Chapter 652 Xia Zhaoyang Wakes Up

Uh, Xia Yuan was speechless when she heard this sentence.

I couldn't help thinking to myself: Mr. Nangong, when you say such sweet words of love, can you not have a serious face, as if you are in a meeting?
However, the smile in Xia Yuan's heart still involuntarily rippled between her brows and eyes.

Nangong Toshihiko looked at Xia Yuan through the flickering candlelight, and a warm smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Xia Yuan, when the one-year period is up, can we just do that!"

"That? That what?"

Xia Yuan was stunned again.

"Well, that one, eat meat!"

At this moment, Nangong Toshihiko picked up another piece of beef and slowly put it into his mouth. The action was as ambiguous as it could be.

Xia Yuan understood what he meant just by watching his movements.

It turned out that he didn't want to.But is it obeying the contract?

Xia Yuan's face flushed red.

But looking at his expectant eyes, after a while, she lowered her head and said in a low, almost inaudible voice, "Mmm."

But Nangong Toshihiko still heard it.A warm sunflower also bloomed on his face.

For a while, there was no more talking in the room, only the sound of knives and forks being cut.However, the atmosphere in the room is not stagnant, with a touch of warmth.

Both of them enjoyed the atmosphere very much.

They all grew up in broken families since they were young, and the family atmosphere that belongs to them like this is extremely precious.

After a long time, Nangong Toshihiko opened his mouth and said:
"In the future, we will have three children, at least one girl, and they will surround us and quarrel all day long. Thinking about it, I am so beautiful that I want to melt."

Xia Yuan raised her head in disbelief, and stared at Nangong Toshihiko with wide eyes:

"Are you sure you want so many children? Are you not afraid of noise?"

"No, it's lively when there are many children, our house is so big, how deserted would it be if there were only the two of us?

Also, we have so many diamonds, if no girl wears them, what is the use of so many diamonds? "

Oh, there is such a reason?
Xia Yuan was speechless for a while.I'm convinced you, local tyrant!

"If you think it's useless, you can give me a basket, and I'll throw water floats for fun, and see how many water floats I can hit with diamonds.

But what I can be sure of is that no matter how many water floats I hit with diamonds, I can enter the Guinness Book of World Records.

Because I must be the first person in the world to use diamonds for nothing. "

After Xia Yuan finished speaking, seeing Nangong Toshihiko laughed so hard that he couldn't hold a knife anymore.

"why are you laughing?"

"When you said that just now, my mind was full of the scene where you floated the diamonds in the water, and then jumped into a group of people waiting to pick them up! The more I thought about it, the happier I was, I couldn't help laughing!"

"Hey, you're right, I'm so stupid, there are so many diamonds, and it would be nice to keep them for my daughter to dress up beautifully, why should I throw them into the water?"

"That's right, that's why you finally agree with me, you must have a daughter."

Nangong Toshihiko turned to this again while speaking.

"I see. What you mean is that no matter what, you have to give birth to a daughter before you stop, right?"

Xia Yuan knew that she had been fooled.

"Having a son like me, and a daughter like you, they must all be good-looking. Why don't we pass on our excellent genes?"

Chief Nangong is very smug and authentic.

While chatting and laughing, Xia Yuan's cell phone rang. She picked it up and saw Milan's name displayed on it.

Huh?what happened?Normally, Milan would not call at this time. She is in the hospital during this period of time.

Could it be that something happened to his father?

Thinking of this, Xia Yuan became nervous for a while, and quickly pressed the answer button.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

"Yuanyuan, your dad, your dad..."

Milan's voice was very excited, and Xia Yuan's heart trembled when he heard it, and asked quickly:

"Mom, don't worry, talk slowly, what's wrong with my dad?"

"Your father is awake!"

After breathing hard, Milan finally uttered these words, which delighted Xia Yuan:
"Mom, is this true? Dad is awake?"

"Yeah, come here quickly! The doctor is here, so I won't tell you first."

After Milan finished speaking, he heard a commotion from her side, and then the phone hung up.

"Father-in-law is awake? That's good news, let's go!"

Nangong Toshiyan grabbed the car keys on the side, and said to Xia Yuan, it was obvious that he was also very happy.

"Well, I should have just woken up, and my mother called right away."

It happened that the steak was finished, and the two of Sala also ate a lot. Xia Zhaoyang's recovery brought a successful conclusion to this sumptuous and sweet dinner.

The two hurried downstairs to pick up the car, and Nangong Toshihiko drove them all the way to Xinyang Hospital.

In less than half an hour, two people appeared in Xia Zhaoyang's ward.

As soon as he entered the ward, he saw Dr. Qiu from the brain department and Dr. Liu from the heart specialist, both of whom were checking Xia Zhaoyang's body.

Seeing Xia Yuan coming in, Xia Zhaoyang really reacted. He looked at Xia Yuan and murmured:
"who are you?"

Xia Yuan was taken aback, but still replied:
"I'm Xia Yuan, Yuanyuan, your daughter."

"Yuanyuan? Are you this old?"

Xia Zhaoyang was a little confused, and confusion flashed across his eyes.

"Mr. Xia, please don't talk, let's conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient first."

Doctor Liu said politely to Xia Yuan.

So Xia Yuan and Nangong Toshihiko retreated to the side, Xia Yuan asked Milan:

"Mom, how did Dad wake up?"

"I was wiping his face tonight, and he suddenly opened his eyes, called my name, and asked me why I am so old."

After Xia Yuan heard this, she felt overwhelmed.

When she came in just now, her father didn't know her very well, no matter how she listened to her father's tone, she was a little bit...

However, it is good for people to wake up.

If you have been sleeping, your body organs will gradually fail, and you will even approach the end of your life like this.

However, as long as a person wakes up, even if the brain nerve is slightly damaged, he can still do rehabilitation exercises slowly, and the quality of life will improve a lot.

After a lot of busy work, the doctor finally finished the examination.

Doctor Qiu called them all out of the ward, and said with a serious face:
"This time the patient was able to wake up so quickly, which is not a small miracle. To be honest, we are only [-]% sure whether he will wake up or not.

Now it seems that the patient is still quite tenacious.This is of course also due to the meticulous care of your family members.

However, now there is a new situation, I think you have to be mentally prepared. "

"What's new? Will it be life-threatening?"

Milan said anxiously.

"Yes, Dr. Liu, has my dad's IQ become lower? I don't think he knows me very well."

Xia Yuan was also very anxious.

"The situation you mentioned does not exist. Now after I observe it, I have drawn a preliminary conclusion."

Doctor Liu paused for a moment, but did not continue immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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