Chapter 619

Tang Tian couldn't help but feel a little sad when she saw that Xia Yuan was not shy about talking about Nangong Junyan sweetly.

Seeing Tang Tian's sudden silence, Xia Yuan suddenly remembered that this time she deliberately left the company's affairs and even Chief Nangong's top priority.

Xia Yuan said:
"Tang Tang, An Yichen misses you. Do you want to see his latest image?"

"No, what does he have to do with me?"

Tang Tian flatly refused.

Xia Yuan took out her mobile phone and wanted to transfer An Yichen's photo to Tang Tian.

Of course, this photo was not taken by her, but by Nangong Toshihiko who found time to secretly take it, and forwarded it to Xia Yuan's mobile phone.

"Okay, don't regret it if you don't read it, I put it away."

At this time, Xia Yuan stopped paying attention to Long Zhen's excitement, and started playing with Tang Tian instead.

From the corner of his eye, Long Zhen saw that the person who picked up Xia Yuan was also a beautiful woman, but the two of them only glanced at him, and then they didn't look at him at all, immersed in their own world.

Long Zhen's joy of being surrounded by foreign media disappeared for some reason.

No matter how much the media reports, what's the point? People around him don't care about him at all, ignoring his existence.

With a straight face, Long Zhen waved away the media, without even saying a word, he got into the car waiting outside to pick him up.

The media was in an uproar.

The reporters were also very angry.

I waited at the airport for more than an hour, but when I finally got someone, they didn't cooperate at all.

What big game are you playing?

The media and celebrities are complementary to each other. Unless it is absolutely necessary, no one will tear their faces apart.

However, with Long Zhen's attitude, it was obvious that he wanted to tear himself apart from the media.

The media didn't write about the relevant news, and Long Zhen treated him coldly. Naturally, he was not polite to him. The news from the world's entertainment media in the morning of the next day was all about Long Zhen playing big names.

Xia Yuan and Tang Tian had no idea that such a scene was going on around them.The two talked and laughed, and walked out of the airport.

"Miss, the car is here."

Xia Yuan followed Tang Tian out of the airport, looking left and right, wondering where Tang Tian's car was. At this moment, a man in a black suit, wearing a black suit, and a standard club dress suddenly ran out.

Xia Yuan was taken aback. This was a foreign country, she had no one to rely on, so of course she was afraid.

In China, Nangong Toshihiko naturally arranges everything.

"Take Miss Xia's luggage to the car."

At the same time, Tang Tian was calm and authentic.

The man in black nodded respectfully, and reached out to take Xia Yuan's bag. Xia Yuan saw his lapel flickering, revealing the pistol stuck in his waist.

Uh, yes, guns are legal here.

"Tang Tang, I didn't expect you to have a team of bodyguards with guns! Are you afraid that An Yichen will come and snatch your marriage?"

Xia Yuan laughed.

"Where is it? These are the bodyguards of my daddy and mommy. After I came back, they forced these people to follow me."

Tang Tian explained embarrassingly.

"Don't worry, I'm not frightened. It's always good to have more protection."

With the experience of being hurt by conspiracy in the past, Xia Yuan felt that bringing bodyguards was not a bad thing, and she felt quite safe.

When I got into the car, it was a Hummer, a full-time bodyguard, and a bodyguard sitting in the passenger seat, but not the one who greeted me at the airport.

Xia Yuan looked back, only to find that there was a nanny car following her.

"Yo, Tang Tang, you're quite a big fan."

Xia Yuan was joking.

In China, although Tang Tian is low-key, it can also be seen that she is worth a lot of money, but she did not expect such a big show.

Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang had also been to China before, and they were also very low-key, so Xia Yuan was a little surprised for a while, but she was not someone who had never seen the world, and she gradually returned to normal.

"Actually, it's mainly because of my family's special occupation, otherwise we wouldn't need so many people. America is quite safe."

Tang Tian sighed, she didn't have the usual honor on the faces of rich and noble children.


Xia Yuan asked suspiciously.

"When you arrive, you will know that our family, in Chinatown in New York, has a family tradition of running clubs. Including my father, who is now the second child of the club. So be extra cautious when going out."


Xia Yuan was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, such a traditional and gentle person as Uncle Tang turned out to be the second child of the club.

"The boss is my grandfather, and my grandfather is about to retire, and my father has to take charge of it. Although he is reluctant, there is no way. This is a business that has been in the family for nearly a hundred years. It has been a business since the first generation came to the United States. corporate."

Tang Tian shook her head, thinking of her second uncle who was still in prison.

It was because of what happened to the second uncle that the family sent her to China.

"Tang Tang, there is no way to choose the matter of birth, as long as everyone treats you well."

Xia Yuan did not expect that Tang Tang, who seemed so cheerful, was born in a club family.

Combined with her own experience, Xia Yuan could only comfort her in this way.

"Well, if it wasn't because of An Yichen, maybe I would have stayed in the country forever and never came back. I don't want to go the way of the society anymore."

"Tang Tang, An Yichen misses you. Without you, he looks very haggard. Look, this is the photo Junyan secretly took of him yesterday."

In order to prove that An Yichen really misses Tang Tian, ​​Xia Yuan turned on her phone and showed Tang Tian a photo of An Yichen.

Although she said she didn't want to watch it, Tang Tian couldn't help but watch it.

Sure enough, An Yichen in the photo, with a pale face and a scruffy beard, looked as if he was ten years older.

Seeing this, Tang Tian couldn't help feeling distressed and said:
"Why are you so old?"

"Junyan said that since you left, he has always looked like this. Some people speculated that he was broken in love. He was angry when they wanted to introduce someone to him. Not only did he reject him, he almost beat him up."

Xia Yuan said.

"This man is really stupid. Has he never found a partner for the rest of his life?"

Tang Tian felt distressed and relieved after hearing this.

There is a strange pleasure in knowing that your lover is tortured just like yourself.

If it is said that An Yichen has lived a very nourishing life during this time, although Tang Tian will not feel distressed, she will definitely not be happy either.

Now knowing that An Yichen is not only unhappy, but also depressed because of her, Tang Tian feels better.

"Yeah, you're right, people say they won't look for it for the rest of their lives. Only you have been identified."

Although Xia Yuan didn't ask An Yichen face to face, but by looking at his appearance, she knew what he was thinking, and said while patting her chest.

"Okay, don't slap your chest, don't slap it anymore. You shouldn't be happy to slap your Junyan again."

Tang Tian teased.

The car drove into Chinatown without knowing it.

Xia Yuan saw that the surrounding scenery was very fresh.Although it is abroad, there are blond-haired and blue-eyed foreigners passing by from time to time, but when you look up, it is all written in the Chinese language.It makes people feel as if they are in the country.

(End of this chapter)

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