Chapter 659
Of course, this move was taught by Milan to Xia Yuan.

And this [-]% share was also transferred from Milan to Xia Yuan.

Although this part of the shares is temporarily placed in the hands of middle-level employees, these people are the backbone of the company, the people who really support the backbone.

As long as these people are not in chaos, the company will not be in chaos.

Therefore, Xia Yuan's move immediately stabilized the company's overall situation.

However, the overall situation of the company has initially stabilized, but Milan and Xia Zhaoyang are in a mess.

Things have developed to the present level, just like what Xia Yuan was worried about before, Xia Zhaoyang is more and more dependent on Milan, even when he wakes up in the morning and cannot see Milan, he will fly into a rage and refuse to cooperate with rehabilitation treatment.

Toshihiko Nangong went abroad.Xia Yuan still followed the routine, visiting her father in the hospital as soon as she got off work.

She came early today, just as her father was training in the recovery room of the hospital.

For the training in the recovery room, Milan didn't need to play, she had to stand on the sidelines and act as a calming sea god needle.

Therefore, Xia Yuan took a moment to talk to her mother.

"Mom, is it possible for you and Dad to get back together?"

Now that they are adults, Xia Yuan feels that there is no need to hide it. She must make it clear to her mother and see her true attitude, which is also convenient for her to make a decision.

"Go, go outside and talk."

Seeing that Xia Zhaoyang was listening to the rehabilitation doctor's words very seriously, and was doing movements without paying attention to this, Milan dragged Xia Yuan outside.

"Mom, don't be shy if you really have any ideas. Dad doesn't remember Qin Rui at all now, he just wants to be with you.

Moreover, even though you have been separated for so many years, Dad still mentions you from time to time.I can hear that when he mentioned you, he was full of admiration.

It means that Dad still has true feelings for you.

Otherwise, even if he lost his memory, why would he remember his feelings for you? "

Xia Yuan persuaded her mother.

"Silly boy, your dad is in a state of illness now. He just forgot about it temporarily. One day when he remembers everything, he will leave me as heartlessly and unjustly as he did back then.

I've been hurt once and don't want to get hurt again.

Besides, what worship?Have you ever seen women worship men, but men worship women, any good results?
Back then I was too capable to show his talent, so he chose the gentle and pleasant Qin Rui.

Of course, you and I both know that Qin Rui's gentleness is just a mask of her life. "

Milan curled his lips in disdain.

Xia Yuan was dumbfounded.

The mother has already expressed her attitude, and it seems that the two are hopeless to get back together.

"Mom, think about it, this is an opportunity. If you miss this village, you won't have this store."

Xia Yuan relaxed her tone, deliberately speaking casually.

"Hey, Milan, what are you doing here? I can't find you everywhere."

At this moment, Xia Yuan suddenly heard a heavy breathing sound, she turned around, only to find that her father was already standing behind her.

"Dad, we are talking about some women, why don't you continue to practice?"

It was only then that Xia Yuan understood why her father's breathing sounded so rough. Obviously, the simple rehabilitation training in the eyes of normal people made him exert a lot of physical strength.

His forehead was covered with sweat.

"Let me wipe off your sweat for you, Lao Xia."

As Milan said, he picked up the towel around his neck and wiped Xia Zhaoyang's sweat.

Xia Zhaoyang did not refuse, and let Milan wipe his sweat obediently.

Seeing this, Xia Yuan could only smile wryly.

How much better if this situation happened more than ten years earlier?

In this way, my mother will not go to prison, and I will not be reborn...

Unfortunately, such a seemingly happy scene came too late.

Xia Yuan stayed with Xia Zhaoyang until he finished his rehabilitation training before returning home. However, she didn't notice that Xia Zhaoyang's training afterwards felt a little absent-minded.

Xia Yuan thought it was because he was tired, so his movements were deformed, so she didn't think much about it.

On the way home, Dou Da's raindrops fell from the sky, hitting Xia Yuan's car window all the time, making it hard for her to see the road clearly.

Fortunately, walking fast and slow all the way, I finally did not encounter urban water.

Back home, Xia Yuan took a shower, brushed her hair, and turned on the TV to watch. The local TV station was reporting that with the sudden heavy rain, the city’s public facilities were once again put to the test, and water accumulated in many places.

One of the road sections is the only way Xia Yuan must pass on her way home from Xinyang Hospital.

Xia Yuan couldn't help but secretly thankful that she went home early, otherwise, she might have been trapped there.

Before her hair was dried, Xia Yuan's cell phone rang suddenly.

She picked it up and saw that it was Milan calling.

Only then did Xia Yuan wonder if her mother was trapped in Xinyang Hospital?
These days, my mother would sometimes stay in the guest room there, so Xia Yuan wasn't too worried, but when she called at this time, there must be something wrong, so she quickly answered it.

"Yuanyuan, it's bad, your father is gone."

"What? What's going on? Why did Dad disappear?"

"It rained heavily just now. Your dad and I got caught in a little rain when we came back from a walk in the garden. After I helped him fix it, I went to take a shower by myself. I didn't expect that when I came out, I couldn't find your dad.

I've searched the entire hospital now, but I haven't seen him. "

Milan's voice revealed anxiety.

"Mom, don't worry, you go to the security room of the hospital to adjust the monitoring. I will tell the director of the hospital and let the security help you find it. I will go there right away."

Xia Yuan hung up the phone and immediately called Dean Li of Xinyang Hospital. After giving instructions to Dean Li on the phone, she grabbed Nangong Junyan's Audi Q6 and rushed downstairs.

At this time, the stagnant water is deep, and only a car with a high SUV chassis may be able to wade through it.

Xia Yuan drove the car very fast, and arrived at the water-logged section reported on TV. Looking at the water surface with no cars around, Xia Yuan couldn't help but gasped as she sat in the car and didn't know how deep the water was.

However, if you have to take a detour and get stuck in traffic, you don’t know when you will be able to reach Xinyang Hospital, and this section of waterlogged road is less than 20 meters long. If you can rush across, you will be able to reach Xinyang Hospital soon up.

Xia Yuan took a breath, collected herself, then followed the training tips from the driving school, slowed down the accelerator, held the steering wheel firmly, and waded firmly into the deep water area.

"Miss, the water there is very deep, don't go there!"

As Xia Yuan's car was slowly moving forward, a cleaner saw it from the side and couldn't help shouting.

But amidst the wind and rain, Xia Yuan didn't hear his shout at all, and the car still moved forward slowly.

Wherever the wheel went, a splash of water was splashed, and the water gradually became deeper, submerging one-third, one-half of the wheel...

The screaming cleaner had already given up trying, because he knew that under the current situation, Xia Yuan couldn't hear him at all...

(End of this chapter)

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