been acting like this since she was admitted to the hospital?"

"Yes, this is the patient's stress response after a major stimulus. Now she closes her heart to protect herself from harm."

Dr. Fang, who has been treating Qin Rui in the third hospital, is a middle-aged man in his 40s. He is gentle and handsome, wearing rimless glasses. He has made a lot of achievements in the professional field, so his words cannot be doubted.

"Then when will she recover?" Xia Yuan asked with concern.

"It's hard to say. This requires the patient's self-regulation, coupled with our drug treatment and psychological guidance. The key lies in the patient himself. If she is willing to come out, she can come out at any time. If she is not willing, it is normal to be like this for the rest of her life. "

What Dr. Fang said was equivalent to saying nothing.

Xia Yuan couldn't ask any more questions.

Of course, she hoped that Qin Rui would be sealed by herself all the time, so that she would not come out and harm others.Anyway, in the third courtyard, her food and drink would not be short.

She wouldn't be like Qin Rui in her last life, seeing that her remaining value had been squeezed out, she would lock her dying in a small black room to wait to die.

Anyone who has tasted that kind of taste will definitely want to throw Qin Rui into a traditional madhouse, let her be surrounded by a group of lunatics, and then become a sloppy and terrible lunatic in people's impression.

However, perhaps Xia Yuan has gained too much happiness in this life, not only has family affection, but also has the love of her dreams, and the gloom in her heart has been blown away bit by bit.

At least, she just needs to hit her opponent so that she has no backhand strength, and she won't be as vicious as Qin Rui was to her.

Because, she still has to keep the most basic bottom line of being a human being.

"Then trouble Dr. Fang to take good care of her!"

After Xia Yuan finished speaking, she left with Dr. Fang.

Nangong Toshihiko and Xia Yuan were walking in the long corridor of the hospital. After passing through heavy access control, they felt the coolness of Xia Yuan's palm held by him, so they asked:

"are you cold?"

"It's not cold. It's just that seeing this kind of place makes my heart chill. I'm afraid of the feeling of being confined."

As Xia Yuan said, she couldn't help shivering.

The desperate feeling of being imprisoned in a small black room waiting to die is a coldness that no one can forget in two lifetimes.

"Yes, me too."

Suddenly, Nangong Toshihiko said, Xia Yuan didn't notice, a flash of contemplation of past memories flashed in his eyes.

For a moment, the two seemed to be in the same breath.

The hands that held each other tightened for a moment, conveying some kind of belief to each other.

"Toshihiko, by the way, the hard disk I asked you to restore, how is it now?"

The two sides were silent for a while, and Xia Yuan brought up the topic:

"It's almost there. An Yichen said that he can finish it with a few more hours of work. The person who destroyed the data is not familiar with computers, so he simply deleted it. So it is not difficult to restore."

The two talked while walking, but they didn't notice that on the window of a ward upstairs facing this corridor, there was a face that could be called the leader of the mentally ill world, looking at him with resentment and deep hatred. They walked hand in hand.

Xia Yuan felt relieved when she heard what Nangong Toshiyan said, and said:
"When the data is recovered, let me know right away. Wang and Qiu's families won't be able to quarrel at that time, but I guess I still have to pay them some money."

"Forget it, after all, people died in your home."

Nangong Toshihiko is not a weak person to be bullied, but this time, he made an exception to say this sentence.

Anyway, things that money can solve are not things.

Nangong Toshihiko recalled what he witnessed that night, and felt that, in fact, it was a blessing to be able to solve it with money.

As for Qin Rui, living in the Third Hospital is also the best choice.

Therefore, Nangong Toshihiko didn't care about Xia's mother being called a mental patient. It was better than being called a murderer, right?

In the evening of the same day, Wang and Qiu's two families received the notice from the Xia family. They still brought a group of people to Xia's house aggressively like last time.

"I told you two before that I will definitely give you an answer within three days. Now it happens to be the third day. Please come here to show you something like this."

Xia Zhaoyang said, and with a wave of his hand, Xia Yuan turned on the computer connected to the hard disk, and one of the video cables was connected from the computer to the large LCD TV in the living room.

Following Xia Yuan's operations, the surveillance video of that night appeared on the TV screen. The process was very complete, from the beginning of Xia's dinner party, to the most critical scene: Qiulin slapped Wang Feng...

Looking at the picture, Wang and Qiu were stunned. Facts speak louder than words.

"No, the video we got is different from yours!"

Finally, Vixen A of the Wang family jumped out and said.

"What's the difference? Ours is the original picture, okay?" Xia Yuan said bluntly.

"shut up."

At this time, the Patriarch of the Wang Family finally came out to speak, and stopped Shrew A.

It seems that after three days of brewing and fermentation, their family and the Qiu family reached an agreement. He exchanged glances with the head of the Qiu family and said:
"Old Xia, even though the video is like this, no matter what, our child died in your home, and you are responsible for the lack of security. How will this be settled?"

(End of this chapter)

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