Chapter 611
Therefore, in order not to miss the entire incident, Xia Yuan specially asked the security company to install a high-definition wide-angle camera.

Just then, the area of ​​about 50 square meters in this open field has all entered the range of the surveillance probe's monitoring screen.

If it wasn't for Xia Qian's panic just now, Xia Yuan wouldn't have checked it from beginning to end.What she cared most about was the scene where Qiulin beat Wang Feng.

However, Xia Yuan didn't find anything new after carefully watching the screen from beginning to end. The whole process lasted about an hour.

"Strange, why does Xia Qian have such an expression?"

Xia Yuan knew that it was impossible for Xia Qian to sit in front of the computer for no reason, and she also had a frightened expression when she saw her.

Early the next morning.

When Xia Yuan got up for breakfast, she was surprised to see that not only her father got up on time, but also Xia Qian and Xie Shaojun were sitting at the dining table.

These people who used to eat sparsely for half a day were so tidy this time, even earlier than her.

Xia Qian looked at the watch on her wrist and found that the hour hand was only pointing to seven o'clock.

"Morning everyone! Dad, why don't you sleep a little longer? Why don't you go to work today?"

Xia Yuan was worried about Xia Zhaoyang's health.

"It's okay. The medicine prescribed by Dr. Liu yesterday is very effective. I don't feel chest tightness after taking it. Besides, Dr. Liu said it was caused by stress. If I don't go to work and keep thinking about the company's affairs, wouldn't it be more stressful? "

Xia Zhaoyang interrupted easily.

"Dad, who is Dr. Liu? So amazing? The medicine he prescribed is so effective?"

Xia Qian's Christmas vacation is not over yet, and Qin Rui is also sick. Judging by her posture, she might want to end the exchange student's course early and return home.

However, Xia Qian didn't mention it herself, and Xia Yuan didn't want to worry about it for her.

"Is that Dr. Liu from Xinyang Hospital? Dad asked him to see a doctor last time."

Although Xie Shaojun's mother was sick and hospitalized, the whole situation didn't seem to have any effect on him, so his expression remained unchanged. He was wearing a blue shirt, a gray cashmere vest, and glasses, not to mention that Dosven was handsome.

Such Xie Shaojun, when a young girl sees him, she will definitely fall in love with him.

But who knew that Mr. Pianpianjia's heart was so filthy?Or even a murderer?
Xia Yuan laughed at Xie Shaojun coldly in her heart, not being attracted by his appearance at all, she sat on the dining chair and said:

"Yes, it's Dr. Liu from Xinyang Hospital, who is also well-known internationally."

"Oh, Yuanyuan, you have such a good personal relationship with him, and you were able to invite him to come to see Dad in person at night.

I heard from Shulian that a cousin of her family was scheduled for heart surgery last time, and she had to wait for half a month to wait for Dr. Liu to perform the operation! "

Although Xie Shaojun praised him, there was no smile in his eyes.That being said, it seemed that it was just to flatter Xia Yuan and save Xia Zhaoyang's face.

Sure enough, Xia Zhaoyang was very happy when he heard it, he laughed and said:

"There's nothing to say about the relationship between Yuanyuan and Dr. Liu. Next time, if anyone wants to find Dr. Liu, he can just go through Yuanyuan. Of course, unless it's a close relative, outsiders' affairs are ignored."

Xie Shaojun nodded, as if he didn't understand that what Xia Zhaoyang said was to include him in his own ranks.

On the contrary, when Xia Yuan heard what he said, a vigilant light flashed in her eyes.

Xie Shaojun doesn't know much, does he?

Last night, only a few servants knew about the matter that Dr. Liu came to see his father's illness. He came here in the morning, but he knew everything, and even knew that Dr. Liu and himself had a good personal relationship.

Presumably someone overheard him calling Dr. Liu...

As several people went to work and went shopping one after another, Xia's old house immediately became quiet.

Xia Yuan stayed behind.

"Mother Hu, show me the roster of all the servants in the Xia family."

Hu Ma has now been taken over by Xia Yuan.

With Xia Yuan's promotion to vice president, Mama Hu's gesture of kneeling and licking became more obvious.

In front of the absolute strong, Hu's mother has long since lost her mind.

What's more, her grandson's academic performance has been rising since he entered a key middle school.Back home, the daughter-in-law who had been cold to her in the past had no time to curry favor with her.

For her grandson's future, Mama Hu didn't dare to have any disagreements with Xia Yuan.

Hearing Xia Yuan's order, Hu's mother immediately went to her bedroom and office to take out the servant's roster, and handed it to Xia Yuan with both hands respectfully.

It's not that Xia Yuan doesn't respect the elderly, for people like Hu Ma, she will be submissive only if she puts on the air of her master safely.

To put it bluntly: Some people are born cheap.

Xia Yuan took the roster from Mama Hu, and besides asking about the origins of the names of these servants and their service years in Xia's family, she drew a black line on the names of the seven servants.

"These people, pay them three months' salary and let them pack up and leave today!"

Xia Yuan handed the roster to Mama Hu.

Hu's mother was secretly startled.

Of course, she knew that these people were all Qin Rui's most important servants.

Fortunately, she surrendered in time, otherwise, her name would be indispensable among the dismissed servants.

At her age, it is impossible to find such a high-paying and easy job in the Jiangnan market.

Thinking of her daughter-in-law's obvious bad face after losing her job, Hu's mother couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and Wei Wei said:

"Understood, I will inform them immediately. Missy won't be able to see them when she comes back tonight."

This eldest lady's cry is sweeter than Sutang.

Xia Yuan nodded and stretched out her hand. Mama Hu immediately picked up the new Gucci bag she put on the sofa and handed it to her with a flattering smile.

Xia Yuan walked to the door, as if thinking of something, she took out a business card from her bag, handed it to Mama Hu and said:
"Didn't you always want to buy a new house? This is the phone number of the general manager of the real estate under the name of Jun Yan. If you are interested, go to him directly, and I will tell him to give you a [-]% discount!"

Mama Hu took the business card, and before she could say thank you, Xia Yuan had already walked out of Xia's old house.

When Hu Ma Dingqing saw it, she couldn't help but straighten her eyes immediately.

Oh my god, isn't this real estate the school district real estate that is currently being hyped in the city?Not to mention the proximity to No. [-] Middle School, this real estate is known as a hard-to-find first floor because of its prime location and elegant environment. Many people can't wait in line!

And she actually got a [-]% discount?

The most important thing is that if she buys this real estate, her grandson will be a legal No. [-] Middle School student. At least three years in junior high school, no one can drive her grandson out of No. [-] Middle School.

Hu's mother, who has seen Xia Yuan's methods, certainly does not doubt that Xia Yuan is incapable of doing this.

She hurriedly took stock of her assets, thinking about whether she could afford the down payment, and asked her daughter-in-law's natal family to help out a little, who made her daughter-in-law an only child?

Oh, yes, there is business to do!
(End of this chapter)

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