Chapter 623 New Boyfriend

Seeing Xia Yuan coming down, Tang Tian pulled the man to stand up and introduced to Xia Yuan:
"Yuanyuan, this is my boyfriend Moses!"

Then, he introduced Xia Yuan to the man:
"Moses, this is my best friend Xia Yuan."

"Hi Xia Yuan, I'm Moses!"

When Xia Yuan saw this man head on, she couldn't help but froze.

Because what I saw from the stairs was his back, and his hair was also black. I thought it was a Chinese youth, but I didn't expect it to be a crooked nut?

Uh, speaking of Xia Yuan is still an orthodox Chinese, and although Tang Tian grew up abroad, but because Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang gave her a very traditional impression, Xia Yuan subconsciously felt that Tang Tian should find someone Chinese man.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a foreigner with black hair and a high nose.

However, the overall appearance of this foreigner is not weak, and he even smiles like the heartthrob Baker of the football star.Same as Ham.

If it was normal, Xia Yuan might appreciate it.

But when she thought that this person was An Yichen's rival in love, Xia Yuan didn't want to take a closer look.

The better Moses is, the greater the threat to An Yichen.

However, what surprised Xia Yuan the most was that although this Moses was a bit stuttering, he could still speak Chinese.

This made Xia Yuan raise her vigilance. It seems that Moses is very interested in chasing Tang Tian?Otherwise, how could a crooked nut learn Chinese on purpose?And don't go to China to do business.

"Hello, Moses."

In fact, seeing that Moses didn't stand up until Tang Tian pulled it up, I felt a little unhappy.

If they were all Chinese, they would still have this basic courtesy.

And a foreign man can't say that he doesn't understand etiquette, maybe he's just used to it and doesn't pay that much attention.

Therefore, Xia Yuandun felt that this man was not worthy of Tang Tian at all.

Moreover, Xia Yuan still thinks that An Yichen is more suitable for Tang Tian.

After saying hello, all three of them were speechless, a little embarrassed, and didn't know what to say.

"Yuanyuan, let's go out for dinner and take you to eat authentic Mexican food."

At the critical moment, food comes to the rescue.

Xia Yuan nodded, and when she picked up her handbag, she suddenly thought of checking her phone, wondering if Junyan had replied to the text message.

"What? Is there something wrong?"

Tang Tian asked Xia Yuan, seeing a look of doubt on her face.

"It's nothing important, it's just that Junyan hasn't replied to me by text message or called me."

"Hey, what am I supposed to be, I think he must be busy now. Don't think too much about it."

Tang Tian pulled Xia Yuan and asked her to put her phone in her bag, and smiled.

Xia Yuan also laughed at Tang Tian's joke. Ever since she was promoted to the vice president of the Xia Corporation, she knew how hard it is to be the leader of a company.

Not to mention Nangong Toshihiko.

"Okay, ignore him, let's concentrate on eating, this is the first time I've gone abroad, isn't it stupid enough?"

Speaking of which, the daughters of wealthy businessmen in China now travel abroad as if they are walking on flat ground.It is really rare for someone at Xia Yuan's age who has never been abroad.

However, it is justifiable.In the past, Xia Yuan was completely controlled by Qin Rui, but now she has just escaped from Qin Rui's restraint, just like a bird that has just escaped from a cage, and is about to spread its wings and fly high.

Hearing what Xia Yuan said, Tang Tian just smiled and said:
"It's really rare. However, it's just a personal habit. You used to be a house girl, and your health was not good. Of course, if you want to go abroad, your family is worried. It's different now."

While talking, the two got into the car, and Moses took the initiative to be the driver.

There was still a nanny car followed by two bodyguards, which made Xia Yuan feel that the status of Tang Tian's family was either rich or noble.

Such Tang Tian is naturally absolutely impossible to be controlled by the Zhuang couple, to perform the so-called prostration to the wife, and to bow down as a concubine.

Moses drove the car in a regular manner and arrived in front of a high-end restaurant. After he stopped the car, this time he took the initiative to open the car door for Xia Yuan and Tang Tian.

Perhaps, the details of the first meeting can't be a death sentence?
Xia Yuan thought so, but subconsciously wanted to pick on Moses.

"Wow, my God, Mr. Long is here. He really came here to eat Mexican food. It's really not in vain. I have worked so hard to wait for him here."

"Come on, get him to sign it quickly, it would be great if we can take a photo together."

At this time, two young girls, holding mobile phones and holding a notebook in their hands, hurriedly walked and talked, and ran in front of them, and the image of a group of groupies appeared on them.

"You are so young and young, I have long since lost the motivation to chase stars."

Tang Tian saw it, shook her head and smiled.

"This shows that you are getting old. Chasing stars is the right only for girls."

Xia Yuan hit her on purpose.

"What star?"

Moses also chimed in.

"I heard that it is a top male model newly selected by the fashion industry this year. This time, he is coming to New York to participate in Fashion Week, and he is from China!"

Tang Tian obviously also has an inexplicable sense of national pride that Chinese men can fascinate foreign girls.

At this time, a group of people walked over surrounded by a tall man.

"Mr. Long, please express your opinion on this New York Fashion Week!"

"Mr. Long, can you tell us whether the dragon tattoo on your chest is a tattoo or an appliqué?"

It turned out that the one who was sought after by everyone was actually the top male model that Tang Tian mentioned just now?
Xia Yuan couldn't help but tiptoe curiously.

"Shua..." A bright gaze swept towards her suddenly.

Seeing that familiar face, Xia Yuan couldn't help being stunned, and then couldn't help grinning.

It turned out that Mr. Long, a top international male model, was Long Zhen who had been arguing about her on the plane.

Xia Yuan nodded slightly, then lowered her face, she didn't want everyone to know that she knew Long Zhen, it would be a disaster if those media reporters took random pictures of her.

When Long Zhen saw Xia Yuan grinning at him, his heart jumped inexplicably, and a sweet smile suddenly overflowed his face, ready to respond to Xia Yuan.

Who knew that Xia Yuan immediately lowered her head and ignored him.

Long Zhen was depressed for a while.

Well, is he that unlovable?
Look, how many fans are chasing after him?

Long Zhen became very angry, he stopped his hurried steps, stood less than two meters away from Xia Yuan, and said:

"Who said you wanted to take a photo with me just now? Come here."

"Ah, it's me, great, Mr. Long, you are so charming!"

It was the girl who was walking beside Xia Yuan just now who rushed forward. She could not wait to snuggle up in Long Zhen's arms, and then gestured to another girl to take a snapshot.

The manager beside Long Zhen couldn't help frowning.

Long Zhen has always been cool, why is it different today?Not only let the fans take a close-up photo, but also let the fans hug him?
(End of this chapter)

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